
[in chronological order]

Aristotle’s Teaching in the “Politics” by Thomas Pangle

- Pangle, Thomas. Aristotle’s Teaching in the “Politics.” Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.
In this work, Thomas Pangle offers a detailed, brilliant interpretation of Aristotle’s Politics, that argues, among other things, that “Aristotle’s public theorizing about political practice is a highly self-conscious form of political… More

One and Many in Aristotle’s Metaphysics

- Halper, Edward,  One and Many in Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Alpha - Delta, Parmenides Press, 2009.
From the publisher: Edward Halper’s three-volume One and Many in Aristotle’s ‘Metaphysics’ contends that Aristotle argues for his central metaphysical doctrines by showing that they alone resolve various versions of what is known as “the… More

Aristotle’s ‘Politics’: A Reader’s Guide

- Swanson, J. Aristotle’s ‘Politics’: A Reader’s Guide. Continuum Press, 2009
Excerpt: ” Related to the subject of Aristotle on natural justice and nature generally, is the disputed unity of his corpus. Aristotle wrote a number of works on a number of subjects and maintains that different degrees of precision are obtainable about… More

Aristotle’s “Nicomachean Ethics” Book VII

- Natali, Carlo. Aristotle’s “Nicomachean Ethics” Book VII. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Excerpt: ” Book VII  appears to be the sum of two different logoi,  the first dedicated to weakness of the will and other on desirable states of mind, and the second to pleasure. Each logos  has the aspect of an independent short treatise, with its… More

Aristotle’s Dialogue with Socrates in the “Nicomachean Ethics”

- Burger, Ronna, Aristotle's Dialogue with Socrates: On the "Nicomachean Ethics," Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009.    
Ronna Burger of Tulane University considers Aristotle’s Ethics not as a conventional treatise but as a dialogue with the Platonic Socrates. Excerpts from Reviews: “This is a work of distinction that will be indispensable for all serious students of… More

Aristotle, Politics, Book I: A Reconsideration

- Winthrop, Delba. "Aristotle, Politics, Book I: A reconsideration." Perspectives on Political Science 37.4 (Fall 2008).
Modern science, particularly Thomas Hobbes, begins with a broad attack on Aristotle intended to replace “Aristotelity” in the universities. This attack, however, was superficial and never properly reconsidered when Hobbes and his cohort were in… More

Aristotle and the Rediscovery of Citizenship by Susan Collins

- Collins, Susan. Aristotle and the Rediscovery of Citizenship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Excerpt: The Aristotelian tradition became almost moribund with the success of modern liberalism and of attacks such as those of Hobbes on the many ‘absurdities’ of the ‘old Morall Philosophers,’ Aristotle chief among them. Yet today… More

Aristotle on Memory

- Richard Sorabji, Aristotle on Memory. University of Chicago Press, Chicago IL, 2006.
From the publisher: Richard Sorabji, a noted philosopher in his own right, here offers a new edition of his 1972 translation of De Memoria here with commentary, summaries, and three essays comparing Aristotle’s accounts of memory and recollection. For… More

Happy Lives and the Highest Good: An Essay on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics

- Lear, Gabriel. Happy Lives and the Highest Good: An Essay on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Princeton: Princeton U. Press, 2004.
Excerpt: “Aristotle invites us to conceive of the human good as a special kind of end.  In the very first line of the Nicomachean Ethics he says “Every  craft and every inquiry, and likewise every action and every choice, seem to aim at some… More

Aristotle’s “Best Regime”

- Bates, Clifford. Aristotle’s “Best Regime.” Louisiana State University Press, 2003.
Excerpt: “The last decade of the 20th century  produced a boom in scholarship concerning Aristotelian political philosophy. This reawakened interest in Aristotle’s political thought, and the us all the new attention to the politics, seems due in… More

Aristotle: Political Philosophy

- Kraut, Richard. Aristotle: Political Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford U. Press, 2002.
Excerpt: “To understand and assess Aristotle’s contributions to political thought, we must come to terms not only with the treatise whose political content is advertised by its title—the Politics—but also with the work that bears the peculiar… More

Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship

- Pangle, Loraine. Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship. Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press, 2002.
Excerpt: “The phenomenon of kinship, with its richness and complexity, its ability to support but also at times to undercut virtue, and the promise it holds out of bringing together into one happy union so much of what is highest and so much of what is… More

The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy

- Nussbaum, Martha, The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, updated edition 2001.
This book is a study of ancient views about ‘moral luck’.  It examines the fundamental ethical problem that many of the valued constituents of a well lived life are vulnerable to factors outside a person’s control, and asks how this affects… More

Action and Contemplation: Studies in the Moral and Political Thought of Aristotle

- Bartlett R, and Collins S. eds Action and Contemplation: Studies in the Moral and Political Thought of Aristotle, Albany: Suny Press, 1999.
“This book not only contains a set of first-rate essays on Aristotle, but it also supplies the context in which readers can be convinced that Aristotle, after several centuries, is once again relevant and useful. If I were looking for one book that… More

The Politics of Philosophy: A Commentary on Aristotle’s Politics

- Davis, Michael. The Politics of Philosophy: A commentary on Aristotle’s Politics. Rowman and Littlefield, 1996.
Excerpt: “One cannot help bringing expectations to Aristotle’s Politics, many of which are unfavorable, not to say hostile. How can someone immersed in the problems of Athens of the 4th century BC and of the polis, a form of government that can… More

Reading Aristotle’s Ethics: Virtue, Rhetoric and Political Philosophy

- Tessitore, Ty. Reading Aristotle’s Ethics: Virtue, Rhetoric and Political Philosophy. New York: SUNY Press, 1996.
Excerpt: “There has been a remarkable resurgence of interest in Aristotle’s moral and political philosophy during the last decade. More remarkable still, this renaissance is not limited to a single school of thoughts but has arisen simultaneously… More

Aristotle’s Teleological Theory of Tragedy and Epic

- Held, G. F. Aristotle’s Teleological Theory of Tragedy and Epic. Heidelberg, 1995.
Review: “In a helpful preface, Held  tells the reader exactly what to expect. In this book, “the 1st of 2 interconnected volumes,” he “proposes and defends and interpretation of Aristotle’s theory of tragedy,” and “defends the validity… More

Nature, Justice and Rights in Aristotle’s Politics

- Miller, Fred D., Jr. Nature, Justice and Rights in Aristotle’s Politics. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995.
Review: “Fred Miller’s Nature, Justice and Rights in Aristotle’s Politics  It is an important book. It covers a wide range of topics including what Aristotle means by saying that man is naturally a political animal, Aristotle’s taxonomy… More

Ideas and Forms of Tragedy from Aristotle to the Middle Ages

- Kelly, H. A. Ideas and Forms of Tragedy from Aristotle to the Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1993.
Excerpt: “In any modern discussion of tragedy, Aristotle  almost always has some role to play, whether on center stage or whispering from the wings. But the poetics was not known to Latin antiquity and it was badly misunderstood or neglected when it… More

The Problems of a Political Animal

- Yack, Bernard. The Problems of a Political Animal. Berkeley: U. of Cal. Press, 1993.
Excerpt: “The shared sentiments and commitments that constitute a community are often the source of its deepest conflicts. Anyone who has lived in a family rather than merely longed for a home knows that all too well. Strangers may cheat you, but only… More

The Political Dimensions of Aristotle’s Ethics

- Bodéüs, Richard. The Political Dimensions of Aristotle’s Ethics. Trans. J. E. Garrett. Albany: SUNY press, 1993.
Excerpt: “The first encounter between [Plato and Aristotle]  probably took place in the year 366 BC. They were Associates, at Athens, in almost constant interaction, until the death of Plato in May 347. However, the master left his imprint forever upon… More

Commentary on Aristotle’s “Nicomachean Ethics”

- Thomas Aquinus. Commentary on Aristotle’s “Nicomachean Ethics.” Translated by C. I. Litzinger. Beloit, WI: Dumb Ox Press, 1993.
Excerpt: “As the Philosopher says in the beginning of the Metaphysics, it is the business of the wise men to order. The reason for this is that wisdom is the most powerful perfection of reason whose characteristic it is to know order. Even if the… More

