Major Works
Commentary on the Mishnah
- The Commentary on the Mishnah has not been translated into English in its entirety. However, there are translations of Maimonides' introduction to Pirqe Aboth called "The Eight Chapters." English translation of Eight Chapters, Introduction to Commentary on Avoth by Joseph Isaac Gorfinkle, New York: Columbia UP, 1912.Maimonides’ first major work sought to give a clear, accessible and practical explanation of Jewish Law as it is laid out in the Mishnah, the first and most authoritative systematization and reorganization of Jewish Law, probably completed around 200… MoreMishneh Torah
- The Mishneh Torah is published in the Yale Judaica series as a 14 volume set entitled The Code of Maimonides. A good place to start is with the second volume, which has been recently re-translated by Menachem Kellner, a noted scholar of Maimonides. Each Volume is listed individually under the category of the "Mishneh Torah".Mishneh Torah (1177) The Mishneh Torah is a 14-volume comprehensive compendium of Jewish Law, giving authoritative legal guidance on virtually every aspect of the Law, e.g., the foundations of the Law, ethical qualities, marriage and divorce law,… MoreGuide of the Perplexed
- Recommended translation: The Guide of the Perplexed. Translated with an introduction and notes by Shlomo Pines.With an introductory essay by Leo Strauss. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963. Originally composed in Arabic, in 1190.The Guide presents the Law and philosophy as espousing two different, even contradictory views of the world. The perplexity induced by these two different worldviews is Maimonides’ main subject in the Guide.
Other Works
Extracts from Galen (Al-Mukhtaṣarāt )
- Art of Cure: Extracts from Galen. ed. and trans. Uriel S. Barzel; Bibliography by Jacob I. Dienstag. Haifa, 1992Medical writings (1190-1204)Commentary on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates
- Commentary on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates. English trans. Fred Rosner. Haifa: Maimonides Research Institute, 1987Medical writings (1190-1204)The Aphorisms of Moses (Fuṣūl Mūsā, Pirkei Moshe)
-A. Medical aphorisms: Treatises 1-5, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2004.
B. Medical aphorisms: Treatises 6-9, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2007
C. Medical aphorisms: Treatises 10-15, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2010
D. Medical aphorisms: Treatises 16-21, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2013Medical writings (1190-1204)On Hemorrhoids (Fī al-Bawāsīr )
- On Hemorrhoids, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos and Michael McVaugh, Provo, Utah, 2012Medical writings (1190-1204)On Sexual Intercourse (Fī al-Jimāʿa)
-Maimonides’ On Sexual Intercourse. Fī al-Jimāʿa. trans. Morris Gorlin. Brooklyn, 1961.
Medical writings (1190-1204)On Asthma (Fī al-Rabw) (1190)
-A. On Asthma: Volume 1, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2001
B. On Asthma: Volume 2: Critical Editions of Hebrew and Latin Translations, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos and Michael McVaugh. Provo, Utah, 2008
Medical writings (1190-1204)On Poisons and Their Antidotes (Kilāb al-Sumūm wa al-Mutaḥarriz min al-Adwiya al-Qitāla)
-Treatise on Poisons and their Antidotes. ed. Suessman Muntner. Philadelphia, 1966
Medical writings (1190-1204)Regimen of Health (Fī Tadbir al-Ṣiḥḥa ) (1198)
-Regimen of Health. trans. A. Bar-Sela, H. E. Hebbel, and E. Faris. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. New Series, 54 (1964): Part 4
Medical writings (1190-1204)Treatise on Rules Regarding the Practical Part of the Medical Art (Kitāb Qawānīn al-juz’ al-‘amalī min ṣinā‘a al-ṭibb)
- On Rules Regarding the Practical Part of the Medical Art, Arabic text with English translation, ed. Tzvi Langermann, trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2013Medical writings (1190-1204)Epistle to Yemen (1172)
- Recommended Translation: Trans. Joel Kraemer in Maimonides’ Empire of Light (Chicago: 2000), pp. 99-13Letters and Essays: Some important examplesTreatise on Resurrection (1191)
- Trans. Hillel Fradkin in Maimonides’ Empire of Light (Chicago: 2000), pp. 154-177.Letters and Essays: Some important examplesLetter on Astrology (1194)
- Trans. Ralph Lerner in Maimonides’ Empire of Light (Chicago: 2000), pp. 178-187.Letters and Essays: Some important examplesTreatise on Logic Makalah fi Sina’at al-Mantik, Millot ha-Higgayon
- This has not been translated from the original Arabic.Letters and Essays: Some important examplesTreatise on the Calendar (ma’amar ha-‘ibbur)
- This has not been translated from the original Arabic.Letters and Essays: Some important examplesBook of Commandments
- English list of Commandments (Internet Medieval Sourcebook, Fordham University): and Essays: Some important examplesOn the Cause of Symptoms (Maqāla Fī Bayān al-Aʿrāḍ )
- On the Causes of Symptoms, ed. and trans. J. O. Leibowitz and S. Marcus. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.Medical writings (1190-1204)
The Correspondence Between the Rabbis of southern France and Maimonides about Astrology
-Marx, Alexander. “The Correspondence Between the Rabbis of southern France and Maimonides about Astrology.” Hebrew Union College Annual 3 (1926): 311-57.
