Major Works

Other Works

  • Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms

    "If it was possible for men, who exercise their reason to believe, that the divine Author of our existence intended a part of the human race to hold an absolute property in, and an unbounded power over others, marked out by his infinite goodness and wisdom,… More
  • Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States

  • The Adams-Jefferson Letters

    - Cappon, Lester J., ed. 1971. The Adams-Jefferson Letters. New York: Simon and Shuster.
    The dialogue between these two seminal figures represents an intimate portrayal of the trials associated with the first 50 years of the republic. Their discussed included the structure of government, philosophy, religion, current politics as well as their… More
  • Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson

    - Jefferson, Thomas. 2009. Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson. Blacksburg: A & D Publications.
    Thomas Jefferson is one of the most important figure in American history. Author of the Declaration of Independence, foreign minister to France, third president of the United States and Founder of the University of Virginia, owner of a large Plantation,… More
  • The Kentucky Resolution

    - Introduction to the Controversy   Jefferson's Draft   Final Draft
    There was some dispute over Jefferson’s authorship of the Kentucky Resolution, mostly due to its implications for nullification and the role of nullification in the Civil War. The Kentucky Resolution states that the “General Government” cannot use any… More
  • Jefferson’s First Inaugural

    - First Inaugural Address
    Jefferson’s election of 1800, sometimes referred to as the Revolution of 1800, marked a dramatic shift in the exercise of executive power as well as a shift in Jefferson’s political thought. Prior to his role as president, Jefferson focused on states… More



  • Thomas Jefferson: Biography