Tag: Theology

Major Works

  • Lectures on the History of Philosophy

    - Recommended edition: Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Humanity Books, 1989.
    From the publisher: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was not only a great philosopher but a great historian of philosophy. He invented the idea of the philosophical tradition as a discussion among philosophers extending over centuries centering on a few main… More


  • Hegel: A Re-interpretation

    - Kaufmann, Walter. Hegel: A Re-interpretation, 1966.
    Excerpt: Whoever looks for the stereotype of the allegedly Hegelian dialectic [“thesis, antithesis, synthesis”] in Hegel’s Phenomenology will not find it. What one does find on looking at the table of contents is a very decided preference… More
  • The Religious Dimension in Hegel’s Thought

    - Fackenheim, Emil L. The Religious Dimension in Hegel’s Thought. Bloomington and London, 1967
    Excerpt: Hegelian “science” is marked by an unprecedented presumptuousness. The Encyclopedia [of Philosophic Sciences] is no mere conceptual philosophical system inclusive of other conceptual philosophical systems and related to Reality as its… More
  • Hegel and the Philosophy of Religion

    - Christensen, Darrel, Ed., Hegel and the Philosophy of Religion, The Hague, 1970.
    Excerpt: This back and forth movement of the mind between the abstract and empty notion of a thing – in the above example, a chair – and those characteristics or attributes drawn from immediate experience by which the concept of that thing is to… More
  • New Studies in Hegel’s Philosophy

    - Steinkraus, W.E. ed. New Studies in Hegel’s Philosophy, New York, 1971.
    Excerpt: Rational theology further claims to determine by thought the attributes of the divine nature, and theologians are again faced with the problem of knowing a transcendent being. Moses Maimonides declares that all predicates assigned to the Deity, wise,… More
  • Hegel (Charles Taylor)

    - Charles Taylor, Hegel, Cambridge University Press, 1975.
    […] In fact, our difficulties just begin when we accept the central role of reason; and it was these difficulties which motivated [the Romantics] in turning away from it to fantasy, invention, and art. For if we abandon the view of spirit as endless… More
  • Hegel (Frederick Beiser)

    - Beiser, Frederick. Hegel, 2005.
    Excerpt: These religious and political controversies within the Hegelian school were not so easily resolvable because they involved an apparently intractable problem in the interpretation of Hegel’s metaphysics. Namely, what is the nature of… More