Philosophy and the Law
-Strauss, Leo. Philosophy and the Law, Tr. Eve Adler. Albany, 1995. Translation of Philosophie und Gesetz: Beiträge zum Verständnis Maimunis und seiner Vorläufer. Berlin, 1935.
on The Guide of the PerplexedThe Amphibolous Terms in Aristotle, Arabic Philosophy and Maimonides
-Wolfson, Harry Austryn. “The Amphibolous Terms in Aristotle, Arabic Philosophy and Maimonides.” Harvard Theological Review 31 (1938): 151-73. rprt. Studies in the History of Philosophy and Religion. ed. I. Twersky and G. H. Williams. vol. 1: 455-77.
on The Guide of the PerplexedThe Literary Character of The Guide for the Perplexed
-Strauss, Leo. “The Literary Character of The Guide for the Perplexed.” In Essays on Maimonides. Ed. S. W. Baron. New York, 1941: 37-91. rprt. Persecution and the Art of Writing: 38-94.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Treatise on Resurrection: a Comparative Study
-Finkel, J. “Maimonides’ Treatise on Ressurrection: a Comparative Study.” Essays on Maimonides. ed. S. W. Baron: 93-121
Essays on Maimonides: An Octocentennial Volume
-Essays on Maimonides: An Octocentennial Volume, ed. Salo W. Baron. New York, 1941
Maimonides’ Treatise on Resurrection, a Thirteenth-Century Forgery
-Teicher, Jacob L. “Maimonides’ Treatise on Resurrection, a Thirteenth-Century Forgery.” Melilah 1 (1944): 81-92.
Persecution and the Art of Writing
-Strauss, Leo. Persecution and the Art of Writing. Glencoe, Ill., 1952.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Statement on Political Science by Leo Strauss
-Strauss, Leo. “Maimonides’ Statement on Political Science.” Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 22 (1953):115-30. What Is Political Philosophy?
On The Guide of the Perplexed, the Mishneh Torah, and other works.Moses Maimonides, Physician and Scientist
-Macht, David S. “Moses Maimonides, Physician and Scientist.” Jews in the Arts and Sciences: Jubilee Volume of the Jewish Academy of Arts and Sciences. ed. Mordecai Soltes. New York, 1954: 107-19.
Biography on Moses MaimonidesMaimonides: a Biography
- Zeitlin, Solomon. Maimonides: a Biography. 2nd ed. New York, 1955.Biography on Moses MaimonidesMaimonides on Medical Practice
-Leibowitz, J. O. “Maimonides on Medical Practice.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 31 (1957): 309-17
Maimonides as Chief Justice
-Goitein, S.D. “Maimonides as Chief Justice.” Jewish Quarterly Review 49 (1959): 191-204.
On the Mishneh TorahWhat is Political Philosophy? And Other Studies
-Strauss, Leo. What is Political Philosophy? And Other Studies. Glencoe, Il., 1959.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Shemonah Peraqim and al-Farabi’s Fuṣūl al-Madanī
-Davidson, Herbert A. “Maimonides’ Shemonah Peraqim and al-Farabi’s Fuṣūl al-Madanī.” Proceedings of the American Academy of Jewish Research 31 (1963): 33-50. rprt. Essays in Medieval Jewish and Islamic Philosophy. ed. Arthur Hyman: 116-33.
on the Commentary on MishnahThe Beginnings of Mishneh Torah Criticism
-Twersky, Isadore. “The Beginnings of Mishneh Torah Criticism.” Biblical and Other Studies. ed. Alexander Altmann: 161-83.
On the Mishneh TorahTranslator’s Introduction: The Philosophical Sources of The Guide of the Perplexed
-Pines, Shlomo. “Translator’s Introduction: The Philosophical Sources of The Guide of the Perplexed.” The Guide of the Perplexed. Chicago, 1963: lviicxxxiv.
