Tag: Poetics

Major Works

  • Poetics

    - Aristotle. On Poetics. Translated by S. Benardete and M. Davis. South Bend, IN: St. Augustine Press, 2002.
    First lines: “I propose to treat of Poetry in itself and of its various kinds, noting the essential quality of each, to inquire into the structure of the plot as requisite to a good poem; into the number and nature of the parts of which a poem is… More


  • The Poetics of Aristotle: Its Meaning and Influence

    - Cooper, L. The Poetics of Aristotle. Its Meaning and Influence. Boston, 1923.
    Excerpt: “The Poetics  of Aristotle is brief, at 1st sight hard and dry, and yet one of the most illuminating and influential books ever produced by the sober human mind. After 22 centuries it remains the most stimulating and helpful of all analytical… More
  • The Homer of Aristotle

    - Margoliouth, D. S. The Homer of Aristotle. Oxford, 1923.
    Excerpt (From Preface): ” This monograph is intended as a supplement to the writer’s addition of Aristotle’s Poetics,  the results of which both for text and interpretation are here assumed. It was shown that the initial words of the… More
  • An Aristotelian Theory of Comedy with an Adaptation of the Poetics

    - Cooper, L. An Aristotelian theory of comedy with an adaptation of the Poetics and a translation of the "Tractatus Coislinianus", Oxford, 1924.
    Excerpt: ” This book has a primary aim in general, and a secondary aim in part. 1st of all, as a companion volume to my ‘Amplified Version’  of Aristotle on the Art of Poetry,  it is intended to be useful to the general students of… More
  • A Bibliography of the Poetics of Aristotle

    - Cooper, L., Gudeman, A. A Bibliography of the Poetics of Aristotle, New Haven, Oxford, London, 1928.
    Published in 1928, A Bibliography of the Poetics of Aristotle contains 1583 bibliographic references to works on Aristotle’s Poetics.
  • Lessing und Aristoteles: Untersuchung uber die Theorie der Tragodie

    - Kommerell, M. Lessing und Aristoteles. Frankfurt, 1940.
  • Aristotle’s Poetics. The Argument

    - Else, G. F. Aristotle’s Poetics. The Argument [text, tr., comm.]. Cambridge, Mass., 1957.
    Excerpt: “The Poetics  Is an extraordinarily crabbed, difficult piece of writing. Many of its interpreters seem to have been content to let it remain a jungle of twisting paths intersected by an occasional clearing. Some have even embraced the… More
  • Tragedy: Serious Drama in Relation to Aristotle’s Poetics

    - Lucas, F. L. Tragedy: Serious Drama in Relation to Aristotle’s Poetics. London, 1957.
  • Nachlese zu Aristotelische Poetik

    - Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Nachlese zu Aristotelische Poetik in Goethe the Critic, intro and notes by G. F. Semnos, revised C. V. Bock. Manchester: Manchester U. Press, 1960.
  • Inspiration and Katharsis

    - Brunius, T. Inspiration and Katharsis, Uppsala, 1966.
  • Linguistica e Stilistica di Aristotele

    - Morpurgo-Tagliabue, G. Linguistica e stilistica di Aristotele. Rome, 1967.
  • Hamartia: Tragic Error in the “Poetic” of Aristotle and in Greek Tragedy

    - Bremer, J. M. Hamartia: Tragic Error in the "Poetic" of Aristotle and in Greek Tragedy, Amsterdam, 1969.
  • Platon und die Aristotelische Poetik

    - Finsler, G. Platon und die aristotelische Poetik. Leipzig, 1900.
  • L’énigme de la Catharsis Tragique dans Aristote

    - Nicev, A. L'énigme de la catharsis tragique dans Aristote, Sofia, 1970
  • On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy

    - Jones, J. On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy, London, 1971.
    Excerpt: ” Aristotle wrote the treatise On The Art of Poetry towards the end of his life, when Aeschylus  had been dead for rather more than a century, and Sophocles and Euripides, who died within a few months of one another, for about 70 years. 335… More
  • Avicennas Commentary on the Poetics of Aristotle: A Critical Study

