The Platonian Leviathan
- Leon Harold Craig, The Platonian Leviathan, (University of Toronto Press, 2013)From the publisher: Thomas Hobbes’s influential political treatise, Leviathan, was first published in 1651. Many scholars have since credited him with a mechanistic outlook towards human nature that established the basis of modern Western political… More
Hobbes and the Law
- David Dyzenhaus and Thomas Poole, eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2012)This volume provides the first collection of specially commissioned essays devoted to Hobbes and the law.
Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan
- Noel Malcolm (Clarendon Press, 2012)This is a three-volume critical edition based on a study of the manuscript and printing history of the Leviathan. The first volume contains Malcolm’s introduction, which gives an account of the Leviathan’s context, sources, and textual history. The… More
Hobbes, Bramhall and the Politics of Liberty and Necessity: A Quarrel of the Civil Wars and Interregnum
- Nicholas D. Jackson (Cambridge University Press, 2011)This 2007 book was the first full account of one of the most famous quarrels of the seventeenth century, that between the philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and the Anglican archbishop of Armagh, John Bramhall (1594-1663). This analytical narrative… More
Leviathan and the Air Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life
- Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer (Princeton University Press, 2011)Leviathan and the Air-Pump examines the conflicts over the value and propriety of experimental methods between two major seventeenth-century thinkers: Thomas Hobbes, author of the political treatise Leviathan and vehement critic of systematic experimentation… More
- Bernard Gert (Polity, 2010)A book-length study of Hobbes’ political and moral teaching that resists the psychological egoism often attributed to Hobbes by emphasizing the distinction between justice and morality in his political theory.
“‘Of Religion’ in Hobbes’ Leviathan” by Devin Stauffer
- Stauffer, Devin. "'Of Religion' in Hobbes's Leviathan." The Journal of Politics 72, no. 3 (July 2010): 868–879.Abstract: Although Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential works in the early modern critique of traditional Christian political theology, a debate persists over Hobbes’s view of religion. This… More
The Hunting of Leviathan: Seventeenth-century Reactions to the Materialism and Moral Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes
- Samuel I. Mintz (Cambridge University Press, 2010)Mintz, in examining these seventeenth-century reactions to Hobbes, sets him against his intellectual background and so gives an added dimension to his thought, captures the ideological excitement of the seventeenth-century critics, and reawakens the crucial… More
“The Non-Normative Nature of Hobbesian Natural Law”
- Gary Herbert, Hobbesian Studies, 22, no. 1 (2009): 3-28Abstract: In this paper, I attempt to defend an older, non-normative approach to Hobbes’s philosophy. I argue, against recent theories that maintain Hobbes’s philosophy contains a normative theory of human behavior “which prescribes proper or… More
“Hobbes’ Fearful Wisdom”
- Michael Gillespie, in The Theological Origins of Modernity (Chicago University Press, 2009), pp. 207-254In this, the seventh chapter of his book-length study of the origins of modernity, Gillespie considers the place of Hobbes in the making (and crisis) of modernity and the Enlightenment.