On The Guide of the PerplexedIsma’ili Theology and Maimonides’ Philosophy
-Ivry, Alfred L. “Isma’ili Theology and Maimonides’ Philosophy.” The Jews of Medieval Islam: Community, Society, and Identity. ed. D. Frank: 271-300. Izutsu, Toshihiko. Ethico-Religious Concepts in the Qur’Án. Montreal, 1966.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ ‘Thirteen Principles’
-Hyman, Arthur. “Maimonides’ ‘Thirteen Principles’.” Jewish Medieval and Renaissance Studies. ed. Alexander Altmann: 119-44
on the Commentary on the MishnahSome Non-Halakic Aspects of The Mishneh Torah
- Twersky, Isadore. “Some Non-Halakic Aspects of The Mishneh Torah.” Jewish Medieval and Renaissance Studies. ed. Alexander Altmann: 95-118.On the Mishneh TorahSpinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, Maimonides and Kant
-Pines, Shlomo. “Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, Maimonides and Kant.” Scripta Hierosolymitana 20 (1968): 3-54.
On The Guide of the PerplexedHow To Begin To Study The Guide of the Perplexed
-Strauss, Leo. “How To Begin To Study The Guide of the Perplexed.” Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed. trans. S. Pines: xi-lvi. rprt. Liberalism Ancient and Modern: 140-84.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Letter on Astrology
-Lerner, Ralph. “Maimonides’ Letter on Astrology.” History of Religions 8 (1968): 143-58.
A Re-examination of Maimonides’ ‘Statement on Political Science
-On Logic. Berman, L. “A Re-examination of Maimonides’ ‘Statement on Political Science.’” Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1969): 106-11.
Maimonides and Abrabanel on Prophecy
-Reines, Alvin J. Maimonides and Abrabanel on Prophecy. Cincinnati, 1970.
On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Revealed and the Concealed—Providence, Prophecy, Miracle and Creation in the Guide
-Kravitz, Leonard S. “The Revealed and the Concealed—Providence, Prophecy, Miracle and Creation in the Guide.” CCAR Yearbook 16 (1969): 2-30, and (1971): 59-62.
On The Guide of the PerplexedA Maimonides Reader
- Twersky, Isadore. A Maimonides Reader (New York, 1972).On the Mishneh TorahMaimonides and Aquinas on Natural Law
- Fox, Marvin. “Maimonides and Aquinas on Natural Law.” Dine Israel 3 (1972): v-xxxvi. rprt. Studies in Maimonides and Aquinas. ed. Jacob I. Dienstag: 75-106.on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides and Kabbalah
- Idel, Moshe. “Maimonides and Kabbalah.” Studies in Maimonides. ed. Isadore Twersky: 31-81.on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Concepts of Providence and Theodicy
-Reines, Alvin J. “Maimonides’ Concepts of Providence and Theodicy.” Hebrew Union College Annual 43 (1972): 169-205.
On The Guide of the PerplexedShmuel Ibn Tibbon’s Criticism of the Maimonidean Theory of Intellect
-Sermoneta, Giuseppe. “Shmuel Ibn Tibbon’s Criticism of the Maimonidean Theory of Intellect.” Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies. Jerusalem, 1972: 315-19.
On The Guide of the PerplexedStudies in the History of Philosophy and Religion
-Wolfson, Harry Austryn. Studies in the History of Philosophy and Religion. 2 vols. ed. I. Twersky and G. H. Williams. Cambridge, Mass., 1973.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides, the Disciple of al-Farabi
-Berman, L. “Maimonides, the Disciple of al-Farabi.” Israel Oriental Studies 4 (1974): 154-78
on The Guide of the PerplexedStudies in Maimonides and Aquinas
- Studies in Maimonides and Aquinas. ed. Jacob I. Dienstag, Ktav Pub. House (1975)The Structure of The Guide: Reflections Occasioned by L. Strauss and S. Rawidowicz
-Berman, L. “The Structure of The Guide: Reflections Occasioned by L. Strauss and S. Rawidowicz.” In vol. 3 of Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies, edited by Avigdor Shinan, 7-13. Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1977.
on The Guide of the PerplexedThe Mishneh Torah of Maimonides
- Twersky, Isadore. “The Mishneh Torah of Maimonides.” Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 5 (1971-79): 265-96.On the Mishneh TorahAlfarabi’s Opinions of the Virtuous City and Maimonides’ Foundations of the Law
-Kraemer, Joel L. “Alfarabi’s Opinions of the Virtuous City and Maimonides’ Foundations of the Law.” Studia Orientalia Memoriae D. H. Baneth Dedicata. ed. J. Blau et al.:107-53.
