“Original elements in Cicero’s ideal constitution.”
- Clinton W. Keyes, “Original elements in Cicero’s ideal constitution,” The American Journal of Philology 42: 309-23., 1921.“Cicero’s ideal in his De republica.”
- W. W. Howe, “Cicero’s ideal in his De republica,” Journal of Roman Studies 20: 24-42., 1930.“Review of The Theory of the Mixed Constitution in Antiquity: A Critical Analysis of Polybius’ Political Ideas, by Kurt von Fritz.”
- Harry V. Jaffa, “Review of The Theory of the Mixed Constitution in Antiquity: A Critical Analysis of Polybius’ Political Ideas, by Kurt von Fritz,” The American Political Science Review 50: 515-19., 1956.Natural Law in Political Thought
- Paul E. Sigmund, Natural Law in Political Thought. Cambridge, Massachusettes, 1971.“Natura e Ratio nel II Libro del De Re Publica Ciceroniano.”
- Luciano Perelli, “Natura e Ratio nel II Libro del De Re Publica Ciceroniano,” Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 100: 295-311., 1972.“Libertas populi und libertas civium in Ciceros Schrift De re publica.”
- Hans Peter Kohn, “Libertas populi und libertas civium in Ciceros Schrift De re publica,” in Lippold and Himmelmann, 201-11., 1977.Foundations of Modern Political Thought (2 vols.)
- Quentin Skinner, Foundations of Modern Political Thought (2 vols.). Cambridge University Press, 1978.Overview: – A two-volume study of political thought from the late thirteenth to the end of the sixteenth century, the decisive period of transition from medieval to modern political theory. The work is intended to be both an introduction to the period… More“L’archéologie du de re publica (2, 2, 4-37, 63): Cicéron entre Polybe et Platon.”
- Jean-Louis Ferrary, “L’archéologie du de re publica (2, 2, 4-37, 63): Cicéron entre Polybe et Platon,” JRS 74: 87-98., 1984.“Cicero’s Republic and Greek political thought.”
- Robert W. Sharples, “Cicero’s Republic and Greek political thought,” Polis 5.2: 30-50., 1986.“The education of statesmen in Cicero’s ‘De Republica.”
- J. Jackson Barlow, “The education of statesmen in Cicero’s ‘De Republica’,” Polity 19.3: 353- 74, 1987.Tradition et raison chez Cicéron: l’émergence de la rationalité politique à la de la république romaine.”
- Claude Moatti, “Tradition et raison chez Cicéron: l’émergence de la rationalité politique à la de la république romaine,” MEFRA 100.1: 385-430., 1988.“Bringing philosophy down from the heavens: natural right in the Roman Law.”
- Michael P. Zuckert, “Bringing philosophy down from the heavens: natural right in the Roman Law,” The Review of Politics 51.1: 70-85., 1989.“Constitution and citizenship: Peripatetic influence on Cicero’s political conceptions in the De re publica”
- Dorothea Frede, “Constitution and citizenship: Peripatetic influence on Cicero’s political conceptions in the De re publica,” in Fortenbaugh and Steinmetz (1989), 77-100., 1989.“Cicero’s focus: from the best regime to the model statesman.”
- Walter Nicgorski, “Cicero’s focus: from the best regime to the model statesman,” Political Theory 19: 230-51., 1991.“Politics and philosophy in Stoicism.”
- Paul A. Vander Waerdt, “Politics and philosophy in Stoicism,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 9: 185-211., 1991.Cicero: The Senior Statesman.
- Thomas N. Mitchell, Cicero: The Senior Statesman. New Haven, 1991.“Zeno’s Republic and the origins of natural law.”
- Paul A. Vander Waerdt, “Zeno’s Republic and the origins of natural law,” in The Socratic Movement, ed. P. A. Vander Waerdt. Ithaca: 272-308., 1994.The Founders and the Classics
- Carl J. Richard, The Founders and the Classics. Cambridge, Massachusettes, 1994.Review: “This is a well-conceived, solidly researched, and ably argued book about the influence of the classics in the the political thought of the founding fathers… This work will be required reading for historians interested in the ideological origins… More“Form and content in the Tusculan Disputations.”