Made with Words: Hobbes on Language, Mind, and Politics
- Phillip Pettit (Princeton University Press, 2009)Pettit argues that it was Hobbes, not later thinkers like Rousseau, who invented the invention of language thesis–the idea that language is a cultural innovation that transformed the human mind. The invention, in Hobbes’s story, is a double-edged… More
The Allegiance of Thomas Hobbes
- Jeffrey R. Collins (Oxford University Press, 2008)The Allegiance of Thomas Hobbes offers a revisionist interpretation of Thomas Hobbes’s evolving response to the English Revolution. It rejects the prevailing understanding of Hobbes as a consistent, if idiosyncratic, royalist, and vindicates the… More
Hobbes and Republican Liberty
- Quentin Skinner (Cambridge University Press, 2008)Skinner offers a comparison of two rival theories about the nature of human liberty. The first originated in classical antiquity, and lay at the heart of the Roman republican tradition of public life. According to Skinner, Thomas Hobbes was the most… More
“Reopening the Quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns: Leo Strauss’s Critique of Hobbes’s ‘New Political Science'”
- Devin Stauffer, The American Political Science Review, v. 101, no. 2 (May, 2007): 223-233Abstract: Leo Strauss’s greatest project was his attempt to resurrect classical political philosophy by reawakening the quarrel between the ancients and the moderns. This essay illuminates Strauss’s view of that quarrel by considering a crucial… More
The Stillborn God: Religion, Politics, and the Modern West
- Mark Lilla (Knopf, 2007)Lilla argues that, due to a crisis in Western Christendom nearly five hundred years ago, a novel intellectual challenge to political theology arose in Europe. By portraying religion as an expression of human nature, not a divine gift, modern Western thinkers… More
“Hobbes, Locke, and the Problem of the Rule of Law”
- Michael Zuckert, in Launching Liberalism: on Lockean Political Philosophy (University Press of Kansas, 2002), pp. 297-310Zuckert traces a contemporary disagreement among “Hobbesian” and “Lockean” scholars of constitutional law back to a disagreement over the moral foundations of law, the relation of ends and means, and the possibility of appealing from… More
Divine Right and Democracy: An Anthology of Political Writing in Stuart England
- David Wootton (Hackett, 2003)An anthology of political thought drawn from England’s ‘century of revolution’ that focuses on the writings of those English theorists, essayists, speech writers, tract writers, and pamphleteers to whom Hobbes and Locke were immediately… More
Aspects of Hobbes by Noel Malcolm
- Malcolm, Noel. Aspects of Hobbes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.These essays are the fruit of many years’ research by one of the world’s leading Hobbes scholars. Noel Malcolm offers succinct introductions to Hobbes’s life and thought and studies of many different aspects of his political philosophy, his… More
Hobbes: A Very Short Introduction by Richard Tuck
- Tuck, Richard. Hobbes: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.Richard Tuck’s Hobbes: A Very Short Introduction offers a concise yet profound exploration of Thomas Hobbes’s philosophy, challenging common misconceptions about his work. Often caricatured as a pessimistic atheist advocating for totalitarian rule,… More
Hobbes: A Biography
- A. P. Martinich (Cambridge University Press, 1999)A. P. Martinich’s accessible biography takes full account of the historical and cultural context in which Hobbes lived, drawing on both published and unpublished sources. The author is a Professor of Philosophy and the author or editor of nine books,… More
The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes
- Tom Sorell, ed. (Cambridge University Press, 1996)Hobbes had distinctive views in metaphysics and epistemology, and wrote about such subjects as history, law, and religion. He also produced full-scale treatises in physics, optics, and geometry. All of these areas are covered in this Companion, most in… More
“Hobbes’s Political Philosophy”
- Alan Ryan, in The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes (Tom Sorell, ed., Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp. 208-245A general essay on Hobbes’ political philosophy that discusses Hobbes’ theory of the sovereign as the source of all law.
“Hobbes’s Moral Philosophy” by Richard Tuck
- Tuck, Richard. "Hobbes's Moral Philosophy." In The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes, edited by Tom Sorell, 175–207. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.Richard Tuck considers the relation between Hobbes’ remarks on moral philosophy, which is concerned with passions and behavior, and his remarks on optics in De Homine, both of which are meant to combat illusions. Author’s summary, from the… More
“Hobbes’s Psychology”
- Bernard Gert, in The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes (Tom Sorell, ed., Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp. 157-174An investigation of Hobbes’ determinism and the interaction of reason and passion in Hobbes’ moral philosophy. The author denies that Hobbes was simply a psychological egoist.
“Hobbes on Law”
- M. M. Goldsmith, in The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes (Tom Sorell, ed., Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp. 274-304An explanation of Hobbes’ doctrine of law and his theory of sovereignty that relates Hobbes’ political thought to 20th century jurisprudence and considers the criticisms leveled at Hobbes by two of his contemporaries, Sir Edward Coke and Sir… More
“Hobbes and the Method of Natural Science”
- Douglas Jesseph, in The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes (Tom Sorell, ed., Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp. 86-107A comparison of Hobbes’ methodology with that of Scholastic natural philosophy, which is followed by a consideration of the distinction between analytic and synthetic methods and Hobbes’ claim that scientific reasoning depends on the manipulation… More
“First Philosophy and the Foundations of Knowledge”
- Yves Charles Zarka, in The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes (Tom Sorell, ed., Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp. 62-85Zarka considers the relation between Hobbes’s “rational reconstruction of knowledge” and his concept of “first philosophy,” focusing in particular on the development of his first philosophy, with comparison to Aristotle and… More
“Hobbes’s Scheme of the Sciences”
- Tom Sorell, in The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes (Tom Sorell, ed., Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp. 45-61Tom Sorell considers Hobbes’ views on the proper organization of the sciences and how that organization bears on Hobbes’ own “system.”