On The Guide of the Perplexed and Commentary on the MishnahGalen: Physician as Philosopher: Maimonides: Philosopher as Physician
-Lieber, Elinor. “Galen: Physician as Philosopher: Maimonides: Philosopher as Physician.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine. 53 (1979): 268-85.
The Collected Works of Shlomo Pines
- Pines, Shlomo. The Collected Works of Shlomo Pines. 5 vols. Jerusalem, 1979.Repercussions of the Kalam in Jewish Philosophy
- Wolfson, Harry Austryn. Repercussions of the Kalam in Jewish Philosophy. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1979.Moses Maimonides, Man of Action: a Revision of the Master’s Biography in Light of the Geniza Documents
- Goitein, S. D. “Moses Maimonides, Man of Action: a Revision of the Master’s Biography in Light of the Geniza Documents.” Hommage à Georges Vajda. ed. G. Nahon and Ch. Touati: 155-67.Biography of Moses MaimonidesIntroduction to the Code of Maimonides (Mishneh Torah)
- Twersky, Isadore. Introduction to the Code of Maimonides (Mishneh Torah). New Haven, 1980.On the Mishneh TorahMaimonides’ ‘Iggeret Ha-Shemad: Law and Rhetoric
-Soloveitchik, H. “Maimonides’ ‘Iggeret Ha-Shemad: Law and Rhetoric.” Joseph H. Lookstein Memorial Volume. New York, 1980.
The Obligation of Talmud on Women According to Maimonides
- Harvey, Warren Ze’ev. “The Obligation of Talmud on Women According to Maimonides.” Tradition 19 (1981): 122-30.On the Mishneh Torah and on the Commentary on the MishnahA Portrait of Spinoza as a Maimonidean
-Harvey, Warren Ze’ev. “A Portrait of Spinoza as a Maimonidean.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (1981): 151-72.
on The Guide of the PerplexedA Third Approach to Maimonides’ Cosmogony-Prophetology Puzzle
-Harvey, Warren Ze’ev. “A Third Approach to Maimonides' Cosmogony-Prophetology Puzzle.” The Harvard Theological Review 74 (1981): 287-301.
on The Guide of the PerplexedSamuel Ibn Tibbon and the Esoteric Character of The Guide of the Perplexed
-Ravitzky, Aviezer. “Samuel Ibn Tibbon and the Esoteric Character of The Guide of the Perplexed.” Association of Jewish Studies Review 6 (1981): 87-23.
On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Secrets of The Guide of the Perplexed: Between the Thirteenth and the Twentieth Centuries
-Ravitzky, Aviezer. “The Secrets of The Guide of the Perplexed: Between the Thirteenth and the Twentieth Centuries.” Studies in Maimonides. ed. Isadore Twersky: 159–207.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Fiction of Resurrection
-Kirschner, R.S. “Maimonides’ Fiction of Resurrection.” Hebrew Union College Annual 52 (1981): 163-93.
Maimonides: a Biography
- Heschel, A. J. Maimonides: a Biography. trans. from the 1935 German edition by Joachim Neugroschel. New York, 1982.Biography on Moses MaimonidesStudies in Jewish Law and Philosophy
-Twersky, Isadore. Studies in Jewish Law and Philosophy. New York, 1982.
On the Mishneh TorahMaimonides on Freedom and Language
-Faur, J. “Maimonides on Freedom and Language.” Helios 9 (1982): 73-95.
on The Guide of the PerplexedThe Astronomy of Maimonides and its Sources
-Neugebauer, Otto. “The Astronomy of Maimonides and its Sources.” Hebrew Union College Annual 22 (1949): 321-63. rprt. Neugebauer, Astronomy and History (New York, 1983.): 381-423.
On the Mishneh TorahNotes on Maimonides’ Book of Knowledge
-Strauss, Leo. “Notes on Maimonides’ Book of Knowledge.” In Studies in Mysticism and Religion presented to Gershom G. Scholem on his Seventieth Birthday by Pupils, Colleagues and Friends. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1967. Rprt. In Strauss, Leo. Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press 1983: 192-204.
On the Mishneh TorahFreedom and Linguistic Expression in Maimonides
-Faur, J. “Freedom and Linguistic Expression in Maimonides.” Semiotica 46 (1983): 61-77.
on The Guide of the PerplexedStudies in Platonic Political Philosophy
-Strauss, Leo. Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy. Chicago, 1983.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Treatise on Resurrection
- Lerner, Ralph . “Maimonides’ Treatise on Resurrection.” History of Religions 23 (1983): 140-55.Note on Maimonides’ Letter on Astrology
-Strauss, Leo. “Note on Maimonides’ Letter on Astrology". In Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press 1983: 205-7.
