“On the Intention of Rousseau” by Leo Strauss
- Strauss, Leo. “On the Intention of Rousseau.” Social Research 14 (1947): 455–487.Excerpt: The antiquarian controversy about the intention of Rousseau conceals a political controversy about the nature of democracy. Modern democracy might seem to stand or fall by the claim that “the method of democracy” and “the method of… MoreThe Political Philosophy of Rousseau
- Roger Masters, The Political Philosophy of Rousseau. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968).From the publisher: Masters writes in his introduction about the unity of Rousseau’s works: Man is naturally good but it is society that depraves. That is one way to characterize Rousseau’s thought. Man is motivated by two forces. One is… MoreMen and Citizens: A Study of Rousseau’s Social Theory
- Judith Shklar, Men and Citizens: A Study of Rousseau's Social Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985).From the publisher: This book, first published in 1969, is widely regarded as one of the best studies of Rousseau’s thought in any language. In it, Professor Shklar examines Rousseau’s central concern: given that modern civilisation is intolerable… MoreThe Sexual Politics of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Joel Schwartz, The Sexual Politics of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980).From the publisher: Joel Schwartz presents the first systematic treatment of Rousseau’s understanding of the political importance of women, sexuality, and the family. Using both Rousseau’s lesser-known literary works and such major writings as… MoreA Rousseau Dictionary
- N.J.H. Dent, A Rousseau Dictionary (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992).From the publisher: The social, educational and political writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau have become enormously influential in the 200 years since his death. But the breadth as well as the depth of Rousseau’s achievement – he was amongst other… More“Rousseau and the Romantic Project” by Allan Bloom
- Bloom, Allan. “Rousseau and the Romantic Project.” In Love and Friendship, 341–368. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993.From the publisher: The author of The Closing of the American Mind argues that basic human connections–love and friendship–are withering away, asserting that humans’ impoverished feelings are rooted in an impoverished language of love.The Cambridge Companion to Rousseau
- The Cambridge Companion to Rousseau, Edited by Patrick Riley. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001).From the publisher: Rousseau, the great political theorist and philosopher of education, was an important forerunner of the French Revolution, though his thought was too nuanced and subtle ever to serve as mere ideology. This is the only volume that… MoreJean-Jacques Rousseau: A Friend of Virtue
- Joseph R. Reisert, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: A Friend of Virtue (Cornell University Press, 2003).From the publisher: Scholars have long debated the contribution Rousseau has made to political thought. Is he a theorist of radical individualism, a reactionary advocate for authoritarianism, or just a brilliantly paradoxical but ultimately incoherent… MorePerfection and Disharmony in the Thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Jonathan Marks, Perfection and Disharmony in the Thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).From the publisher: In Perfection and Disharmony in the Thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Jonathan Marks offers a new interpretation of the philosopher’s thought and its place in the contemporary debate between liberals and communitarians. Against… MoreA Reinterpretation of Rousseau: A Religious System
- Jeremiah Alberg, A Reinterpretation of Rousseau: A Religious System (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007).From the publisher: In this radical reinterpretation of Rousseau, Jeremiah Alberg reveals the neglected theological dimension of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s philosophy. Alberg shows how only Christianity can bring the coherence of Rousseau’s system to… MoreRousseau and l’Infâme: Religion, Toleration, and Fanaticism in the Age of Enlightenment
- John T. Scott and Ourida Mostefai (editors), Rousseau and l'Infâme: Religion, Toleration, and Fanaticism in the Age of Enlightenment (Amsterdam: Rodolphi Press, 2008).From the publisher: Ecrasez l’infâme! Voltaire’s rallying cry against fanaticism resonates with new force today. Nothing suggests the complex legacy of the Enlightenment more than the struggle of superstition, prejudice, and intolerance advocated… MoreRousseau’s Theodicy of Self-Love: Evil, Rationality, and the Drive for Recognition
- Frederick Neuhouser, Rousseau's Theodicy of Self-Love: Evil, Rationality, and the Drive for Recognition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).From the publisher: This book is the first comprehensive study of Rousseau’s rich and complex theory of the type of self-love (amour propre ) that, for him, marks the central difference between humans and the beasts. Amour propre is the passion that… More