“Hobbes on Religion”
- Patricia Springborg, in The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes (Tom Sorell, ed., Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp. 346-380A treatment of Hobbes’ views on politics and religion, with particular attention to his distinction between the inner sphere of belief, which lies outside the sovereign’s control, and the outer sphere of public action, which is subject to the… More
Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes
- Quentin Skinner (Cambridge University Press, 1996)Using, for the first time, the full range of manuscript as well as printed sources, Skinner documents an entirely new view of Hobbes’ intellectual development, and reexamines the shift from a humanist to a scientific culture in European moral and… More
An Intellectual History of Liberalism
- Pierre Manent (Rebecca Balinski, trans., Princeton University Press, 1996)Highlighting the social tensions that confront the liberal tradition, Pierre Manent draws a portrait of what we, citizens of modern liberal democracies, have become. For Manent, a discussion of liberalism encompasses the foundations of modern society, its… More
“Hobbes versus Descartes”
- Edwin Curley, in Descartes and his Contemporaries (Roger Ariew and Marjorie Grene, eds., University of Chicago Press, 1995), pp. 97-109An analysis of the exchange between Hobbes and Descartes sparked by Descartes’ publication of his Meditations in 1641.
“Fear of Death” by Gary Herbert
- Herbert, Gary. "Fear of Death and the Foundations of Natural Right in the Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes." Hobbes Studies 7, no. 1 (1994): 56–68.Herbert’s article “Fear of Death and the Foundations of Natural Right in the Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes” examines how Hobbes’s understanding of human fear influences his conception of natural rights and the establishment of political… More
“The Reception of Hobbes”
- Mark Goldie, in The Cambridge History of Political Thought 1450-1700 (J.H. Burns and Mark Goldie, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1994), pp. 589-615Goldie provides a summary of contemporary and near-contemporary reactions to Hobbes.
“A Critique of Hobbes’s Critique of Biblical and Natural Religion in Leviathan”
- Thomas L. Pangle, Jewish Political Studies Review, 4:2 (Fall 1992): 25-57Abstract: This essay is a critical exposition of Thomas Hobbes’s atheism, focusing on the natural-scientific and theological foundations of his philosophy.
“‘I durst not write so boldly’ or, How to Read Hobbes’ Theological-Political Treatise”
- Edwin Curley, in Hobbes e Spinoza, (Daniela Bostrenghi, ed., intr. by Emilia Giancotti, Bibliopolis, 1992), pp. 497-593Curley reexamines Hobbes’ reaction to the publication of Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise, taking up the question of Hobbes’ own religious views and the sincerity of his professions of the Christian faith.
Perspectives on Thomas Hobbes
- G. A. J. Rogers and Alan Ryan, eds. (Oxford University Press, 1991)Including contributions from such notable scholars as David Gauthier, Noel Malcolm, D.D. Raphael, and Richard Tuck, this volume offers a variety of views on central aspects of Hobbes’s life and work, including the importance of his political theory and… More
History and Modernity in the Thought of Thomas Hobbes
- Robert P. Kraynak, History and Modernity in the Thought of Thomas Hobbes, Cornell University Press, 1990.“Time, History, and Eschatology in the Thought of Thomas Hobbes”
- J. G. A. Pocock, in Politics, Language and Time: Essays on Political Thought and History (Chicago University Press, 1989), pp. 148-201A study of Hobbes by a leading member of the “Cambridge School” of political theory.
The Rhetoric of Leviathan
- David Johnston (Princeton University Press, 1989)Contending that modern readers do Leviathan an injustice by neglecting its metaphysical and theological themes, David Johnston supports his claim with a detailed examination of the text as a whole and with a reinterpretation of the genesis of the work.