Note on Maimonides’ Treatise on the Art of Logic
- Strauss, Leo. “Note on Maimonides’ Treatise on the Art of Logic". In Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press 1983: 208-9.Some Notes to Twersky’s ‘Introduction to the Code of Maimonides’
-Weiss, Raymond L. “Some Notes to Twersky’s ‘Introduction to the Code of Maimonides.’” The Jewish Quarterly Review 74 (1983): 61-79.
On the Mishneh TorahChristian Hebraists and Dutch Rabbis: Seventeenth-Century Apologetics and the Study of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah
-Katchen, Aaron L. Christian Hebraists and Dutch Rabbis: Seventeenth-Century Apologetics and the Study of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah. Cambridge, Mass., 1984.
On the Mishneh TorahLiving in the Land of Israel According to Maimonides, ‘Laws of Kings V.9-12’
- Bildstein, Gerald. “Living in the Land of Israel According to Maimonides, ‘Laws of Kings V.9-12’.” Me’ah She‘arim: Studies in Medieval Jewish Spiritual Life in Memory of Isadore Twersky: ed. Gerald Blidstein et al.: 171-190On the Mishneh TorahA Short Note on the Possible Origin of the Title Moreh haNevukhim
- Giladi, Avner. “A Short Note on the Possible Origin of the Title Moreh haNevukhim.” Le Muséon 97 (1984): 159-61.on The Guide of the PerplexedThe Mathematical Writings of Maimonides
-Langermann, Y. Tzvi. “The Mathematical Writings of Maimonides.” Jewish Quarterly Review 75 (1984): 57-65.
The Laws of Kings, Wars, and the King Messiah According to Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah
-Vogelman-Goldfeld, Naomi. “The Laws of Kings, Wars, and the King Messiah According to Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah.” Sobre la Vida y Obra de Maimonides. ed. Jesus Pelaez del Rosal: 243-250.
On the Mishneh TorahMaimonides: Essays and Texts, 850th anniversary
- Roth, Norman. Maimonides: Essays and Texts, 850th anniversary. Madison, Wisc., 1985Dogma in medieval Jewish thought: from Maimonides to Abravanel
-Kellner, Menachem. Dogma in medieval Jewish thought: from Maimonides to Abravanel. Oxford & New York, 1986.
on the Commentary on the MishnahThe Treatment of Islam and Muslims in the legal writings of Maimonides
-Novak, David. “The Treatment of Islam and Muslims in the legal writings of Maimonides.” Studies in Islamic and Judaic Traditions. ed. W. Brinner and S. Ricks: 233-50.
On the Mishneh TorahMaimonides and Islam
- Hourani, George F. “Maimonides and Islam.” Studies in Islamic and Judaic Traditions. ed. W.M. Brinner & S.D. Ricks. Atlanta, 1986:153-65.on The Guide of the PerplexedSitre ‘Arayot in Maimonides’ Thought
-Idel, Moshe. “Sitre ‘Arayot in Maimonides’ Thought.” Maimonides and Philosophy. ed. S. Pines and Y.Yovel: 79-91.
on The Guide of the PerplexedIslamic and Greek Influences on Maimonides’ Philosophy
-Ivry, Alfred L. “Islamic and Greek Influences on Maimonides’ Philosophy” Maimonides and Philosophy. eds. S. Pines, Y. Yovel: 139-156
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides on Creation
-Ivry, Alfred L . “Maimonides on Creation.” Creation and the End of Days: Judaism and Scientific Cosmology. ed. D. Novak and N. Samuelson: 185-214.
on The Guide of the PerplexedExoteric Teaching
-Strauss, Leo. “Exoteric Teaching.” Ed. K. Green. Interpretation 14 (1986): 51-59. rprt. The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism: 63-71.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMoses Maimonides’ Treatise on Resurrection: An Inquiry into its Authenticity
-Vogelman-Goldfeld, Naomi. Moses Maimonides’ Treatise on Resurrection: An Inquiry into its Authenticity. New York, 1986.
Maimonides and Philosophy: Papers Presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter
-Maimonides and Philosophy: Papers Presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter. May, 1985. (Dordrecht, 1986) edited by Shlomo Pines and Yirmiyahu Yovel
Biblical Religion and Political Rationality in Simone Luzzatto, Maimonides and Spinoza
-Septimus, Bernard. “Biblical Religion and Political Rationality in Simone Luzzatto, Maimonides and Spinoza.” Jewish Thought in the Seventeenth Century. ed. Isadore Twersky and Bernard Septimus: 399-434.
