“Review of The Theory of the Mixed Constitution in Antiquity: A Critical Analysis of Polybius’ Political Ideas, by Kurt von Fritz.”
- Harry V. Jaffa, “Review of The Theory of the Mixed Constitution in Antiquity: A Critical Analysis of Polybius’ Political Ideas, by Kurt von Fritz,” The American Political Science Review 50: 515-19., 1956.“Stoic Intermediates and the End for Man.”
- Kidd, I. “Stoic Intermediates and the End for Man” in A. A. Long (1971), 150-72., 1971.Problems in Stoicism
- Arthur A. Long (ed.) Problems in Stoicism. London, 1971.Overview: – A timely reappraisal of the notable contributions of the Greek Stoics to logic, metaphysics, epistemology and ethics. This collection of papers, half of which were given at the series of seminars on Stoicism at the Institute of Classical… More“Natura e Ratio nel II Libro del De Re Publica Ciceroniano.”
- Luciano Perelli, “Natura e Ratio nel II Libro del De Re Publica Ciceroniano,” Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 100: 295-311., 1972.“Libertas populi und libertas civium in Ciceros Schrift De re publica.”
- Hans Peter Kohn, “Libertas populi und libertas civium in Ciceros Schrift De re publica,” in Lippold and Himmelmann, 201-11., 1977.“The law of nature in Philo and Cicero.”
- Richard A. Horsley, “The law of nature in Philo and Cicero,” Harvard Theological Review, 71: 35-59., 1978.Overview: – “Christian Natural Law is the acceptance and reinterpretation according to Christian and ecclesiastical principles of Stoic Natural Law. …” Thus runs Troeltsch’s classic and influential formulation of the view that Stoicism… More“L’archéologie du de re publica (2, 2, 4-37, 63): Cicéron entre Polybe et Platon.”
- Jean-Louis Ferrary, “L’archéologie du de re publica (2, 2, 4-37, 63): Cicéron entre Polybe et Platon,” JRS 74: 87-98., 1984.“Cicero for and against divination.”
- Malcolm Schofield, “Cicero for and against divination,” Journal of Roman Studies, 76: 47-65., 1986.“Cicéron, De legibus I-II et la religion romaine: une interprétation philosophique à la veille du principat.”
- J. Turpin, “Cicéron, De legibus I-II et la religion romaine: une interprétation philosophique à la veille du principat,” ANRW 2.16.3: 1,877-908., 1986.Cicero’s Knowledge of the Peripatos
- William W. Fortenbaugh and Peter Steinmetz (eds.), Cicero’s Knowledge of the Peripatos. New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1989.“Bringing philosophy down from the heavens: natural right in the Roman Law.”
- Michael P. Zuckert, “Bringing philosophy down from the heavens: natural right in the Roman Law,” The Review of Politics 51.1: 70-85., 1989.“Domina et Regina Virtutum: justice and societas in De Officiis.”
- E. M. Atkins, “Domina et Regina Virtutum: justice and societas in De Officiis,” Phronesis, 35: 258-89., 1990.“Politics and philosophy in Stoicism.”
- Paul A. Vander Waerdt, “Politics and philosophy in Stoicism,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 9: 185-211., 1991.“Zeno’s Republic and the origins of natural law.”
- Paul A. Vander Waerdt, “Zeno’s Republic and the origins of natural law,” in The Socratic Movement, ed. P. A. Vander Waerdt. Ithaca: 272-308., 1994.“The Stoic conception of reason.”
- Michael Frede, “The Stoic conception of reason,” in Hellenistic Philosophy, ed. K. J. Boudouris. Athens: II, 50-61., 1994.The Founders and the Classics
- Carl J. Richard, The Founders and the Classics. Cambridge, Massachusettes, 1994.Review: “This is a well-conceived, solidly researched, and ably argued book about the influence of the classics in the the political thought of the founding fathers… This work will be required reading for historians interested in the ideological origins… MoreJustice and Generosity: Studies in Hellenistic Social and Political Philosophy.
- Andre Laks and Malcolm Schofield (eds.) Justice and Generosity: Studies in Hellenistic Social and Political Philosophy. Cambridge, 1995.“Natural law and poetic justice: a Carneadean debate in Cicero and Virgil.”
- James E. G. Zetzel, “Natural law and poetic justice: a Carneadean debate in Cicero and Virgil,” Classical Philology, 91.4: 297-319., Chicago, 1996.Machiavelli’s Virtue
- Harvey C. Mansfield, Machiavelli’s Virtue. Chicago, 1996.Review: – Uniting thirty years of authoritative scholarship by a master of textual detail, Machiavelli’s Virtue is a comprehensive statement on the founder of modern politics. Harvey Mansfield reveals the role of sects in Machiavelli’s… More“The Theory of the Mixed Constitution at Rome.”