Thomas Hobbes: the Unity of Scientific and Moral Wisdom
- Gary B. Herbert (University of British Columbia, 1989)It is generally believed that Hobbes’s mechanistic physics is at odds with his notorious egoistic psychology, and that the latter cannot support his prescriptive moral theory. In this book Gary B. Herbert sets forth a new interpretation of Hobbes’s… More
“Hobbes and the Political Science of Power”
- Harvey C. Mansfield, in Taming the Prince: the Ambivalence of Modern Executive Power (Free Press, 1989), pp. 151-180Excerpt: In Machiavelli we find the executive, but not executive power. Before executive power could be conceived as one of the equal independent powers of a republican constitution, the very concept of power had to be discovered. This was the work of… More
“Thomas Hobbes”
- Berns, Lawrence. "Thomas Hobbes." In History of Political Philosophy, edited by Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey, 396–420. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.Lawrence Berns’ essay on Thomas Hobbes, featured in History of Political Philosophy (3rd ed.), offers a comprehensive analysis of Hobbes’s political theories. Berns examines Hobbes’s views on human nature, the state of nature, and the… More
Hobbes and the Social Contract Tradition
- Jean Hampton (Cambridge University Press, 1986)This major study of Hobbes’s political philosophy draws on recent developments in game and decision theory to explore whether the thrust of the argument in Leviathan, that it is in the interests of the people to create a ruler with absolute power, can… More
Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory
- Gregory S. Kavka (Princeton University Press, 1986)From the book description: Both conflict and cooperation are ubiquitous features of human social life. Interests of individuals conflict with those of their neighbors because (among other reasons) material resources are scarce, ideals and values are diverse,… More
Meditations on First Philosophy [1641]
- Rene Descartes, in The Philosophical Writings of Descartes (John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, and Dugald Murdoch, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1984), vol. 2, pp. 1-62The publication of these Meditations, in which Descartes famously strives with universal doubt in order to establish what can be known with certainty, sparked a famous quarrel between Descartes and Hobbes.
“Thomas Hobbes’ Dialectic of Desire”
- Gary Herbert, The New Scholasticism, v. 50, no. 2 (1976): 137-163From the conclusion of the paper: “The central claim of the present paper has been that Hobbes’ philosophy proceeds by virtue of a dynamic, dialectical conception of nature, a conception which, I believe has its own origins in his thoughts about… More
Hobbes’s Doctrine of Method
- J. Weinberger, "Hobbes's Doctrine of Method," American Political Science Review, Vol. 69, No. 4 (Dec. 1975).Excerpt: The rise of modern political science is usually associated with the rise of modern natural science and scientific method. It is often noted that Hobbes was the first modern thinker to apply the new science of nature to the study of politics and,… More
Hobbes on Civil Association [1975]
- Michael Oakeshott (Liberty Fund, 2000)This volume consists of Michael Oakeshott’s four principal essays on Hobbes and on the nature of civil association as civil association pertains to ordered liberty. The essays are “Introduction to Leviathan” (1946); “The Moral Life in the Writings of… More
On the Sovereign Authorization
- Clifford Orwin, "On the Sovereign Authorization," Political Theory, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Feb. 1975).Excerpt: HOBBES IS, as others have shown, the founder of the modern notion of representation. He does not, however, speak exclusively of “representation,” and “personation” and “standing-for,” but of… More
“Hobbes and the Science of Indirect Government”
- Harvey C. Mansfield, The American Political Science Review, v. 65, no. 1 (Mar., 1971): 97-110In this essay, Mansfield takes up the simultaneously revolutionary and conservative aspects of Hobbes’ political science, considering especially the elevation of theoretical questions (i.e., questions of representation) over practical ones (i.e.,… More
The Logic of Leviathan: The Moral and Political Theory of Thomas Hobbes
- David P. Gauthier (Clarendon Press, 1969)A book-length study of Hobbes’ most famous work by one of the most well-known scholars of Hobbes.