Essays on Aristotle’s Poetics

- Rorty, A. O. [ed.]. Essays on Aristotle's Poetics, Princeton, 1992.
Aimed at deepening our understanding of the Poetics, this collection places Aristotle’s analysis of tragedy in its larger philosophical context. In these 21 essays, philosophers and classicists explore the corpus of Aristotle’s work in order to… More

Tragic Pleasures: Aristotle on Plot and Emotion

- Belfiore, E. Tragic Pleasures. Aristotle on Plot and Emotion. Princeton, 1992.
Elizabeth Belfiore offers a striking new interpretation of Aristotle’s Poetics by situating the work within the Aristotelian corpus and in the context of Greek culture in general. In Aristotle’s Rhetoric, the Politics, and the ethical… More

Public and Private in Aristotle’s Politics

- Swanson, J. and D. Corbin. Public and Private in Aristotle’s Politics. Ithaca: Cornell U. Press, 1992.
Review: “In this work Swanson  set out to challenge modern liberal interpretations of the Politics.  At issue is whether or not Aristotle that here’s to the rigid public/private that emerges, for example, in Hannah Arendt’s decidedly… More

Citizens and Statesmen: A study of Aristotle’s Politics

- Nichols, Mary P. Citizens and Statesmen: A study of Aristotle’s Politics. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1992.
Excerpt: ” In the first two books of the Politics,  Aristotle explores the dual origins of the city. He gives to explanations of why human beings are political animals and why the city is natural. Human beings are political animals, in the 1st place,… More

The Poetics of Alfarabi and Avicenna

- Kemal, S. The Poetics of Alfarabi and Avicenna. Leiden, 1991.
Excerpt: “This book examines the nature of poetic validity and its role in forming a community. It considers these issues in the writings of some Arabic literary critics and in studies of poetics and Aristotle’s Poetics by two medieval Arabic… More

A Companion to Aristotle’s Politics

- Keyt, David, and Fred D. Miller, Jr. eds. A Companion to Aristotle’s Politics. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.
Review: “In the past twenty years there has been renewed interest among scholars in Aristotle’s Politics, and A Companion to Aristotle’s “Politics” is a welcome addition to the literature. It consists of 15 essays: 1 first… More

Aristotle on the Human Good

- Kraut, R. Aristotle on the Human Good. Princeton: Princeton U. Press, 1991.
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, which equates the ultimate end of human life with happiness (eudaimonia),  it is thought by many readers to argue that this highest goal consists in the largest possible aggregate of intrinsic goods. Richard Kraut… More

Aristotle’s Theory of the State

- Johnson, Curtis. Aristotle’s Theory of the State. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1990.
Review: “The main thesis of this … book is that ‘ through the many twists and turns of Aristotle’s writing on the subject of politics which holds the many parts of the politics together one may identify an inner logic, however… More

Plato and Aristotle on Poetry

- Else, G. F. Plato and Aristotle on Poetry. Chapel Hill, 1986.
Review of Work: ” There is little doubt that two of the greatest thinkers of classical Greece, Plato and Aristotle, had much to say not only about the respective merits And shortcomings of rhetoric and poetics but also about their relationship. There is… More

Aristotle: The Desire to Understand

- Lear, J. Aristotle: The Desire to Understand, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Excerpt: “Aristotle’s Metaphysics begins: ‘All men by nature desire to know. And indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves; and above all others the sense of… More

Averroes’ Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics

- Butterworth, C.E. [ed.]. Averroes’ Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics. Princeton, 1986.
Excerpt: “Emphasis on the political usefulness of poetics is the dominant theme of Averroes’s Short Commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics.  the began the treatise with a statement about the political uses to which the art of poetics might be… More

Towards a reconstruction of Poetics II

- Janko, R. Aristotle on Comedy. Towards a reconstruction of Poetics II, London, 1984.
Aristotle inaugurated the systematic study of comedy with the lost 2nd book of his Poetics, the sequel to his profoundly original and influential work on tragedy. In 1839 the “Tractatus Coislinianus’, a summarized treatise about comity, was… More

