Tag: India

Other Works

  • Selected Letters of Edmund Burke

    - Selected Letters of Edmund Burke, ed. Harvey Mansfield (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984).
    From Amazon: Edmund Burke (1729-97) was a British statesman, a political philosopher, a literary critic, the grandfather of modern conservatism, and an elegant, prolific letter writer and prose stylist. His most important letters, filled with sparkling prose… More
  • On Empire, Liberty and Reform: Speeches and Letters

    - On Empire, Liberty and Reform: Speeches and Letters, ed. David Bromwich (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000).
    From the publisher: The great British statesman Edmund Burke had a genius for political argument, and his impassioned speeches and writings shaped English public life in the second half of the eighteenth century. This anthology of Burke’s speeches,… More


  • Review of The Correspondence of Edmund Burke

    - Harvey C. Mansfield, Review of The Correspondence of Edmund Burke Volume V: July 1782-June 1789, Holden Furber and P. J. Marshall, eds., Political Science Quarterly, December 1966.
  • The Great Melody: A Thematic Biography of Edmund Burke

    - Conor Cruise O'Brien. The Great Melody: A Thematic Biography of Edmund Burke (University of Chicago Press, 1992).
    Excerpt: Can this book properly be described as a biography? It is certainly nor a conventional biography, but it is a complete biography, extending from the circumstances – key Burkean word – of the subject’s birth in Ireland to those of… More
  • The Great Edmund Burke

    - Harvey C. Mansfield, "The Great Edmund Burke," review of The Great Melody, by Conor Cruise O'Brien, New Criterion, November 1992.
    Excerpt: The publication of The Great Melody is an event not just in the small circle of Edmund Burke scholarship but also in the larger community of historians. Still more, and above all, it is a gift to anyone who wants to understand politics. Conor Cruise… More
  • The Useful Cobbler: Edmund Burke and the Politics of Progress

    - James Conniff. The Useful Cobbler: Edmund Burke and the Politics of Progress (Albany: SUNY Press, 1994).
    Excerpt: For purpose of introduction, Burke’s contribution to the theory of representative government can be summarized in seven propositions. The first four provide a means of conceptualizing change. First, Burke argued that all abstract or… More
  • Edmund Burke and India: Political Morality and Empire

    - Frederick G. Whelan. Edmund Burke and India: Political Morality and Empire (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1997).
    From the publisher: Edmund Burke and India is the first thorough treatment of Burke’s views on India, even though the affairs of the British Indian empire occupied more of Burke’s attention – and occupy more space among his writings and… More
  • The Prudent Irishman: Edmund Burke’s Realism

    - John Bolton, "The Prudent Irishman: Edmund Burke's Realism," The National Interest, Winter 1997-98.
    Excerpt: Edmund Burke’s insights into civil society seem strikingly apposite today to American foreign policy. Among those are his reliance on the accretion of experience and reasoning from empirical reality, his abhorrence of elevating abstract… More
  • Liberalism and Empire: A Study in Nineteenth-Century British Liberal Thought

    - Uday S. Mehta. Liberalism and Empire: A Study in Nineteenth-Century British Liberal Thought (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999).
    From the publisher: We take liberalism to be a set of ideas committed to political rights and self-determination, yet it also served to justify an empire built on political domination. Uday Mehta argues that imperialism, far from contradicting liberal tenets,… More
  • The Roads to Modernity: The British, French, and American Enlightenments

    - Gertrude Himmelfarb. The Roads to Modernity: The British, French, and American Enlightenments (New York: Knopf, 2004).
    Excerpt: Burke’s views on economics suggest that there may be something like an “Edmund Burke Problem”- a “two Burkes” phenomenon comparable to the “Adam Smith Problem.” Just as the altruistic principles of the Theory… More


  • The Heart of Edmund Burke

    - Audio. Vigen Guroian, "The Heart of Edmund Burke," lecture hosted by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 9 January 1988.
    Excerpt: Burke was a man of great compassion. … His conservatism was a justice-seeking conservatism for the sake of a humanity which often times lives under conditions unsuited to a creature made in the image and likeness of God. His conservatism did… More