Major Works
Commentary on the Mishnah
- The Commentary on the Mishnah has not been translated into English in its entirety. However, there are translations of Maimonides' introduction to Pirqe Aboth called "The Eight Chapters." English translation of Eight Chapters, Introduction to Commentary on Avoth by Joseph Isaac Gorfinkle, New York: Columbia UP, 1912.Maimonides’ first major work sought to give a clear, accessible and practical explanation of Jewish Law as it is laid out in the Mishnah, the first and most authoritative systematization and reorganization of Jewish Law, probably completed around 200… MoreMishneh Torah
- The Mishneh Torah is published in the Yale Judaica series as a 14 volume set entitled The Code of Maimonides. A good place to start is with the second volume, which has been recently re-translated by Menachem Kellner, a noted scholar of Maimonides. Each Volume is listed individually under the category of the "Mishneh Torah".Mishneh Torah (1177) The Mishneh Torah is a 14-volume comprehensive compendium of Jewish Law, giving authoritative legal guidance on virtually every aspect of the Law, e.g., the foundations of the Law, ethical qualities, marriage and divorce law,… MoreGuide of the Perplexed
- Recommended translation: The Guide of the Perplexed. Translated with an introduction and notes by Shlomo Pines.With an introductory essay by Leo Strauss. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963. Originally composed in Arabic, in 1190.The Guide presents the Law and philosophy as espousing two different, even contradictory views of the world. The perplexity induced by these two different worldviews is Maimonides’ main subject in the Guide.
Other Works
Epistle to Yemen (1172)
- Recommended Translation: Trans. Joel Kraemer in Maimonides’ Empire of Light (Chicago: 2000), pp. 99-13Letters and Essays: Some important examplesLetter on Astrology (1194)
- Trans. Ralph Lerner in Maimonides’ Empire of Light (Chicago: 2000), pp. 178-187.Letters and Essays: Some important examples
Essays on Maimonides: An Octocentennial Volume
-Essays on Maimonides: An Octocentennial Volume, ed. Salo W. Baron. New York, 1941
Maimonides and Abrabanel on Prophecy
-Reines, Alvin J. Maimonides and Abrabanel on Prophecy. Cincinnati, 1970.
On The Guide of the PerplexedShmuel Ibn Tibbon’s Criticism of the Maimonidean Theory of Intellect
-Sermoneta, Giuseppe. “Shmuel Ibn Tibbon’s Criticism of the Maimonidean Theory of Intellect.” Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies. Jerusalem, 1972: 315-19.
On The Guide of the PerplexedA Portrait of Spinoza as a Maimonidean
-Harvey, Warren Ze’ev. “A Portrait of Spinoza as a Maimonidean.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (1981): 151-72.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides and Philosophy: Papers Presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter
-Maimonides and Philosophy: Papers Presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter. May, 1985. (Dordrecht, 1986) edited by Shlomo Pines and Yirmiyahu Yovel
Biblical Religion and Political Rationality in Simone Luzzatto, Maimonides and Spinoza
-Septimus, Bernard. “Biblical Religion and Political Rationality in Simone Luzzatto, Maimonides and Spinoza.” Jewish Thought in the Seventeenth Century. ed. Isadore Twersky and Bernard Septimus: 399-434.
On the Mishneh TorahProvidence as Consequent upon the Intellect: Maimonides’ Theory of Providence
-Raffel, Charles M. “Providence as Consequent upon the Intellect: Maimonides' Theory of Providence.” Association of Jewish Studies Review 12 (1987): 25-71.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides on Aristotle and Scientific Method
-Kraemer, Joel L. “Maimonides on Aristotle and Scientific Method.” Moses Maimonides and his Time. ed. E. L. Ormsby: 53-88.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMoses Maimonides and His Time
- Moses Maimonides and His Time. ed. E. Ormsby. Catholic University, Washington DC. 1989Maimonidean Studies Journal
- New York : Michael Scharf Publication Trust of Yeshiva University Press, 1990-Perspectives on Maimonides: Philosophical and Historical Studies
-Perspectives on Maimonides: Philosophical and Historical Studies. ed. Joel L. Kraemer Oxford, 1991.
Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought
-Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought. ed. Lenn Goodman. Albany : State University of New York Press, c1992
Maimonides on Metaphysical Knowledge
- Davidson, Herbert. “Maimonides on Metaphysical Knowledge.” Maimonidean Studies 3 (1992-93): 49-103.on The Guide of the PerplexedThe Erotics of Negative Theology: Maimonides on Apprehension
-Gordon, Peter Eli. “The Erotics of Negative Theology: Maimonides on Apprehension.” Jewish Studies Quarterly 2 (1995): 1-38.
on The Guide of the PerplexedThe True Perplexity: The Guide of the Perplexed, Part II, chapter 24
-Langermann, Y. Tzvi. “The True Perplexity: The Guide of the Perplexed, Part II, chapter 24.” Perspectives on Maimonides. ed. Joel L. Kraemer: 159-74.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ First Commandment, Physics, and Doubt
-Harvey, Warren Ze’ev. “Maimonides’ First Commandment, Physics, and Doubt.” Hazon Nahum: Studies in Jewish Law, Thought, and History Presented to Dr. Norman Lamm on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. ed. Yaakov Elman & Jeffrey S. Gurock: 149-162.
On the Mishneh TorahMaimonides’ Political Thought: Studies in Ethics, Law, and the Human Ideal
-Kreisel, Howard. Maimonides’ Political Thought: Studies in Ethics, Law, and the Human Ideal. Albany, N. Y., 1999.
On The Guide of the PerplexedDeus sive Natura —The Metamorphoses of a Dictum from Maimonides to Spinoza
-Idel, Moshe. “Deus sive Natura —The Metamorphoses of a Dictum from Maimonides to Spinoza.” Maimonides and the Sciences. ed. Robert S. Cohen and Hillel Levine: 87-110.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides and the Sciences
-Maimonides and the Sciences. ed. R. S. Cohen and H. Levine. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000
Prophecy: The History of an Idea in Medieval Jewish Philosophy
-Kreisel, Howard. Prophecy: The History of an Idea in Medieval Jewish Philosophy. Dordrecht, 2001.
On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Limitations of Human Knowledge by Shlomo Pines
-Pines, Shlomo. “The Limitations of Human Knowledge According to Al-Farabi, ibn Bajja, and Maimonides.” Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature. ed. I. Twersky. vol. 1: 82-109. 79
On The Guide of the PerplexedSome Thoughts on What Spinoza Learned from Maimonides about the Prophetic Imagination. Part 1. Maimonides on Prophecy and the Imagination. Part 2: Spinoza’s Maimonideanism
-Ravven, Heidi M. “Some Thoughts on What Spinoza Learned from Maimonides about the Prophetic Imagination. Part 1. Maimonides on Prophecy and the Imagination. Part 2: Spinoza's Maimonideanism.”Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2001): 193-214, 385-406.
On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Cambridge Companion to Maimonides
-The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides. Ed. Kenneth Seeskin. Cambridge University Press, Illinois, 2005
Maimonides’ God and Spinoza’s Deus sive Natura
- Fraenkel, Carlos. “Maimonides’ God and Spinoza’s Deus sive Natura.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (2006):169–215.on The Guide of the PerplexedThe Classic Jewish Philosophers
- Schweid, Eliezer, The Classic Jewish Philosophers: from Saadia through the Renaissance. Trans. L. Levin. Leiden and Boston, Brill Press, 2008.Maimonides’ critical epistemology and Guide 2:24
-Harvey, Warren Ze’ev “Maimonides' critical epistemology and Guide 2:24” Aleph (2008): 213-235.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides and His Heritage
-Maimonides and His Heritage. ed. Idit Dobbs-Weinstein, Lenn Goodman, and James Allen Grady, S U N Y press, Series in Jewish Philosophy, 2009
Maimonides the Rationalist
-Davidson, Herbert. Maimonides the Rationalist. Littman Library Of Jewish Civilization, 2011
Biography of Moses MaimonidesMaimonides and the Imagination by Aryeh Motzkin
- Motzkin, Aryeh Leo. “Maimonides and the Imagination.” In Aryeh Leo Motzkin, Philosophy and the Jewish Tradition, ed. Yehuda Halper. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2011: 37-50.On The Guide of the PerplexedOn the Limitations of Human Knowledge
-Motzkin, Aryeh Leo. “On the Limitations of Human Knowledge.” In Aryeh Leo Motzkin, Philosophy and the Jewish Tradition, ed. Yehuda Halper. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2011: 147-151.
On The Guide of the PerplexedShlomo Pines on Maimonides, Spinoza, and Kant
-Harvey, Warren Ze’ev. “Shlomo Pines on Maimonides, Spinoza, and Kant” Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 20 (2012): 173-182.
on The Guide of the PerplexedLeo Strauss on Maimonides
-Strauss, Leo. Leo Strauss on Maimonides: The Complete Writings. Ed. Kenneth Hart Green. Chicago, U Chicago Press, 2013.
Matter and Form of Maimonides’ Guide
- Stern, Josef. The Matter and Form of Maimonides' Guide. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2013.