The Aporematic Approach to Primary Being in Metaphysics Z

- Alan Code, "The Aporematic Approach to Primary Being in Metaphysics Z ” Journal of Philosophy, 1982.
Excerpt: “Philosophy begins in wonder, or astonishment. We start out by wondering about problems that are ‘there,’ ready at hand for us as human beings. The natural response is flight from ignorance. Ignorance is simply the privatization of… More

Education and Culture in the Political Thought of Aristotle by Carnes Lord

- Lord, Carnes. Education and Culture in the Political Thought of Aristotle. Ithaca: Cornell U. Press, 1982.
From a Review (The Journal of Politics, Vol. 47, No. 3.): Lord’s study of Aristotle, which for the most part is a commentary on the last 2 books of the politics, has as its main purpose the reputation of the long-standing opinion that modern literary… More

The Character and Composition of Aristotle’s Politics

- Lord, Carnes. “The Character and Composition of Aristotle’s Politics.” Political Theory 9 : 459-78, 1981.
Excerpt: “If Aristotle’s Politics continues to be less studied than might seem appropriate for a work of its unchallenged eminence in the tradition of political theory, much of the reason surely lies in the unresolved tangle of questions bearing… More

Aristotle on Participatory Democracy

- Winthrop, Delba. "Aristotle on Participatory Democracy." Polity, Vol. 11, No. 2, Winter, 1978.
Excerpt: “When political scientists and historians of political philosophy they are understandably tempted to speculate what he might have said about a political problem with which we Americans are vitally concerned: participatory democracy. If our own… More

Aristotle and Theories of Justice by Delba Winthrop

- Winthrop, Delba. "Aristotle and Theories of Justice." American Political Science Review, Vol. 72, No. 4 Dec. 1978.
Abstract: Today it is all the rage for political theorists and even philosophers to have theories of justice. Looking back on the history of political thought, we cannot help but notice that not all previous philosophers have taken justice and theories of… More

Aims and Methods in Aristotle’s Politics

- Rowe, Christopher J. “Aims and Methods in Aristotle’s Politics.” Classical Quarterly 27: 159-72, 1977.
Excerpt: ” This originated in an attempt to come to terms with the problems which arise from the structure of the politics. It is no news to anyone who has the slightest familiarity with the politics that the work reads, to borrow a phrase of… More

Aristotle’s Political Theory

- Mulgan, Richard. Aristotle’s Political Theory. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977.
From Review: “Mulgan  as an article and orderly Van Aristotle himself. He begins with the human good and as with political disorder (no cynicism is intended); in between, the nature of political science, the polis, the household, constitutions, the… More

Aristotle’s Metaphysics Books M and N

- Julia Annas, Aristotle’s Metaphysics Books M and N. Clarendon Press, 1976.
From the publisher: M and N, the last two books of the Metaphysics, are Aristotle’s only sustained venture into the philosophy of mathematics. This volume includes the complete text of M and N along with 170 pages of commentary that provide a… More

Perceiving that We Perceive

- L. A. Kosman, “Perceiving that We Perceive,” Philosophical Review, 1975.
Excerpt: “In the opening sections of on the soul, Aristotle presents an account of what appears to be a mode of perceptual self consciousness, the awareness on our part that we are, when seeing or hearing, for example, seeing or hearing. I shall 1st… More

Aristotle on Emotion

- Fortenbaugh, W. W. Aristotle on Emotion. London, 1975.
From the publisher: When Aristotle on Emotion was first published it showed how discussion within Plato’s Academy led to a better understanding of emotional response, and how that understanding influenced Aristotle’s work in rhetoric, poetics,… More

Articles on Aristotle

- Barnes, J., Schofield, M., Sorabji, R. [eds.] Articles on Aristotle, 4 vol., London, Duckworth, 1975.
Excerpt: “This well conceived and well prepared collection is the first volume of a projected 4 volume series which promises to fill a long standing need for anthologies on the main branches of Aristotle’s thought.  Its central topic,… More

