Tag: Law


  • “Libertas populi und libertas civium in Ciceros Schrift De re publica.”

    - Hans Peter Kohn, “Libertas populi und libertas civium in Ciceros Schrift De re publica,” in Lippold and Himmelmann, 201-11., 1977.
  • “The law of nature in Philo and Cicero.”

    - Richard A. Horsley, “The law of nature in Philo and Cicero,” Harvard Theological Review, 71: 35-59., 1978.
    Overview: –  “Christian Natural Law is the acceptance and reinterpretation according to Christian and ecclesiastical principles of Stoic Natural Law. …” Thus runs Troeltsch’s classic and influential formulation of the view that Stoicism… More
  • “Sharing in the Constitution”

    - Malcolm Schofield  “Sharing in the Constitution,” in The Review of Metaphysics 49.4: 831-58, 1996 and reprinted in Schofield as chapter Ch. 8., 1999.
  • Cicero: On the Commonwealth and On the Laws.

    - James E. G. Zetzel (ed. and trans.) Cicero: On the Commonwealth and On the Laws. Cambridge University Press, 1999.
    Overview: –  Cicero’s On the Commonwealth and On the Laws are his most important works of political philosophy. The present volume offers a scholarly reconstruction of the fragments of On the Commonwealth and a masterly translation of both… More
  • Comprehending Cicero’s De Legibus

    - Mehl, D. D. (1999) Comprehending Cicero’s De Legibus. Dissertation, University of Virginia, 1999.
  • “The development of the idea of citizens’ rights.”

    - Annabel Brett, “The development of the idea of citizens’ rights,” in States and Citizens: History, Theory, Prospects, eds. Q. Skinner and B. Stråth. Cambridge University Press: 97-112., 2003.
    Overview: States and Citizens offers a coherent survey of perceptions of the state, its history, its theoretical underpinnings, and its prospects in the contemporary world. The coverage of the Western European experience is thorough and wide-ranging, with the… More
  • A Commentary on Cicero, De legibus


    Andrew R. Dyck, A Commentary on Cicero, De legibus. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2004.


    Overview: –  De Legibus has been one of Cicero’s most neglected works; this new commentary provides a detailed interpretation and places the essay in the context of the politics and philosophical thought of its time. Just as Plato drafted a… More
  • “The state as a partnership: Cicero’s definition of Res Publica in his work On The State.”

    - Elisabeth Asmis,  “The state as a partnership: Cicero’s definition of Res Publica in his work On The State,History of Political Thought 25.4: 569-99., 2004.
  • “A new kind of model: Cicero’s Roman constitution in De Republica.”

    - Elisabeth Asmis,  “A new kind of model: Cicero’s Roman constitution in De Republica,” The American Journal of Philology,  126.3: 377-416., 2005.

    Overview: –  This article attempts to answer the question: What makes the Roman constitution “by far the best,” as Cicero claims in “De republica”? Following Polybius, Cicero analyses the Roman constitution as a mixed… More
  • Cicero and the Jurists: From Citizens’ Law to the Lawful State.

    - Jill Harries, Cicero and the Jurists: From Citizens’ Law to the Lawful State. Duckworth, 2006.London, 2006.
    Overview: –  This book traces Cicero’s thought on law as an advocate; as the friend of jurists; as writer on the philosophy of the ‘higher law’; and as a politician who both asserted and subverted the rights of citizens under the law.… More
  • “Law in Roman philosophy.”

    - Inwood, B. and F. D. Miller, Jr., “Law in Roman philosophy,” in Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence Vol. VIA History of the Philosophy of Law from the Ancient Greeks to the Scholastics. Dordrecht: 133-65., 2007.
    Overview: –  Legal philosophy in late antiquity must be understood in relation to Roman law, a system which continued to evolve from the traditional founding of Rome (753 B.C.) until the fall of the Eastern Roman (or Byzantine) Empire (A.D. 1453). Rome… More
  • “Cicero on natural law and the laws of the state.”

    - Elisabeth Asmis, “Cicero on natural law and the laws of the state,” Classical Antiquity, 27.1: 1-33., 2008.
  • Recovering the Ancient View of Founding: A Commentary on Cicero’s De Legibus

    - Timothy W.  Caspar, Recovering the Ancient View of Founding: A Commentary on Cicero’s De Legibus. Lanham, Md., 2011.
    Review: A discursive yet exclusively philosophical commentary on the arguments of the dialogue itself…. Overall Caspar offers a very successful challenge to the conventional view that Cicero’s Laws is a derivative or misconceived work of political… More
  • “L’argument du De Republica et le Songe de Scipion.”

    - Jed W. Atkins, “L’argument du De Republica et le Songe de Scipion.”, 2011.
  • “Roman cosmopolitanism: the stoics and Cicero.”

    - Thomas L. Pangle, "Roman cosmopolitanism: the stoics and Cicero." in Lee Trepanier & Khalil M. Habib (eds.), Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Globalization: Citizens Without States. University Press of Kentucky, 2011.
  • “Cicero and the stability of states.”

    - Xavier Marquez, “Cicero and the stability of states,” History of Political Thought 32.3: 397-423., 2011.
  • “Cicero on the relationship between Plato’s Republic and Laws.”

    - Jed W. Atkins, “Cicero on the relationship between Plato’s Republic and Laws,” in Ancient Approaches to Plato’s Republic, ed. Anne Sheppard. BICS Supplement. London, 2013.