Tag: History

Major Works

  • Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (Second Discourse)

    - Recommended translation: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. “Second Discourse.” In Rousseau: The Discourses and Other Early Political Writings, 2nd ed., edited and translated by Victor Gourevitch, 111–222. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.    
    Rousseau’s Discourse on Inequality, also referred to as the Second Discourse, was published in 1755 in response to an essay competition held by the Academy of Dijon on the question of what was the “the origin of inequality among men” and whether… More

Other Works

  • Letter from J.J. Rousseau to M. de Voltaire

    - Recommended translation: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. “Letter from J.J. Rousseau to M. de Voltaire.” In Rousseau: The Discourses and Other Early Political Writings, 2nd ed., edited and translated by Victor Gourevitch, 232–246. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.        
    Rousseau’s “Letter to Voltaire,” originally published in 1756. Rousseau to Voltaire, 18 August 1756, from J.A. Leigh, ed., Correspondence complète de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, vol. 4 (Geneva, 1967), pp. 37-50; translated by R. Spang.  … More


  • Natural Right and History

    - Leo Strauss, “Rousseau”, in Natural Right and History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953), pp. 252-293.
    Excerpt: The first crisis of modernity occurred in the thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.  Rousseau was not the first to feel that the modern venture was a radical error and to seek the remedy in a return to classical thought.  It suffices to mention the… More
  • The Political Philosophy of Rousseau

    - Roger Masters, The Political Philosophy of Rousseau. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968).
    From the publisher: Masters writes in his introduction about the unity of Rousseau’s works: Man is naturally good but it is society that depraves. That is one way to characterize Rousseau’s thought. Man is motivated by two forces. One is… More