On the Mishneh TorahMaimonides
- Lerner, Ralph. “Maimonides.” A History of Political Philosophy. ed. Joseph Cropsy and Leo Strauss. Chicago, 1963: 181-99. 2nd ed. Chicago, 1987: 203-22.Excerpt: “If one is to discuss the objects and character or law, one must proceed from an understanding of the beings for whose sake a law is made. Maimonides proceeds accordingly; in his Guide of the Perplexed, he examines the need for law before… MoreProvidence as Consequent upon the Intellect: Maimonides’ Theory of Providence
-Raffel, Charles M. “Providence as Consequent upon the Intellect: Maimonides' Theory of Providence.” Association of Jewish Studies Review 12 (1987): 25-71.
On The Guide of the PerplexedProvidence, Divine Omniscience and Possibility: The Case of Maimonides
-Ivry, Alfred L. “Providence, Divine Omniscience and Possibility: The Case of Maimonides.” Divine Omniscience and Omnipotence in Medieval Philosophy. ed. T. Rudavsky:143-159. rprt in Maimonides: a Collection of Critical Essays. ed. J. Buijs: 175-191.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides: a Collection Of Critical Essays
-Ivry, Alfred L. Maimonides: a Collection Of Critical Essays. ed. J. Buijs. Notre Dame, 1988.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides on the Creation of the World
-Ivry, A. L. “Maimonides on the Creation of the World.” Shlomo Pines Jubilee Volume. ed. M. Idel et al. vol. 2: 115-137.
on The Guide of the PerplexedThe Hidden Doctrine of Maimonides’ Guide for the Perplexed: Philosophical and Religious God-Language in Tension
-Kravitz, Leonard S. The Hidden Doctrine of Maimonides’ Guide for the Perplexed: Philosophical and Religious God-Language in Tension. Lewiston, N. Y., 1988.
On The Guide of the PerplexedWas Maimonides Influenced by Algazali?
-Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava. “Was Maimonides Influenced by Algazali?” Tehillah le-Moshe: Biblical and Judaic Studies in Honor of Moshe Greenberg, edited by B. L. Eichler and J. Tigay M. Cogan: 163-169.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides on Aristotle and Scientific Method
-Kraemer, Joel L. “Maimonides on Aristotle and Scientific Method.” Moses Maimonides and his Time. ed. E. L. Ormsby: 53-88.
On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism: an Introduction to the Thought of Leo Strauss: Essays and Lectures
-Strauss, Leo. The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism: an Introduction to the Thought of Leo Strauss: Essays and Lectures; selected and introduced by Thomas L. Pangle. Chicago, 1989.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMoses Maimonides and His Time
- Moses Maimonides and His Time. ed. E. Ormsby. Catholic University, Washington DC. 1989Maimonides on Human Perfection
-Kellner, Menachem. Maimonides on Human Perfection. Atlanta, Ga., 1990.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonidean Studies Journal
- New York : Michael Scharf Publication Trust of Yeshiva University Press, 1990-Studies in Maimonides
- Studies in Maimonides. ed. Isadore Twersky. Cambridge Mass., 1990.Maimonides’ Ethics: The Encounter of Philosophic and Religious Morality
- Weiss, Raymond L. Maimonides’ Ethics: The Encounter of Philosophic and Religious Morality. Chicago, 1991.On the Mishneh Torah, the Commentary on the Mishnah, and the Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides on Prophecy: A Commentary on Selected Chapters of the Guide of the Perplexed
-Bakan, David. Maimonides on Prophecy: A Commentary on Selected Chapters of the Guide of the Perplexed. Northvale, N. J., 1991.
on The Guide of the PerplexedLeo Strauss on Maimonides
-Ivry, Alfred L. “Leo Strauss on Maimonides.” Leo Strauss’s Thought. ed. Alan Udoff, 75-91. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1991.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides on Judaism and the Jewish People
-Kellner, Menachem. Maimonides on Judaism and the Jewish People. Albany, N. Y., 1991.45 – Also cite under Mishneh Torah.
On The Guide of the PerplexedTruth and Falsehood Versus Good and Evil: a Study in Jewish and General Philosophy in Connection with Guide of the Perplexed I,2
-Pines, Shlomo. “Truth and Falsehood Versus Good and Evil: a Study in Jewish and General Philosophy in Connection with Guide of the Perplexed I,2.” Studies in Maimonides. ed. Isadore Twersky. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1991. 95-157.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Doctrine of Creation
-Samuelson, Norbert. “Maimonides’ Doctrine of Creation.” Harvard Theological Review 84 (1991): 249-271.
