Major Works
Commentary on the Mishnah
- The Commentary on the Mishnah has not been translated into English in its entirety. However, there are translations of Maimonides' introduction to Pirqe Aboth called "The Eight Chapters." English translation of Eight Chapters, Introduction to Commentary on Avoth by Joseph Isaac Gorfinkle, New York: Columbia UP, 1912.Maimonides’ first major work sought to give a clear, accessible and practical explanation of Jewish Law as it is laid out in the Mishnah, the first and most authoritative systematization and reorganization of Jewish Law, probably completed around 200… More
Maimonides as Chief Justice
-Goitein, S.D. “Maimonides as Chief Justice.” Jewish Quarterly Review 49 (1959): 191-204.
On the Mishneh TorahMaimonides’ Shemonah Peraqim and al-Farabi’s Fuṣūl al-Madanī
-Davidson, Herbert A. “Maimonides’ Shemonah Peraqim and al-Farabi’s Fuṣūl al-Madanī.” Proceedings of the American Academy of Jewish Research 31 (1963): 33-50. rprt. Essays in Medieval Jewish and Islamic Philosophy. ed. Arthur Hyman: 116-33.
on the Commentary on MishnahMaimonides’ ‘Thirteen Principles’
-Hyman, Arthur. “Maimonides’ ‘Thirteen Principles’.” Jewish Medieval and Renaissance Studies. ed. Alexander Altmann: 119-44
on the Commentary on the MishnahA Maimonides Reader
- Twersky, Isadore. A Maimonides Reader (New York, 1972).On the Mishneh TorahAlfarabi’s Opinions of the Virtuous City and Maimonides’ Foundations of the Law
-Kraemer, Joel L. “Alfarabi’s Opinions of the Virtuous City and Maimonides’ Foundations of the Law.” Studia Orientalia Memoriae D. H. Baneth Dedicata. ed. J. Blau et al.:107-53.
On The Guide of the Perplexed and Commentary on the MishnahThe Collected Works of Shlomo Pines
- Pines, Shlomo. The Collected Works of Shlomo Pines. 5 vols. Jerusalem, 1979.The Obligation of Talmud on Women According to Maimonides
- Harvey, Warren Ze’ev. “The Obligation of Talmud on Women According to Maimonides.” Tradition 19 (1981): 122-30.On the Mishneh Torah and on the Commentary on the MishnahDogma in medieval Jewish thought: from Maimonides to Abravanel
-Kellner, Menachem. Dogma in medieval Jewish thought: from Maimonides to Abravanel. Oxford & New York, 1986.
on the Commentary on the MishnahThe Treatment of Islam and Muslims in the legal writings of Maimonides
-Novak, David. “The Treatment of Islam and Muslims in the legal writings of Maimonides.” Studies in Islamic and Judaic Traditions. ed. W. Brinner and S. Ricks: 233-50.
On the Mishneh TorahMaimonides and Philosophy: Papers Presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter
-Maimonides and Philosophy: Papers Presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter. May, 1985. (Dordrecht, 1986) edited by Shlomo Pines and Yirmiyahu Yovel
Maimonidean Studies Journal
- New York : Michael Scharf Publication Trust of Yeshiva University Press, 1990-Maimonides’ Ethics: The Encounter of Philosophic and Religious Morality
- Weiss, Raymond L. Maimonides’ Ethics: The Encounter of Philosophic and Religious Morality. Chicago, 1991.On the Mishneh Torah, the Commentary on the Mishnah, and the Guide of the PerplexedThe Last Word in Jewish Theology? Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles
-Shapiro, Marc. “The Last Word in Jewish Theology? Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles.” The Torah u-Madda Journal 4 (1993): 187-242.
on the Commentary on the MishnahMoses Maimonides —Physician, Scientist, and Philosopher
- Moses Maimonides: Physician, Scientist, and Philosopher. ed. Samuel Kottek and Fred Rosner, Northvale, NJ. Jason Aronson Inc, 1993Maimonides on the “Decline of the Generations” and the Nature of Rabbinic Authority
-Kellner, Menachem. Maimonides on the “Decline of the Generations” and the Nature of Rabbinic Authority. Albany, N. Y., 1996.
On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Basis of Maimonides’ Concept of Halakhah
-Henshke, David. “The Basis of Maimonides’ Concept of Halakhah.” Hebrew LawAnnual 20 (1997): 103-149
On the Mishneh TorahThe Status of Islam in Maimonidean Halakhah
- Bildstein, Gerald. “The Status of Islam in Maimonidean Halakhah.” Multiculturalism in a Democratic and Jewish State. ed. Avi Sagi, Menachem Mautner, and Ronen Shamir: 465-476.On the Mishneh TorahMaimonidean Halakhah and Superstition
-Shapiro, Marc. “Maimonidean Halakhah and Superstition.” Maimonidean Studies 4 (2000): 61-108.
on the Commentary on the MishnahMaimonides and the Sciences
-Maimonides and the Sciences. ed. R. S. Cohen and H. Levine. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000
Prophecy: The History of an Idea in Medieval Jewish Philosophy
-Kreisel, Howard. Prophecy: The History of an Idea in Medieval Jewish Philosophy. Dordrecht, 2001.
On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Limits of Orthodox Theology: Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles Reappraised
- Shapiro, Marc. The Limits of Orthodox Theology: Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles Reappraised. Oxford, UK & Portland, Or., 2004.on the Commentary on the MishnahThe Cambridge Companion to Maimonides
-The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides. Ed. Kenneth Seeskin. Cambridge University Press, Illinois, 2005
The Classic Jewish Philosophers
- Schweid, Eliezer, The Classic Jewish Philosophers: from Saadia through the Renaissance. Trans. L. Levin. Leiden and Boston, Brill Press, 2008.Maimonides and His Heritage
-Maimonides and His Heritage. ed. Idit Dobbs-Weinstein, Lenn Goodman, and James Allen Grady, S U N Y press, Series in Jewish Philosophy, 2009
Maimonides: The Life and World of One of Civilization’s Greatest Minds
-Kraemer, Joel. Maimonides: The Life and World of One of Civilization's Greatest Minds. Doubleday, 2008/Random House 2010.
From the publisher: “This authoritative biography of Moses Maimonides, one of the most influential minds in all of human history, illuminates his life as a philosopher, physician, and lawgiver. A biography on a grand scale, it brilliantly explicates one… MoreMoses Maimonides: The Man and His Works
- Davidson, Herbert. Moses Maimonides: The Man and His Works. Oxford, 2010Biography of Moses Maimonides