“Nietzsche’s Honest Masks: From Truth to Nobility Beyond Good and Evil”

Kirkland, Paul E. “Nietzsche’s Honest Masks: From Truth to Nobility Beyond Good and Evil.” The Review of Politics 66, no. 04 (2004): 575–604.


“This article argues that Nietzsche uses a rhetorically modern appeal to enact the self-overcoming of modernity and the aim of enlightenment. It demonstrates how Nietzsche aims to move his readers from a prejudice in favor of truthfulness, by appearing to radicalize that aim, to a new measure of nobility. In contrast to some who present Nietzsche’s styles as the means to convey a dispersion of meanings, this article argues that, designs his writing to move his age. He adopts the prejudices of his time in “Beyond Good and Evil”, his mature “critique of modernity” in order to demonstrate the self-overcoming of those prejudices. Beyond merely questioning the value of truth, Nietzsche evaluates by the measure of psychological strength, and describes the character of nobility beyond good and evil and beyond truth and falsity.”
