“Original elements in Cicero’s ideal constitution.”
- Clinton W. Keyes, “Original elements in Cicero’s ideal constitution,” The American Journal of Philology 42: 309-23., 1921.“Ciceros Staatsdefinition.”
- Rudolf Stark, “Ciceros Staatsdefinition,” La Nouvelle Clio 6: 56-69., 1954.“Libertas populi und libertas civium in Ciceros Schrift De re publica.”
- Hans Peter Kohn, “Libertas populi und libertas civium in Ciceros Schrift De re publica,” in Lippold and Himmelmann, 201-11., 1977.“The education of statesmen in Cicero’s ‘De Republica.”
- J. Jackson Barlow, “The education of statesmen in Cicero’s ‘De Republica’,” Polity 19.3: 353- 74, 1987.“Libertas.”
- Peter A. Brunt, “Libertas,” in The Fall of the Roman Republic and Related Essays. Oxford: 281-350., 1988.Tradition et raison chez Cicéron: l’émergence de la rationalité politique à la de la république romaine.”
- Claude Moatti, “Tradition et raison chez Cicéron: l’émergence de la rationalité politique à la de la république romaine,” MEFRA 100.1: 385-430., 1988.“Constitution and citizenship: Peripatetic influence on Cicero’s political conceptions in the De re publica”
- Dorothea Frede, “Constitution and citizenship: Peripatetic influence on Cicero’s political conceptions in the De re publica,” in Fortenbaugh and Steinmetz (1989), 77-100., 1989.The Founders and the Classics
- Carl J. Richard, The Founders and the Classics. Cambridge, Massachusettes, 1994.Review: “This is a well-conceived, solidly researched, and ably argued book about the influence of the classics in the the political thought of the founding fathers… This work will be required reading for historians interested in the ideological origins… More“Polybius’ applied political theory.”
- David E. Hahm, “Polybius’ applied political theory,” in A. Laks and M. Schofield (1995), 7-47., 1995.Overview: – Polybius’ History book VI contains the most complete text of Hellenistic Greek political theory that has survived from antiquity and the only extended example of applied political theory. Polybius, an Achaean statesman turned… More“The statesman and the law in the political philosophy of Cicero.”
- Jean-Louis Ferrary , “The statesman and the law in the political philosophy of Cicero,” in A. Laks and M. Schofield (1995), 48-73., 1995.“Cicero’s politics in De officiis.”
- Anthony A. Long, “Cicero’s politics in De officiis,” in A. Laks and M. Schofield (1995), 213-40., 1995.Overview: – Modern historians tend to be very severe in assessing Cicero’s political acumen, especially the stance he adopted at the end of his life. ‘In the Rome of Antony and Octavian he was an obstructive anachronism’, a man who… MoreThe Idea of Natural Rights: Studies on Natural Rights, Natural Law and Church Law 1150-1625.
- Brian Tierney, The Idea of Natural Rights: Studies on Natural Rights, Natural Law and Church Law 1150-1625. Emory University Studies in Law and Religion. Atlanta, 1997.Overview: – This series, originally published by Scholars Press and now available from Eerdmans, is intended to foster exploration of the religious dimensions of law, the legal dimensions of religion, and the interaction of legal and religious ideas,… More“The Theory of the Mixed Constitution at Rome.”
- Andrew Lintott, “The Theory of the Mixed Constitution at Rome,” in Philosophia Togata II: Plato and Aristotle at Rome, eds. J. Barnes and M. T. Griffin. Oxford: 70-85., 1997.Overview: – The mutual interaction of philosophy and Roman political and cultural life has aroused more and more interest in recent years among students of classical literature, Roman history, and ancient philosophy. In this volume, which gathers… MoreLiberty Before Liberalism
- Quentin Skinner, Liberty Before Liberalism. Cambridge, 1998.Overview: – This extended essay by one of the world’s leading historians seeks, in its first part, to excavate, and to vindicate, the neo-Roman theory of free citizens and free states as it developed in early-modern Britain. This analysis leads… MoreAmerican Virtues: Thomas Jefferson on the Character of a Free People.
- Jean M. Yarbrough, American Virtues: Thomas Jefferson on the Character of a Free People. Lawrence, Kansas, 1998.Overview: – Since the early days of the republic, Americans have recognized Thomas Jefferson’s distinctive role in helping to shape the American national character. As Founder and statesman, Jefferson thought broadly about the virtues Americans… More“Cicero’s definition of Res Publica”
- Malcolm Schofield, “Cicero’s definition of Res Publica,” in Powell, 63-83, 1995 and reprinted in Schofield as Ch. 10., 1999.“Sharing in the Constitution”
- Malcolm Schofield “Sharing in the Constitution,” in The Review of Metaphysics 49.4: 831-58, 1996 and reprinted in Schofield as chapter Ch. 8., 1999.“The development of the idea of citizens’ rights.”
- Annabel Brett, “The development of the idea of citizens’ rights,” in States and Citizens: History, Theory, Prospects, eds. Q. Skinner and B. Stråth. Cambridge University Press: 97-112., 2003.Overview: States and Citizens offers a coherent survey of perceptions of the state, its history, its theoretical underpinnings, and its prospects in the contemporary world. The coverage of the Western European experience is thorough and wide-ranging, with the… MoreCicero and the Jurists: From Citizens’ Law to the Lawful State.
- Jill Harries, Cicero and the Jurists: From Citizens’ Law to the Lawful State. Duckworth, 2006.London, 2006.Overview: – This book traces Cicero’s thought on law as an advocate; as the friend of jurists; as writer on the philosophy of the ‘higher law’; and as a politician who both asserted and subverted the rights of citizens under the law.… More