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Descartes Contra Averroes? The Problem of Faith and Reason in the Letter of Dedication to the Meditations
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What is Political Averroism?
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- Fakhry, Majid. "Notes on Essence and Existence in Averroes and Avicenna." Die Metaphysik im Mittelalter: ihr Ursprung und ihre Bedeutung, ed. Paul Wilpert and Willehad P. Eckert, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1963, pp. 414–417.“The twice-revealed Averroes”
- Wolfson, Harry A. "The twice-revealed Averroes." Speculum 36 (1961): 373–392.Averroes on the Harmony of Religion and Philosophy: A translation with introduction and notes
- Averroes, Averroes on the Harmony of Religion and Philosophy: A translation with introduction and notes, trans. Hourani, George F. E. J. W. Gibb Memorial Series. New Series 21, London: Luzac, 1961.An excellent introduction to Averroes by George Hourani