Essays on Maimonides: An Octocentennial Volume
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Studies in Maimonides and Aquinas
- Studies in Maimonides and Aquinas. ed. Jacob I. Dienstag, Ktav Pub. House (1975)The Collected Works of Shlomo Pines
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- Roth, Norman. Maimonides: Essays and Texts, 850th anniversary. Madison, Wisc., 1985Maimonides and Philosophy: Papers Presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter
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Maimonides: a Collection Of Critical Essays
-Ivry, Alfred L. Maimonides: a Collection Of Critical Essays. ed. J. Buijs. Notre Dame, 1988.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMoses Maimonides and His Time
- Moses Maimonides and His Time. ed. E. Ormsby. Catholic University, Washington DC. 1989Maimonidean Studies Journal
- New York : Michael Scharf Publication Trust of Yeshiva University Press, 1990-Studies in Maimonides
- Studies in Maimonides. ed. Isadore Twersky. Cambridge Mass., 1990.Perspectives on Maimonides: Philosophical and Historical Studies
-Perspectives on Maimonides: Philosophical and Historical Studies. ed. Joel L. Kraemer Oxford, 1991.
The Thought of Moses Maimonides
-The Thought of Moses Maimonides. ed. Lawrence Kaplan, Ira Robinson, and Julien Bauer, Edwin Mellen Press,1991
Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought
-Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought. ed. Lenn Goodman. Albany : State University of New York Press, c1992
Moses Maimonides —Physician, Scientist, and Philosopher
- Moses Maimonides: Physician, Scientist, and Philosopher. ed. Samuel Kottek and Fred Rosner, Northvale, NJ. Jason Aronson Inc, 1993Maimonides and the Sciences
-Maimonides and the Sciences. ed. R. S. Cohen and H. Levine. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000
Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature
-Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature. ed. Isadore Twersky. 3 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1979-2000.
Me’ah She‘arim: Studies in Medieval Jewish Spiritual Life in Memory of Isadore Twersky
- Me’ah She‘arim: Studies in Medieval Jewish Spiritual Life in Memory of Isadore Twersky. ed. G. Blidstein. Jerusalem, Magnes Press, 2001. (Hebrew and English).The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy
- The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy. ed. Daniel H. Frank and Oliver Leaman. Cambridge, 2003.The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides
-The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides. Ed. Kenneth Seeskin. Cambridge University Press, Illinois, 2005
Maimonides after 800 Years: Essays on Maimonides and His Influence
-Maimonides after 800 Years: Essays on Maimonides and His Influence. ed. Jay M. Harris. Cambridge, Mass. & London. 2008.
Maimonides and His Heritage
-Maimonides and His Heritage. ed. Idit Dobbs-Weinstein, Lenn Goodman, and James Allen Grady, S U N Y press, Series in Jewish Philosophy, 2009
Leo Strauss on Maimonides
-Strauss, Leo. Leo Strauss on Maimonides: The Complete Writings. Ed. Kenneth Hart Green. Chicago, U Chicago Press, 2013.