Aristotle and Political Responsibility

- Winthrop, Delba. "Aristotle and Political Responsibility." Political Theory, 3 (4): 406-422 (1975).
Excerpt: “When citizens take politics seriously, their actions and their unsophisticated explanations of them imply that politics is something on which they, as rational and moral beings, can have some effect: they make deliberate choices, and such… More

Avicennas Commentary on the Poetics of Aristotle: A Critical Study

- Dahiyat, I. M. Avicenna’s Commentary on the Poetics of Aristotle. A critical study with an annotated translation of the text. Leiden, 1974.
Excerpt: “Avicenna’s Commentary  on the poetics can be broadly divided into two parts.  The 1st part comprises chapter 1 which is devoted to the author’s own views on poetry and to the 12 kinds of Greek poetry; the 2nd part comprises… More

The Greek Commentaries of the “Nicomachean Ethics” of Aristotle

- Grosseteste, Robert, The Greek Commentaries of the “Nicomachean Ethics” of Aristotle. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1973.
This volume presents, in a critical edition, the last part (Books VII-X) of the compilation of Greek commentaries on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics together with the corresponding text of the ethics itself, in the Latin translation of Robert… More

The Ethics of Aristotle

- Grant, Sir Alexander. The Ethics of Aristotle, 4th ed. 2 vols. New York: Arno Press, 1973.
Excerpt: ” In studying the philosophy of Aristotle, we encounter at the outset a very difficult question with regard to the genuineness, the form, and the literary  character of the works in which that philosophy is contained. The question, in its full… More

Contributions to the Textual Criticism of Aristotle’s “Nicomachean Ethics.”

- Bywater, Ingram. Contributions to the Textual Criticism of Aristotle’s “Nicomachean Ethics.” New York: Arno Press, 1973 (reprint of the 1892 ed.).
Excerpt: “These notes are designed to serve as a supplement to the edition of the Nicomachean Ethics  published at Oxford a year ago. I found it impossible, within the limits of the book itself, to give an account of the reasons, some of the principal… More


- Jaffa, Harry. "Aristotle." In Strauss, Leo, and Joseph Cropsey, eds. History of Political Philosophy. Chicago: Rand MacNally, 1972.
Excerpt: “The subject of Aristotle’s Politics is the polis or political community. There is no single English word that will translate polis, and to understand why is indispensable to any introduction to Aristotle’s political philosophy. The… More

On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy

- Jones, J. On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy, London, 1971.
Excerpt: ” Aristotle wrote the treatise On The Art of Poetry towards the end of his life, when Aeschylus  had been dead for rather more than a century, and Sophocles and Euripides, who died within a few months of one another, for about 70 years. 335… More

L’Éthique a Nicomaque

- Gauthier, René Antoine, and Jean Yves Jolif. L’Éthique a Nicomaque, 2nd ed. 2 vols. Louvain: Publications Universitaire; Paris: Béatrice-Nauwelaerts, 1970.

Notes on the “Nicomachean Ethics” of Aristotle

- Stewart, J. A. Notes on the “Nicomachean Ethics” of Aristotle. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892.
Excerpt: “Chapter 1, Argument: Every art, every science, every action, every act of choice, aims at some good.  Hence  they have well defined The Good  as open quote the end which all things aim at.” But ends differ. Sometimes our end is the beer… More

Aristotle on the Mind and the Senses

- G. E. R. Loyd and G. E. L. Owen, Aristotle on the Mind and the Senses. Cambridge U. Press, 1968.
Excerpt: “As the title of the treatise and the content of the first chapter indicates, the problem which Aristotle proposes to examine in De Anima is: What is the soul? Other formulas such as What is man? What is a living being?  What is life?, which… More

A Portrait of Aristotle

- Grene, Marjorie. A Portrait of Aristotle. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963.
Review: “To the painter of a portrait many liberties are conceded. He may be selective and subjective, may choose his distance and angle of vision, and may decide which features are to stand out in bold relief and which are to be reduced in scale or… More

Nachlese zu Aristotelische Poetik

- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Nachlese zu Aristotelische Poetik in Goethe the Critic, intro and notes by G. F. Semnos, revised C. V. Bock. Manchester: Manchester U. Press, 1960.

