Other Works
Letter from J.J. Rousseau to M. de Voltaire
- Recommended translation: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. “Letter from J.J. Rousseau to M. de Voltaire.” In Rousseau: The Discourses and Other Early Political Writings, 2nd ed., edited and translated by Victor Gourevitch, 232–246. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.Rousseau’s “Letter to Voltaire,” originally published in 1756. Rousseau to Voltaire, 18 August 1756, from J.A. Leigh, ed., Correspondence complète de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, vol. 4 (Geneva, 1967), pp. 37-50; translated by R. Spang. … More
Rousseau on Providence
- Victor Gourevitch, “Rousseau on Providence,” The Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 53, No. 3, March 2000.Excerpt: Kant held that Rousseau and Newton had revealed the ways of Providence: “After Newton and Rousseau, God is justified, and Pope’s thesis is henceforth true.” Rousseau discussed Providence and Pope’s thesis that… MoreRousseau and l’Infâme: Religion, Toleration, and Fanaticism in the Age of Enlightenment
- John T. Scott and Ourida Mostefai (editors), Rousseau and l'Infâme: Religion, Toleration, and Fanaticism in the Age of Enlightenment (Amsterdam: Rodolphi Press, 2008).From the publisher: Ecrasez l’infâme! Voltaire’s rallying cry against fanaticism resonates with new force today. Nothing suggests the complex legacy of the Enlightenment more than the struggle of superstition, prejudice, and intolerance advocated… More