Tag: Natural Law


  • Natural Law and Historicity: Burke and Niebuhr

    - Vigen Guroian, "Natural Law and Historicity: Burke and Niebuhr," Modern Age 25, no. 2 (June 1981).
    Excerpt: Edmund Burke and Reinhold Niebuhr have not often been made the subjects of a comparative inquiry. Yet, for the inquisitive, there is to be found a broad and deep confluence of their ideas on politics and the moral life. And one of the most… More
  • The Value-Centered Historicism of Edmund Burke

    - Joseph Baldacchino, "The Value-Centered Historicism of Edmund Burke," Modern Age 27, no. 2 (1983).
    Excerpt: As he opposed the notion of a “geographical” morality, so, too, did Burke denounce the idea that man’s moral duty changes with the passage of time. “We know that we have made no discoveries,” he writes, “and we… More
  • Burke’s Conservatism

    - Harvey C. Mansfield. "Burke's Conservatism," in An Imaginative Whig: Reassessing the Life and Thought of Edmund Burke, ed. Ian Crowe (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2005).
    Excerpt: In this essay, I will approach the question of Burke’s conservatism by considering the thought of two scholars whom it has been my pleasure to know and learn from: Peter J . Stanlis and Leo Strauss. … Stanlis presents Burke as “our… More


  • The Heart of Edmund Burke

    - Audio. Vigen Guroian, "The Heart of Edmund Burke," lecture hosted by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 9 January 1988.
    Excerpt: Burke was a man of great compassion. … His conservatism was a justice-seeking conservatism for the sake of a humanity which often times lives under conditions unsuited to a creature made in the image and likeness of God. His conservatism did… More
  • Edmund Burke on Natural Law and Rights Traditions

    - Peter Stanlis, "Edmund Burke on Natural Law and Rights Traditions," Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal, Mecosta, Michigan, 31 October 2009.