
“Revision and Standardization of Hebrew Philosophical Terminology in the Fourteenth Century: the Example of Averroes’ Long Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Δand the Development of Hebrew Scientific Terms”

- Halper, Yehuda. “Revision and Standardization of Hebrew Philosophical Terminology in the Fourteenth Century: the Example of Averroes’ Long Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Δand the Development of Hebrew Scientific Terms.” Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism 13 (2013): 95-138.

“Al-Farabi, Avicenna, & Averroes in Hebrew”

- James Robinson, “Al-Farabi, Avicenna, & Averroes in Hebrew.” The Judeo-Christian-Islamic Heritage: Philosophical & Theological Perspectives (Marquette Studies in Philosophy), eds. Richard C. Taylor & Irfan A. Omar, Marquette University Press, 2012, pp. 59-87.      

“Al-Farabi, Avicenna, and Averroes in Hebrew: Remarks on the Indirect Transmission of Arabic-Islamic Philosophy in Medieval Judaism.”

- James Robinson, “Al-Farabi, Avicenna, and Averroes in Hebrew: Remarks on the Indirect Transmission of Arabic-Islamic Philosophy in Medieval Judaism.” The Muslim,  Christian, and Jewish Heritage: Philosophical and Theological Explorations in the Abrahamic Traditions. eds. Irfan Omar and Richard Taylor. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2012, pp. 59-87.    

Some Notes on Averroes’ Appraisal of non-Islamic Religions, with a Focus on Christianity and Judaism

- Belo, Catarina. "Some Notes on Averroes’ Appraisal of non-Islamic Religions, with a Focus on Christianity and Judaism." Universality of Reason, Plurality of Philosophies in the Middles Ages (Proceedings of the 12th SIEPM Congress, Palermo, 17-22 September 2007), ed. Alessandro Musco, Rosanna Gambino - Luciana Pepi - Patrizia Spallino - Maria Vassallo. Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali, 2012, pp. 1-9.

“Intelligibles in Act in Averroes”

- Taylor, Richard C. "Intelligibles in Act in Averroes." Averroes et les Averroïsmes juif et latin. Actes du Colloque International (Paris, 16-18 juin 2005), ed. J. B.Brenet, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2007, pp. 111-140.

“The Philosopher as Legislator”

- Lerner, Ralph. "The Philosopher as Legislator." Adaptations and Innovations. Studies on the Interaction between Jewish and Islamic Thought and Literature from the Early Middle Ages to the Late Twentieth Century, Dedicated to Professor Joel L. Kraemer, ed. Y. Tzvi Langermann, Josef Stern. Paris: Louvain, 2007, pp. 269-283.

“Arabic philosophy and Averroism”

- Dag Hasse. "Arabic philosophy and Averroism." The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy, ed. J. Hankins. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2007, pp. 113-136.

“Averroes´ hermeneutics of the Qur’ān”

- Campanini, Massimo. "Averroes´ hermeneutics of the Qur'ān." Averroes et les Averroïsmes juif et latin. Actes du Colloque International (Paris, 16-18 June 2005), ed. J. B. Brenet. Brepols, 2007, pp. 215-229.

“Averroes on Law and Political Well-Being”

- Butterworth, Charles E. "Averroes on Law and Political Well-Being." Averroes et les Averroïsmes juif et latin (Proceedings of the International Symposium, Paris, 16-18 June 2005), ed. J.B. Brenet Louvain-la-Neuve, 2007, pp. 183-192.

“Averroes on Aristotle”

- Ivry, Alfred. "Averroes on Aristotle." Uses and Abuses of the Classics. Western Interpretations of Greek Philosophy. ed. E. Gracia, Jiyuan Yu, Ashgate: , 2004, pp. 125-136.

“Separate Material Intellect in Averroes’ Mature Philosophy”

- Taylor, Richard C. "Separate Material Intellect in Averroes' Mature Philosophy." Words, Texts and Concepts Cruising the Mediterranean Sea: Studies on the sources, contents and influences of Islamic civilization and Arabic philosophy and science, dedicated to Gerhard Endress on his sixty-fifth birthday. Eds. Gerhard Endress, Rüdiger Arnzen and J Thielmann. Leuven: Dudley, 2004: 289-309.


- Taylor, Richard C. "Averroes." A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages, ed. Jorge Gracia Malden (Mass.), 2003, pp. 182-195.

“Averroes’ Commentaries on Aristotle. To Explain and to Interpret”

- Puig Montada, Josep. "Averroes' Commentaries on Aristotle. To Explain and to Interpret." Il comento filosofico nell'Occidente latino (The Philosophical Commentary in the Latin West: 13th-15th centuries), eds. G.Fioravanti, C. Leonardi and S. Perfetti.  Turnhout Brepols, 2002, pp. 327-358.

“Ibn Rushd’s Use of Allegory”

- Ivry, Alfred L. "Ibn Rushd's Use of Allegory." Averroës and the Enlightenment. [First Special International Philos. Conf. on Ibn Rushd (Averroës) and the Enlightenment (Cairo 1996), Fifth Afro-Asian Philos. Conf. organized by the Afro-Asian Philos. Assoc., and Five Dialogues on Averroës and his Influe, ed. Mourad Wahba, Boutros Boutros-Ghali. New York: Prometheus, 1996, pp. 113-125.

“The Future Life and Averroes’s Long Commentary on the De Anima of Aristotle”

- Taylor, Richard C. "The Future Life and Averroes's Long Commentary on the De Anima of Aristotle." Averroës and the Enlightenment. [First Special International Philos. Conf. on Ibn Rushd (Averroës) and the Enlightenment (Cairo 1996), Fifth Afro-Asian Philos. Conf. organized by the Afro-Asian Philos. Assoc., and Five Dialogues on Averroës and his Influence: Remembering G. Hourani], ed. Mourad Wahba, Boutros Boutros-Ghali.  New York:Prometheus, 1996, pp. 263-277.      

