Tag: Plato

Major Works

  • Against the Academicians (386)

    - Against the Academicians and The Teacher. Trans. Peter King. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1995.
    Augustine’s attempt to critique the “academic” skepticism of Cicero’s late Roman disciples. From the Publisher: “These new translations of two treatises dealing with the possibility and nature of knowledge in the face of… More
  • The Free Choice of the Will (395)

    - De Libero Arbitrio Voluntatis in On the Free Choice of the Will, On Grace and Free Choice, and Other Writings. Trans., Peter King. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010
    Excerpt: “Book One EVODIUS: Please tell me: isn’t God the cause of evil? AUGUSTINE: I will tell you once you have made clear what kind of evil you are asking… More
  • City of God Against the Pagans (427)

    - De Civitate Dei in The City of God Against the Pagans. Trans., R.W. Dyson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1998
    Excerpt: “For to this earthly city belong the enemies against whom I have to defend the city of God. Many of them, indeed, being reclaimed from their ungodly error, have become sufficiently creditable citizens of this city; but many are so inflamed… More


  • “St. Augustine’s Philosophical Theory of Law”

    - Chroust, Anton. “St. Augustine’s Philosophical Theory of Law.” Notre Dame Lawyer, Vol. 25 (1949), pp. 285-315.  
  • Augustine: Philosopher of Freedom; A Study in Comparative Philosophy

    - Clark, Mary. Augustine: Philosopher of Freedom: A Study in Comparative Philosophy. New York: Desclee Co., 1958.  
  • Augustine and Being by James Anderson

    - Anderson, James. St. Augustine and Being: A Metaphysical Essay. The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1965.
  • The Light of the Mind: St. Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge

    - Nash, Ronald. The Light of the Mind: St. Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1969.  
    From the Publisher: “St. Augustine is not only the bridge that links ancient philosophy and early Christian theology with the thought of the Middle Ages, but one who, in his philosophy and especially in his epistemology, anticipated some of the most… More
  • “Augustine’s City of God and the Modern Historical Consciousness” by Ernest Fortin

    - Fortin, Ernest L. “Augustine’s City of God and the Modern Historical Consciousness.” Review of Politics, Vol. 41 (1979), pp. 323-43.  
    Abstract: “Contemporary Augustinian scholarship is distinguished among other ways by its emphasis on Augustine’s alleged contribution to the development of the modern notion of history. Except for a few sporadic references to a possible theology… More
  • Love and Saint Augustine

    - Arendt, Hannah. Love and Saint Augustine. Ed. Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott & Judith Chelius Stark. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.
    From the Publisher: “Hannah Arendt began her scholarly career with an exploration of Saint Augustine’s concept of caritas, or neighborly love, written under the direction of Karl Jaspers and the influence of Martin Heidegger. After her German… More
  • St. Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge: A Contemporary Analysis

    - Bubacz, Bruce. St. Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge: A Contemporary Analysis. New York: E. Mellen Press, 1982.  
    States that there exists in St. Augustine’s work a unified theory of knowledge, attempts to analyze the individual elements in Augustine’s epistemology and relate them to a unified structure, and relates Augustine’s theory of knowledge to… More
  • Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry: Encyclopaedia, Genealogy, and Tradition

    - MacIntyre, Alasdair. Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry: Encyclopaedia, Genealogy, and Tradition: Eing Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of Edinburgh in 1988. London: Duckworth, 1990.  
    From the Publisher: “Alasdair MacIntyre—whom Newsweek has called “one of the foremost moral philosophers in the English-speaking world”—here presents his 1988 Gifford Lectures as an expansion of his earlier work Whose Justice? Which… More
  • Augustine’s Love of Wisdom: An Introspective Philosophy

    - Bourke, Vernon. Augustine’s Love of Wisdom: An Introspective Philosophy. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 1992.  
    From the Publisher: “Augustine’s Love of Wisdom is an analytical and interpretive focus on the first thirty chapters of book ten of Augustine’s Autobiographical Confessions. Bourke provides a rich synthesis of key tenets of Augustine’s… More
  • “Augustine on Person: Divine and Human”

    - Clark, Mary. “Augustine on Person: Divine and Human” in Augustine: Presbyter Factus Sum. Ed., Joseph Lienhard et al.. New York: Peter Lang, 1993.  
  • Augustine: Ancient Thought Baptized

    - Rist, John. Augustine: Ancient Thought Baptized. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.  
    From the Publisher: “The aim of this work is to show how Augustine adapted a deeply Platonic outlook to the new world of Christianity, and how he constructed a vision in which Platonism and Christianity pointed in the same direction. Augustine is… More
  • The Path of St. Augustine

    - Banner, William. The Path of St. Augustine. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 1996.  
    From the Publisher: “The Path of Saint Augustine explains and defends St. Augustine’s moral philosophy and examines his view of good and evil in human life. Avoiding the partisan debates on Augustinism, Banner gives his full attention to the… More
  • Ernest L. Fortin: Collected Essays

    - Fortin, Ernest L. Collected Essays. Ed. J. Brian Benestad. 3 vols. Lantham: Rowman & Littlefield, 1996. Introduction, Theology, Politics, Morality and Ethics, Philosophy
    From the Publisher: “This three volume set of collected essays by Ernest Fortin discusses a variety of Catholic Christianity related topics, ranging from its encounter with Greek philosophy up to current issues amidst the rapid changes within the 20th… More
  • From Aristotle to Augustine (Routledge History of Philosophy)

    - Furely, David ed. From Aristotle to Augustine. New York: Routledge, 1999.  
    From the Publisher: “This second volume opens with Aristotle’s immense influence on philosophy from the beginnings of Christian philosophy in the fifth century AD.”
  • Augustine and Modernity

    - Hanby, Michael. Augustine and Modernity. New York: Routledge, 2003.  
    From the Publisher: “Augustine and Modernity is a fresh and challenging addition to current debates about the Augustinian origins of modern subjectivity and the Christian genesis of Western nihilism. It firmly rejects the dominant modern view that the… More
  • “Augustine’s Compatibilism”

    - Rogers, Katherin. “Augustine’s Compatibilism.” Religious Studies, Vol. 40 (2004), pp. 415-435.  
    Abstract: “In analysing Augustine’s views on freedom it is standard to draw two distinctions; one between an earlier emphasis on human freedom and a later insistence that God alone governs human destiny, and another between pre-lapsarian and… More
  • Language in the Confessions of Augustine

    - Burton, Phillip. Language in the Confessions of Augustine. New York: Oxford University Press,   2007.  
    From the Publisher: “Philip Burton explores Augustine’s treatment of language in his Confessions – a major work of Western philosophy and literature, with continuing intellectual importance. One of Augustine’s key concerns is the… More
  • “Augustine’s Intellectual Conversion: The Journey from Platonism to Christianity”

    - Cary, Phillip. “Augustine’s Intellectual Conversion: The Journey from Platonism to Christianity." Augustinian Studies, Vol. 42 (2011), pp. 91-95.  
  • “Augustine and History” (review)

    - McLarney, Gerald. “Augustine and History.” Augustinian Studies, Vol. 42 (2011), pp. 81-83.  
    Review of the collected volume, Augustine and History.