The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke [1962]
- C. B. MacPherson (Oxford University Press, 2011)This work by C.B. Macpherson was first published by the Clarendon Press in 1962, and remains of key importance to the study of liberal-democratic theory. In it, Macpherson argues that the chief difficulty of the notion of individualism that underpins… More
“On the Basis of Hobbes’ Political Philosophy” [1959]
- Leo Strauss, in What is Political Philosophy? and Other Studies (University of Chicago Press, 1988), pp. 170-196Excerpt: In a word, by trying to give reasons for unqualified submission to authority, Hobbes makes impossible unqualified submission to authority; by appealing from authority to reason, as Socrates did, he is forced to repeat what he regarded as Socrates’s… More
The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: His Theory of Obligation [1957]
- Howard Warrender (Oxford University Press, 2000)A lengthy consideration of Hobbes’ theory of obligation as it comes to light in his discussion of the state of nature and civil society.
The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes: Meaning and Failure of a Political Symbol [1938]
- Carl Schmitt (George Schwab and Erna Hilfstein, trans., The University of Chicago Press, 2008)One of the most significant political philosophers of the twentieth century, Carl Schmitt is a deeply controversial figure who has been labeled both Nazi sympathizer and modern-day Thomas Hobbes. First published in 1938, The Leviathan in the State Theory of… More
The Political Philosophy of Hobbes by Leo Strauss
- Strauss, Leo. The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Its Genesis. Translated by Elsa M. Sinclair. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952.Leo Strauss‘s The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Its Genesis was originally written in German. The book’s original title is Die politische Philosophie des Hobbes: Ihre Grundlage und ihre Genese, published in 1936. The English… More
Hobbes’s Critique of Religion and Related Writings
- Leo Strauss (Gabriel Bartlett and Svetozar Minkov, trans., University of Chicago Press, 2011)In The Political Philosophy of Hobbes Strauss argues that the basis for Hobbes’s natural and political science is his interest in “self-knowledge of man as he really is.” The writings collected in this book, each written prior to that classic… More
Thomas Hobbes, Der Mann und Der Denker: Zweite, Erweiterte Der Schrift “Hobbes Leben und Lehre”
- Ferdinand Toennies (Osterwieck/Harz, und Leipzig, 1912)An account of the life and thought of Hobbes by one of the greatest German sociologists, Ferdinand Toennies, whose classic work, Community and Civil Society, was influenced by his study of Hobbes. In German.
Community and Civil Society [1887]
- Ferdinand Toennies (Margaret Hollis, trans., Jose Harris, ed., Cambridge, 2001)Tönnies’ Community and Civil Society (first published in 1887 as Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft) is a classic of social and political theory, exploring the tension between close-knit “communities” and an emerging global market… More
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations [1776]
- Adam Smith, 2 vols. (R. H. Campbell and A. S. Skinner, eds., Liberty Fund, 1982)In this classic work, Smith builds upon Hobbes’s appeal to enlightened self-interest as the basis of social order, arguing that “it is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to… More
The Theory of Moral Sentiments [1759]
- Adam Smith, 2 vols. (D. D. Raphael and A. L. Macfie, eds., Liberty Fund, 1982)In this classic text, the founder of modern capitalism discusses the psychological basis of morality. He continues the tradition begun by Hobbes by discussing morality in terms of man’s natural freedom and the primacy of self-interest.
Aubrey’s Brief Lives [Late 17th c.]
- John Aubrey (Oliver Lawson Dick, ed., David R. Godine, 1999)A contemporary account of the life of Thomas Hobbes by the famous chronicler John Aubrey.
Second Treatise of Government [1689]
- John Locke (C. B. Macpherson, ed., Hackett, 1980)Locke’s Second Treatise, one of the great texts in the history of liberal political thought and a great influence on the American founders, is simultaneously a continuation of Hobbes’ thought and a criticism of Hobbes’ scheme. Like Hobbes,… More
A Letter Concerning Toleration [1689]
- John Locke (James H. Tully, ed., Hackett, 1983)Locke’s plea for religious toleration, first published anonymously in 1689, is the founding document for the modern tradition of religious toleration. He argues, in contrast to Hobbes, for the strict separation of church and state, basing his argument… More
Letter to Marin Mersenne for Hobbes (1641) by Descartes
- Descartes, René. “Letter to Marin Mersenne for Hobbes [1641].” In The Correspondence of Thomas Hobbes, edited by Noel Malcolm, 94–101. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.During the preparation of René Descartes’s Meditations on First Philosophy (1641), Thomas Hobbes was invited, along with other prominent philosophers, to contribute objections to Descartes’s work. Hobbes, known for his materialist and mechanistic… More