On The Guide of the PerplexedAl-Farabi and Maimonides on the Christian Philosophical Tradition: A Re-evaluation
-Stroumsa, Sarah. “Al-Farabi and Maimonides on the Christian Philosophical Tradition: A Re-evaluation.” Der Islam 68 (1991): 263-287.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Repudiation of Astrology
-Langermann, Y. Tzvi. “Maimonides’ Repudiation of Astrology.” Maimonidean Studies 2 (1991): 123-158. rprt. Maimonides and the Sciences. ed. Robert S. Cohen and Hillel Levine: 131-158.
Perspectives on Maimonides: Philosophical and Historical Studies
-Perspectives on Maimonides: Philosophical and Historical Studies. ed. Joel L. Kraemer Oxford, 1991.
The Thought of Moses Maimonides
-The Thought of Moses Maimonides. ed. Lawrence Kaplan, Ira Robinson, and Julien Bauer, Edwin Mellen Press,1991
Elisha ben Abuyah and Muslim Heretics in Maimonides’ Writings
-Stroumsa, Sarah. “Elisha ben Abuyah and Muslim Heretics in Maimonides’ Writings.” Maimonidean Studies 3 (1992-93): 173-94.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Attitude to Magic and to Related Types of Thinking
-Safran, Bezalel. “Maimonides’ Attitude to Magic and to Related Types of Thinking.” Porat Yosef: Studies Presented to Rabbi Dr Joseph Safran: 92-110.
Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought
-Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought. ed. Lenn Goodman. Albany : State University of New York Press, c1992
The Last Word in Jewish Theology? Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles
-Shapiro, Marc. “The Last Word in Jewish Theology? Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles.” The Torah u-Madda Journal 4 (1993): 187-242.
on the Commentary on the MishnahMaimonides on Metaphysical Knowledge
- Davidson, Herbert. “Maimonides on Metaphysical Knowledge.” Maimonidean Studies 3 (1992-93): 49-103.on The Guide of the PerplexedJew and Philosopher: The Return to Maimonides in the Jewish Thought of Leo Strauss
- Green, Kenneth Hart. Jew and Philosopher: The Return to Maimonides in the Jewish Thought of Leo Strauss. Albany, N.Y., 1993.on The Guide of the PerplexedIs there an Early Stratum in the Guide of the Perplexed
-Kasher, Hannah. “Is there an Early Stratum in the Guide of the Perplexed?” Maimonidean Studies 3 (1992-1993): 105-129.
On The Guide of the PerplexedAvicenna and Maimonides on Immortality: A Comparative Study
-Schwartz, Dov. “Avicenna and Maimonides on Immortality: A Comparative Study.” Studies in Muslim-Jewish Relations. ed. Ronald L. Nettler: 185- 197.
On The Guide of the PerplexedWho Were Maimonides’ Mutakallimun? Some Remarks on Guide I.73 (part 1 and part 2)
- Schwarz, Michael. “Who Were Maimonides' Mutakallimun? Some Remarks on Guide I.73 (part 1 and part 2).” Maimonidean Studies 2 (1991): 159-209 and Maimonidean Studies 3 (1992-93): 143-172.On The Guide of the PerplexedAbortion and the Emergence of Human Life: Maimonides and the Judaic View
-Goodman, Lenn.“Abortion and the Emergence of Human Life: Maimonides and the Judaic View.” In Bits of Honey: Essays for Samson H, Levey, edited by F. Chyet: 163-190. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1993
Maimonides on the Synochous Fever
- Langermann, Y. Tzvi. “Maimonides on the Synochous Fever.” Israel Oriental Studies 13 (1993): 175-198.Moses Maimonides the Physician
-Lieber, Elinor. “Moses Maimonides the Physician.” The Medical Works of Maimonides: a Reappraisal. ed. Fred Rosner and Samuel S. Kottek:13-24.
Maimonides’ Letter to Obadiah: An Analysis
-Lorberbaum, Menachem. “Maimonides’ Letter to Obadiah: An Analysis.” S’vara 3 (1993): 57-66.
Al-Farabi and Maimonides on Medicine as a Science
-Stroumsa, Sarah. “Al-Farabi and Maimonides on Medicine as a Science.”Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 3 (1993): 235-49.
