Major Works
Commentary on the Mishnah
- The Commentary on the Mishnah has not been translated into English in its entirety. However, there are translations of Maimonides' introduction to Pirqe Aboth called "The Eight Chapters." English translation of Eight Chapters, Introduction to Commentary on Avoth by Joseph Isaac Gorfinkle, New York: Columbia UP, 1912.Maimonides’ first major work sought to give a clear, accessible and practical explanation of Jewish Law as it is laid out in the Mishnah, the first and most authoritative systematization and reorganization of Jewish Law, probably completed around 200… More
Maimonides: a Biography
- Zeitlin, Solomon. Maimonides: a Biography. 2nd ed. New York, 1955.Biography on Moses MaimonidesMaimonides’ ‘Thirteen Principles’
-Hyman, Arthur. “Maimonides’ ‘Thirteen Principles’.” Jewish Medieval and Renaissance Studies. ed. Alexander Altmann: 119-44
on the Commentary on the MishnahA Maimonides Reader
- Twersky, Isadore. A Maimonides Reader (New York, 1972).On the Mishneh TorahAlfarabi’s Opinions of the Virtuous City and Maimonides’ Foundations of the Law
-Kraemer, Joel L. “Alfarabi’s Opinions of the Virtuous City and Maimonides’ Foundations of the Law.” Studia Orientalia Memoriae D. H. Baneth Dedicata. ed. J. Blau et al.:107-53.
On The Guide of the Perplexed and Commentary on the MishnahDogma in medieval Jewish thought: from Maimonides to Abravanel
-Kellner, Menachem. Dogma in medieval Jewish thought: from Maimonides to Abravanel. Oxford & New York, 1986.
on the Commentary on the MishnahThe Last Word in Jewish Theology? Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles
-Shapiro, Marc. “The Last Word in Jewish Theology? Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles.” The Torah u-Madda Journal 4 (1993): 187-242.
on the Commentary on the MishnahThe Limits of Orthodox Theology: Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles Reappraised
- Shapiro, Marc. The Limits of Orthodox Theology: Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles Reappraised. Oxford, UK & Portland, Or., 2004.on the Commentary on the MishnahLeo Strauss on Maimonides
-Strauss, Leo. Leo Strauss on Maimonides: The Complete Writings. Ed. Kenneth Hart Green. Chicago, U Chicago Press, 2013.