
Rebecca R. Clark- Finding and Founding Liberty: Montesquieu’s Account of the Gothic Roots of Modern Political Liberty

- Rebecca R. Clark, "Finding and Founding Liberty: Montesquieu's Account of the Gothic Roots of Modern Political Liberty," at the John Marshall International Center for the Study of Statesmanship at the Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond, January 19, 2012.
Rebecca R. Clark presents “Finding and Founding Liberty: Montesquieu’s Account of the Gothic Roots of Modern Political Liberty” to the John Marshall International Center for the Study of Statesmanship at the Jepson School of Leadership… More

Iván Szelényi: Montesquieu

- Iván Szelényi, "Foundations of Modern Social Theory," Yale Open Courses, Fall 2009.
Professor Iván Szelényi’s lectures on Montesquieu from Yale’s “Foundations of Modern Social Theory,” available through Yale Open Courses. Fall 2009.