Major Works
Art of War
- Machiavelli, Niccolò. Art of War. Translated and edited by Christopher Lynch. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.Niccolò Machiavelli’s Art of War is a foundational work on political and military theory, providing insights into the relationship between war, politics, and society. In this dialogue, Machiavelli outlines his vision of a strong, well-organized… More
Machiavel et les tyrannies modernes
- Raymond Aron. Machiavel et les tyrannies modernes. Paris: Fallois, 1993.“Arms and Politics in Machiavelli’s ‘Prince'”
- Nathan Tarcov. "Arms and Politics in Machiavelli's 'Prince'." Chap. 8 in Entre Kant et Kosovo: études offertes à Pierre Hassner. Edited by Anne-Marie Le Gloannec et Aleksander Smolar. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2003.“The ordine nuovo of Machiavelli’s ‘Arte della Guerra’: Reforming Ancient Matter”
- Christopher Lynch. "The ordine nuovo of Machiavelli's 'Arte della Guerra': Reforming Ancient Matter." History of Political Thought 31, no. 3 (2010): 407-25.