- Andrew Lintott, “The Theory of the Mixed Constitution at Rome,” in Philosophia Togata II: Plato and Aristotle at Rome, eds. J. Barnes and M. T. Griffin. Oxford: 70-85., 1997.Overview: – The mutual interaction of philosophy and Roman political and cultural life has aroused more and more interest in recent years among students of classical literature, Roman history, and ancient philosophy. In this volume, which gathers… More“Epicurean and Stoic political thought.”
- Malcolm Schofield, “Epicurean and Stoic political thought,” in C. Rowe and M. Schofield, 435-56., 2000.“Metaphor in Cicero’s De Re Publica.”
- Robert L. Gallagher, “Metaphor in Cicero’s De Re Publica,” Classical Quarterly 51.2: 509-19., 2001.Machiavelli’s New Modes and Orders
- Harvey Mansfield, Machiavelli’s New Modes and Orders. Ithaca, N.Y., 2001.Overview: – Machiavelli’s New Modes and Orders is the only full-length interpretive study on Machiavelli’s controversial and ambiguous work, Discourses on Livy. These discourses, considered by some to be Machiavelli’s most… More“A new kind of model: Cicero’s Roman constitution in De Republica.”
- Elisabeth Asmis, “A new kind of model: Cicero’s Roman constitution in De Republica,” The American Journal of Philology, 126.3: 377-416., 2005.Overview: – This article attempts to answer the question: What makes the Roman constitution “by far the best,” as Cicero claims in “De republica”? Following Polybius, Cicero analyses the Roman constitution as a mixed… MoreLectures in the History of Political Thought
- Michael Oakeshott, Lectures in the History of Political Thought, eds. T. Nardin and L. O’Sullivan. Exeter, 2006.Overview: – Oakeshott’s memorable lectures on the history of political thought, delivered each year at the London School of Economics, will now be available in print for the first time as Volume II of his Selected Writings. Based on manuscripts in… MoreOn Revolution
- Hannah Arendt, On Revolution. New York, 2006.Overview: – Tracing the gradual evolution of revolutions since the American and French examples, Arendt predicts the changing relationship between war and revolution and the crucial role such combustive movements will play in the future of… MoreLaw, Reason, and the Cosmic City
- Katja M. Vogt, Law, Reason, and the Cosmic City. Oxford University Press, 2008.Overview: – The book is a comprehensive study of early Stoic political philosophy. It considers the conceptions of the cosmic city and the common law as central to the Stoics’ theory, and discusses how these conceptions are integral to Stoic… MoreThe Matter of the Gods: Religion and the Roman Empire
- Cliffton Ando The Matter of the Gods: Religion and the Roman Empire. Berkeley, California, 2008.Overview: What did the Romans know about their gods? Why did they perform the rituals of their religion, and what motivated them to change those rituals? To these questions Clifford Ando proposes simple answers: In contrast to ancient Christians, who had… More“Womanly humanism in Cicero’s Tusculan Disputations.”
- William H. F. Altman “Womanly humanism in Cicero’s Tusculan Disputations,” TAPA, 139: 411-45, 2009.Overview: Like his de Finibus, Cicero’s Tusculanae Disputationes is best understood in the context of his daughter Tullia’s death as a result of childbirth. It is only the uncritical assumption that M. speaks for Cicero that validates reading… More“L’argument du De Republica et le Songe de Scipion.”
- Jed W. Atkins, “L’argument du De Republica et le Songe de Scipion.”, 2011.“Roman cosmopolitanism: the stoics and Cicero.”
- Thomas L. Pangle, "Roman cosmopolitanism: the stoics and Cicero." in Lee Trepanier & Khalil M. Habib (eds.), Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Globalization: Citizens Without States. University Press of Kentucky, 2011.“Cicero and the stability of states.”
- Xavier Marquez, “Cicero and the stability of states,” History of Political Thought 32.3: 397-423., 2011.“Cicero and the rebirth of political philosophy.”
- Walter Nicgorski, “Cicero and the rebirth of political philosophy,” in Cicero’s Practical Philosophy, ed. W. Nicgorski. Notre Dame, Ind.: 242-82., 2012.“Antiochus on social virtue.”
- Malcolm Schofield “Antiochus on social virtue,” in The Philosophy of Antiochus, ed. D. N. Sedley Cambridge: 173-87., 2012.