Tag: Death


  • “Death, Time, History: Division II of Being and Time”

    - Hoffman, Piotr. “Death, Time, History: Division II of Being and Time.” In The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
    Excerpt: This certainty, that “I myself am in that I will die” is the basic certainty of Dasein itself. . . . The MORIBUNDUS first gives the SUM its sense. (HCT 316-17) Only in dying can I to some extent say absolutely, “I am.” (HCT 318) Modern… More
  • The Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Heidegger and Being and Time

    - Mulhall, Stephen. The Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Heidegger and Being and Time. London: Routledge, 2013.
    Synopsis: The Routledge Guidebook to Heidegger’s Being and Time explores: 1)The context of Heidegger’s work and the background to his writing; 2) Each separate part of the text in relation to its goals, meanings and impact; 3) The reception the book… More