- Alan E. Douglas, “Form and content in the Tusculan Disputations,” in Powell (1995), 197- 218., 1995.“The statesman and the law in the political philosophy of Cicero.”
- Jean-Louis Ferrary , “The statesman and the law in the political philosophy of Cicero,” in A. Laks and M. Schofield (1995), 48-73., 1995.“Cicero’s politics in De officiis.”
- Anthony A. Long, “Cicero’s politics in De officiis,” in A. Laks and M. Schofield (1995), 213-40., 1995.Overview: – Modern historians tend to be very severe in assessing Cicero’s political acumen, especially the stance he adopted at the end of his life. ‘In the Rome of Antony and Octavian he was an obstructive anachronism’, a man who… More“The Theory of the Mixed Constitution at Rome.”
- Andrew Lintott, “The Theory of the Mixed Constitution at Rome,” in Philosophia Togata II: Plato and Aristotle at Rome, eds. J. Barnes and M. T. Griffin. Oxford: 70-85., 1997.Overview: – The mutual interaction of philosophy and Roman political and cultural life has aroused more and more interest in recent years among students of classical literature, Roman history, and ancient philosophy. In this volume, which gathers… MoreAmerican Virtues: Thomas Jefferson on the Character of a Free People.
- Jean M. Yarbrough, American Virtues: Thomas Jefferson on the Character of a Free People. Lawrence, Kansas, 1998.Overview: – Since the early days of the republic, Americans have recognized Thomas Jefferson’s distinctive role in helping to shape the American national character. As Founder and statesman, Jefferson thought broadly about the virtues Americans… More“Cicero’s definition of Res Publica”
- Malcolm Schofield, “Cicero’s definition of Res Publica,” in Powell, 63-83, 1995 and reprinted in Schofield as Ch. 10., 1999.Cicero: On the Commonwealth and On the Laws.
- James E. G. Zetzel (ed. and trans.) Cicero: On the Commonwealth and On the Laws. Cambridge University Press, 1999.Overview: – Cicero’s On the Commonwealth and On the Laws are his most important works of political philosophy. The present volume offers a scholarly reconstruction of the fragments of On the Commonwealth and a masterly translation of both… MoreComprehending Cicero’s De Legibus
- Mehl, D. D. (1999) Comprehending Cicero’s De Legibus. Dissertation, University of Virginia, 1999.“Thomas Jefferson and republicanism.”
- Jean M. Yarbrough, “Thomas Jefferson and republicanism,” in Thomas Jefferson and the Politics of Nature, ed. T. S. Engeman. Notre Dame, Ind.: 59-80., 2000.“Cicero.”
- E. M. Atkins, “Cicero,” in C. Rowe and M. Schofield (2000), 477-516., 2000.Cicero: A Study in the Origins of Republican Philosophy.
- Robert T. Radford, Cicero: A Study in the Origins of Republican Philosophy. Amsterdam, 2002.Annotation: – This book presents Cicero’s natural law theory, including valuable definitions of the state, the ideal state, the ideal ruler, and the laws for the ideal state. Explanations are offered of the Greek sources of Cicero’s… MoreA Commentary on Cicero, De legibus
-Andrew R. Dyck, A Commentary on Cicero, De legibus. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2004.
Overview: – De Legibus has been one of Cicero’s most neglected works; this new commentary provides a detailed interpretation and places the essay in the context of the politics and philosophical thought of its time. Just as Plato drafted a… More“The state as a partnership: Cicero’s definition of Res Publica in his work On The State.”
- Elisabeth Asmis, “The state as a partnership: Cicero’s definition of Res Publica in his work On The State,”History of Political Thought 25.4: 569-99., 2004.On Revolution
- Hannah Arendt, On Revolution. New York, 2006.Overview: – Tracing the gradual evolution of revolutions since the American and French examples, Arendt predicts the changing relationship between war and revolution and the crucial role such combustive movements will play in the future of… MoreA Written Republic: Cicero’s Philosophical Politics.
- Yelena Baraz, A Written Republic: Cicero’s Philosophical Politics. Princeton, New Jersey, 2012.Overview: – In the 40s BCE, during his forced retirement from politics under Caesar’s dictatorship, Cicero turned to philosophy, producing a massive and important body of work. As he was acutely aware, this was an unusual undertaking for a Roman… More