Die fröhliche Wissenschaft, 1882. Recommended translations: Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Gay Science, with a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs. Translated by Walter Kaufmann. New York: Random House, 1974. Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Gay Science (The Joyful Wisdom). Translated by Thomas Common. New York: Macmillan Co., 1924.
1. Invitation
Take a chance and try my fare:
It will grow on you, I swear;
Soon it will taste good to you.
If by then you should want more,
All the things I’ve done before
Will inspire things quite new.
2. My Happiness
Since I grew tired of the chase
And search, I learned to find;
And since the wind blows in my face,
I sail with every wind.
Amazon (Recommended Translation)
Nietzsche Source (German, Free Access)
Internet Archive (Read Free Online)