“The Politics of Logic”

- Wahba, Murad . "The Politics of Logic." Averroës and the Enlightenment. [First Special International Philos. Conf. on Ibn Rushd (Averroës) and the Enlightenment (Cairo 1996), Fifth Afro-Asian Philos. Conf. organized by the Afro-Asian Philos. Assoc., and Five Dialogues on Averroës and his Influe. (Edd.) Mourad Wahba, Boutros Boutros-Ghali Amherst, New York, 1996. 99-104.

“Averroës and Inquiry. The Need for an Enlightened Community”

- Madigan, Timothy J. "Averroës and Inquiry. The Need for an Enlightened Community." Averroës and the Enlightenment. [First Special International Philos. Conf. on Ibn Rushd (Averroës) and the Enlightenment (Cairo 1996), Fifth Afro-Asian Philos. Conf. organized by the Afro-Asian Philos. Assoc., and Five Dialogues on Averroës and his Influence, ed. Mourad Wahba, Mona Abousenna. Amherst: Prometheus, 1996, pp. 69-77.

“Intellectual Freedom, Rationality, and Enlightenment. The Contributions of Averroës”

- Kurtz, Paul. "Intellectual Freedom, Rationality, and Enlightenment. The Contributions of Averroës." Averroës and the Enlightenment. [First Special International Philos. Conf. on Ibn Rushd (Averroës) and the Enlightenment (Cairo 1996), Fifth Afro-Asian Philos. Conf. organized by the Afro-Asian Philos. Assoc., and Five Dialogues on Averroës and his Influe, ed. Mourad Wahba, Mona Abousenna. Amherst: Prometheus, 1996, pp. 29-40.

“The Philosopher and the Understanding of the Law”

- Gracia, Jorge J. E. "The Philosopher and the Understanding of the Law." Averroës and the Enlightenment. [First Special International Philos. Conf. on Ibn Rushd and the Enlightenment (Cairo 1996), Fifth Afro-Asian Philos. Conf. organized by the Afro-Asian Philos. Assoc., and Five Dialogues on Averroës and his Influence], ed. Mourad Wahba, Mona Abousenna. Amherst: Prometheus, 1996,  pp. 243-251.

“Religious Truth and Philosophical Truth According to Ibn Rushd”

- Ghannouchi, A. E. "Religious Truth and Philosophical Truth According to Ibn Rushd." Averroës and the Enlightenment. [First Special International Philos. Conf. on Ibn Rushd (Averroës) and the Enlightenment (Cairo 1996), Fifth Afro-Asian Philos. Conf. organized by the Afro-Asian Philos. Assoc., and Five Dialogues on Averroës and his Influe, ed. Mourad Wahba, Mona Abousenna. Amherst: Prometheus, 1996, pp. 229-232.

“Averroës on the Harmony of Philosophy and Religion”

- Druart, Thérèse-Anne. "Averroës on the Harmony of Philosophy and Religion." Averroës and the Enlightenment. [First Special International Philos. Conf. on Ibn Rushd (Averroës) and the Enlightenment (Cairo 1996), Fifth Afro-Asian Philos. Conf. organized by the Afro-Asian Philos. Assoc., and Five Dialogues on Averroës and his Influence: Remembering G. Hourani], ed. Mourad Wahba, Boutros Boutros-Ghali.  New York:Prometheus, 1996, pp. 253-262.
From the Publisher: “This book offers a rare opportunity to learn about the contemporary Arab world and its efforts to dialogue with the West.”

What is Political Averroism?

- Butterworth, Charles, “What is Political Averroism?” Averroismus im Mittelalter und in der Renaissance, ed. Friedrich Niewöhner and Loris Sturlese. Zürich: Spur Verlag, 1994, pp. 239–250.

“Averroes and the West: The First Encounter/Nonencounter”

- Ivry, Alfred L. "Averroes and the West: The First Encounter/Nonencounter." A Straight Path. Studies in Medieval Philosophy and Culture. Essays in Honor of Arthur Hyman, ed. Ruth Link-Salinger. Washington, D.C.: The CatholicUniversity of America Press, 1988, pp. 142-158.

“The Ideal State of the Philosophers and Prophetic Laws”

- Berman, Lawrence V. "The Ideal State of the Philosophers and Prophetic Laws." A Straight Path. Studies in Medieval Philosophy and Culture. Essays in Honor of Arthur Hyman, ed. Ruth Link-Salinger. Washington: CatholicUniversity of America Press, 1988, pp. 10-22.

“Ibn Rushd”

- Hourani, George F. "Ibn Rushd." Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. Mircea Eliade, Macmillan: New York, 1987, pp. 566-568.

“Averroes on Good and Evil”

- Hourani, George F. "Averroes on Good and Evil." Reason and Tradition in Islamic Ethics, Cambridge University Press: New York, 1985, pp. 249-269.

“Remarks on Averroes’ Decisive Treatise”

-   Mahdi, Muhsin. "Remarks on Averroes' Decisive Treatise." Islamic Theology and Philosophy: Studies in Honor of George Hourani, ed. Michael EMarmura. Albany: SUNY, 1984, pp. 188-202, 305-307.

“Ibn-Rushd’s Defence of Philosophy”

- Hourani, George F., "Ibn-Rushd's Defence of Philosophy," The World of Islam. Studies in Honour of Philip K. Hitti, ed. by James Kritzeck and R. Bayly Winder.  London: Macmillan/New York: St. Martin's Press, 1959, pp. 145–158.