Forms of Particular Substances in Aristotle’s Metaphysics

- Rogers Albritton, “Forms of Particular Substances in Aristotle’s Metaphysics,” Journal of Philosophy, 1957.
Excerpt: “Some  The most interesting suggestions in Professor Sellars’  exploration of what Aristotle says about the substance and form a turn on a thesis which Professor Sellars defends only briefly: he holds that it is a doctrine of Aristotle… More

Aristotle’s Poetics. The Argument

- Else, G. F. Aristotle’s Poetics. The Argument [text, tr., comm.]. Cambridge, Mass., 1957.
Excerpt: “The Poetics  Is an extraordinarily crabbed, difficult piece of writing. Many of its interpreters seem to have been content to let it remain a jungle of twisting paths intersected by an occasional clearing. Some have even embraced the… More

Index Aristotelicus

- Bonitz, H. Index Aristotelicus, ed. 2, Berlin 1870. Reprint: Graz 1955.

Thomism and Aristotelianism by Harry Jaffa

- Jaffa, Harry. Thomism and Aristotleanism: A Study of the Commentary by Thomas Aquinus on the Nicomachean Ethics, New York: Praeger Press, 1979 reprint.
Dubbed a “minor classic” by Alasdair MacIntyre, Jaffa’s Thomism and Aristotelianism, that grew out of his doctoral dissertation, analyzes Thomas’ interpretation of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. The problem to be examined is how… More

The Nicomachean Ethics

- Joachim, H. H. The Nicomachean Ethics. Edited by D. A. Rees. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1951.
Review: “Mr. Rees deserves our gratitude for making available this fine commentary by one of the great Aristotelian scholars of the past generation.” – Review from The Philosophical Review, Vol. 62, No. 1

Aristotle: Fundamentals of the History of His Development

- Jaeger, Werner W. Aristotle: Fundamentals of the History of His Development. Trans. R. R. Robinson. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1934.
Excerpt: “Aristotle was the 1st thinker to set up along with his philosophy a conception of his own position in history, he thereby created a new kind of philosophical consciousness, more responsible and inwardly complex. He was the inventor of the… More

A Bibliography of the Poetics of Aristotle

- Cooper, L., Gudeman, A. A Bibliography of the Poetics of Aristotle, New Haven, Oxford, London, 1928.
Published in 1928, A Bibliography of the Poetics of Aristotle contains 1583 bibliographic references to works on Aristotle’s Poetics.

An Aristotelian Theory of Comedy with an Adaptation of the Poetics

- Cooper, L. An Aristotelian theory of comedy with an adaptation of the Poetics and a translation of the "Tractatus Coislinianus", Oxford, 1924.
Excerpt: ” This book has a primary aim in general, and a secondary aim in part. 1st of all, as a companion volume to my ‘Amplified Version’  of Aristotle on the Art of Poetry,  it is intended to be useful to the general students of… More

The Homer of Aristotle

- Margoliouth, D. S. The Homer of Aristotle. Oxford, 1923.
Excerpt (From Preface): ” This monograph is intended as a supplement to the writer’s addition of Aristotle’s Poetics,  the results of which both for text and interpretation are here assumed. It was shown that the initial words of the… More

The Poetics of Aristotle: Its Meaning and Influence

- Cooper, L. The Poetics of Aristotle. Its Meaning and Influence. Boston, 1923.
Excerpt: “The Poetics  of Aristotle is brief, at 1st sight hard and dry, and yet one of the most illuminating and influential books ever produced by the sober human mind. After 22 centuries it remains the most stimulating and helpful of all analytical… More

Aristotle “Nicomachean Ethics” Book Six

- Greenwood, L. H. G. Aristotle “Nicomachean Ethics” Book Six. New York: Arno Press, 1973 (reprint of the 1909 ed.).
Review: “In section I  of the introduction the editor discusses the authorship of the sixth book, lucidly and convincingly refuting the arguments of those who would assign it to the Eudemian Ethics,  and adducing evidence in support of his view that… More