    - Dahiyat, I. M. Avicenna’s Commentary on the Poetics of Aristotle. A critical study with an annotated translation of the text. Leiden, 1974.
    Excerpt: “Avicenna’s Commentary  on the poetics can be broadly divided into two parts.  The 1st part comprises chapter 1 which is devoted to the author’s own views on poetry and to the 12 kinds of Greek poetry; the 2nd part comprises… More
  • Aristotle on Emotion

    - Fortenbaugh, W. W. Aristotle on Emotion. London, 1975.
    From the publisher: When Aristotle on Emotion was first published it showed how discussion within Plato’s Academy led to a better understanding of emotional response, and how that understanding influenced Aristotle’s work in rhetoric, poetics,… More
  • Aristotelis de poetica liber

    - Heinsius, D. Aristotelis de poetica liber. Hildesheim, 1976.
  • Averroes’ Three Short Commentaries on Aristotle’s Topics, Rhetoric, and Poetics

    - Butterworth, C. E. Averroes’ three short commentaries on Aristotle’s Topics, Rhetoric, and Poetics. Albany, 1977.
  • Poetica d’Aristotele Vulgarizzata e Sposta

    - Castelvetro, L. Poetica d’Aristotele vulgarizzata e sposta, [ed. W. Romani, 2 vols.], Rome, 1978-79.
  • Towards a reconstruction of Poetics II

    - Janko, R. Aristotle on Comedy. Towards a reconstruction of Poetics II, London, 1984.
    Aristotle inaugurated the systematic study of comedy with the lost 2nd book of his Poetics, the sequel to his profoundly original and influential work on tragedy. In 1839 the “Tractatus Coislinianus’, a summarized treatise about comity, was… More
  • Lexique de la “Poétique” d’Aristote

    - Wartelle, A. Lexique de la "Poétique" d'Aristote, Belles Lettres, Paris, 1985.
  • Averroes’ Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics

    - Butterworth, C.E. [ed.]. Averroes’ Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics. Princeton, 1986.
    Excerpt: “Emphasis on the political usefulness of poetics is the dominant theme of Averroes’s Short Commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics.  the began the treatise with a statement about the political uses to which the art of poetics might be… More
  • Aristote, Poetica: Index verborum. Liste de Fréquence.

    - Denooz, J. Aristote, Poetica. Index verborum. Liste de fréquence. Liège, 1988.
  • Plato and Aristotle on Poetry

    - Else, G. F. Plato and Aristotle on Poetry. Chapel Hill, 1986.
    Review of Work: ” There is little doubt that two of the greatest thinkers of classical Greece, Plato and Aristotle, had much to say not only about the respective merits And shortcomings of rhetoric and poetics but also about their relationship. There is… More
  • Tragic Pleasures: Aristotle on Plot and Emotion

    - Belfiore, E. Tragic Pleasures. Aristotle on Plot and Emotion. Princeton, 1992.
    Elizabeth Belfiore offers a striking new interpretation of Aristotle’s Poetics by situating the work within the Aristotelian corpus and in the context of Greek culture in general. In Aristotle’s Rhetoric, the Politics, and the ethical… More
  • Essays on Aristotle’s Poetics

    - Rorty, A. O. [ed.]. Essays on Aristotle's Poetics, Princeton, 1992.
    Aimed at deepening our understanding of the Poetics, this collection places Aristotle’s analysis of tragedy in its larger philosophical context. In these 21 essays, philosophers and classicists explore the corpus of Aristotle’s work in order to… More
  • Ideas and Forms of Tragedy from Aristotle to the Middle Ages

    - Kelly, H. A. Ideas and Forms of Tragedy from Aristotle to the Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1993.
    Excerpt: “In any modern discussion of tragedy, Aristotle  almost always has some role to play, whether on center stage or whispering from the wings. But the poetics was not known to Latin antiquity and it was badly misunderstood or neglected when it… More
  • Aristotle’s Teleological Theory of Tragedy and Epic

    - Held, G. F. Aristotle’s Teleological Theory of Tragedy and Epic. Heidelberg, 1995.
    Review: “In a helpful preface, Held  tells the reader exactly what to expect. In this book, “the 1st of 2 interconnected volumes,” he “proposes and defends and interpretation of Aristotle’s theory of tragedy,” and “defends the validity… More