Tag: phenomenology

Major Works

  • On Time and Being

    - Heidegger, Martin and J. Strambaugh. On Time and Being. New York: Harper & Row, 1977.
    Synopsis: On Time and Being charts the so-called “turn” in Martin Heidegger’s philosophy away from his earlier metaphysics in Being and Time to his later thoughts after “the end of philosophy.” The title lecture, “Time… More
  • Phenomenological Interpretations of Aristotle

    - Heidegger, Martin. Phenomenological Interpretations of Aristotle: Initiation into Phenomenological Research. Translated by Richard Rojcewicz. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2009.
    Excerpt: The following investigations, however, are not aimed at putting in train a philosophical rehabilitation and defense of Aristotle, nor is their goal to renew Aristotle by paving the way for an Aristotelianism interwoven with the results of modern… More

Other Works

  • The Basic Problems of Phenomenology

    - Heidegger, Martin. The Basic Problems of Phenomenology. Translated by Albert Hofstadter. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988.
    Synopsis: A lecture course that Martin Heidegger gave in 1927, The Basic Problems of Phenomenology continues and extends explorations begun in Being and Time. In this text, Heidegger provides the general outline of his thinking about the fundamental problems… More
  • Pathmarks

    - Heidegger, Martin. Pathmarks. Edited by William McNeill. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
    Synopsis: This is the first time that a seminal collection of fourteen essays by Martin Heidegger (originally published in German under the title Wegmarken) has appeared in English in its complete form. The volume includes new or first-time translations of… More
  • Basic Problems of Phenomenology: Winter Semester 1919/1920

    - Heidegger, Martin. Basic Problems of Phenomenology (Winter Semester 1919/1920). Translated by Scott M. Campbell. New York: Bloomsbury, 2012.
    Synopsis: Basic Problems of Phenomenology presents the first English translation of Martin Heidegger’s early lecture course from the Winter of 1919/1920, in which he attempts to clarify phenomenology by looking at the phenomenon of life, which he sees… More


  • Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought

    - Richardson, William J. Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought. New York: Fordham University Press, 2003.
    This book, one of the most frequently cited works on Martin Heidegger in any language, belongs on any short list of classic studies of Continental philosophy. William J. Richardson explores the famous turn (Kehre) in Heidegger’s thought after Being in… More
  • “The Principle of Phenomenology”

    - Carmen, Taylor. “The Principle of Phenomenology.” In The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
    In this essay, Taylor Carmen examines the role of phenomenology in Heidegger’s thought and Heidegger’s relationship to the founder of phenomenology, Edmund Husserl.
  • Philosophical Hermeneutics

    - Gadamer, Hans-Georg, and David Edward Linge. Philosophical Hermeneutics. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2008.
    Synopsis: This excellent collection contains 13 essays from Gadamer’s Kleine Schriften, dealing with hermeneutical reflection, phenomenology, existential philosophy, and philosophical hermeneutics. Gadamer applies hermeneutical analysis to Heidegger… More
  • Heidegger: The Man and the Thinker

    - Sheehan, Thomas ed. Heidegger: The Man and the Thinker. Chicago: Transaction, 2009.
    Synopsis: Many people consider Martin Heidegger the most important German philosopher of the twentieth century. He is indisputably controversial and influential. Athough much has been written about Heidegger, this may be the best single volume covering his… More