Moses Maimonides —Physician, Scientist, and Philosopher
- Moses Maimonides: Physician, Scientist, and Philosopher. ed. Samuel Kottek and Fred Rosner, Northvale, NJ. Jason Aronson Inc, 1993Interpreting Maimonides: Studies in Methodology, Metaphysics, and Moral Philosophy
-Fox, Marvin . Interpreting Maimonides: Studies in Methodology, Metaphysics, and Moral Philosophy. Chicago, 1994.
on The Guide of the PerplexedSelf-Cognizing Intellect and Negative Attributes in Maimonides’ Theology
-Kasher, Hannah. “Self-Cognizing Intellect and Negative Attributes in Maimonides' Theology.” The Harvard Theological Review 87 (1994): 461-472
On The Guide of the PerplexedPolitics and Perfection: Gersonides vs. Maimonides
-Kellner, Menachem. “Politics and Perfection: Gersonides vs. Maimonides.” Jewish Political Studies Review (1994): 49-82.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Approach to Astrology
-Kreisel, Howard. “Maimonides' Approach to Astrology.” Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies 2 (1994): 25-32.
On The Guide of the Perplexed and on Other WorksBible Interpretation as Exhibited in the First Book of Maimonides’ Code
- Greenberg, Moshe. “Bible Interpretation as Exhibited in the First Book of Maimonides’ Code.” Studies in the Bible and Jewish Thought: 421-45.On the Mishneh TorahThe Erotics of Negative Theology: Maimonides on Apprehension
-Gordon, Peter Eli. “The Erotics of Negative Theology: Maimonides on Apprehension.” Jewish Studies Quarterly 2 (1995): 1-38.
on The Guide of the PerplexedTwelfth Century Concepts of Soul and Body: The Maimonidean Controversy in Baghdad
-Stroumsa, Sarah. “Twelfth Century Concepts of Soul and Body: The Maimonidean Controversy in Baghdad.” In Self, Soul, and Body in Religious Experience, edited by J Assmann Alfred Baumgarten, G Stroumsa, 313-334.
on The Guide of the PerplexedSix Unpublished Maimonides Letters from the Cairo Genizah
- Kraemer, Joel “Six Unpublished Maimonides Letters from the Cairo Genizah.” Maimonidean Studies. vol. 2: 61-94.Euthanasia
-Rosner, Fred. “Euthanasia.” Contemporary Jewish Ethics and Morality. ed. Elliot N. Dorff & Louis E. Newman: 350-62.
Maimonides in the Sultan’s Palace by Steven Harvey
-Harvey, Steven. “Maimonides in the Sultan’s Palace.” Perspectives on Maimonides: Philosophical and Historical Studies. ed. Joel L. Kraemer: 47-75. The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 1997.
A biography of Moses MaimonidesMaimonides on the “Decline of the Generations” and the Nature of Rabbinic Authority
-Kellner, Menachem. Maimonides on the “Decline of the Generations” and the Nature of Rabbinic Authority. Albany, N. Y., 1996.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides on the Philosophic Sciences in his Treatise on the Art of Logic
-Kraemer, Joel. “Maimonides on the Philosophic Sciences in his Treatise on the Art of Logic.” Perspectives on Maimonides. ed. Joel L. Kraemer: 77-104.
The Basis of Maimonides’ Concept of Halakhah
-Henshke, David. “The Basis of Maimonides’ Concept of Halakhah.” Hebrew LawAnnual 20 (1997): 103-149
On the Mishneh TorahMedicine in the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides
- Rosner, Fred. Medicine in the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides. Northvale, N. J., 1997.On the Mishneh TorahMaimonides and Eretz Israel: Halakhic, Philosophic, and Historical Perspectives
- Twersky, Isadore. “Maimonides and Eretz Israel: Halakhic, Philosophic, and Historical Perspectives.” Perspectives on Maimonides. ed. Joel L. Kraemer: 257-290.On the Mishneh TorahMaimonides: Nature, History, and Messianic Beliefs
-Funkenstein, Amos. Maimonides: Nature, History, and Messianic Beliefs. Tel Aviv, 1997.
on The Guide of the PerplexedThe Meaning of Terms Designating Love in Judaeo-Arabic Thought and Some Remarks on the Judaeo-Arabic Interpretation of Maimonides
- Harvey, Steven. “The Meaning of Terms Designating Love in Judaeo-Arabic Thought and Some Remarks on the Judaeo-Arabic Interpretation of Maimonides.” Judaeo-Arabic Studies. ed. Norman Golb. Amsterdam, 1997: 175-196.on The Guide of the PerplexedNeoplatonic Currents in Maimonides’ Thought
-Ivry, Alfred L. “Neoplatonic Currents in Maimonides’ Thought” Perspectives on Maimonides. ed. Joel L. Kraemer:115-40.
on The Guide of the PerplexedThe True Perplexity: The Guide of the Perplexed, Part II, chapter 24
-Langermann, Y. Tzvi. “The True Perplexity: The Guide of the Perplexed, Part II, chapter 24.” Perspectives on Maimonides. ed. Joel L. Kraemer: 159-74.
On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Fall and Rise of Myth in Ritual: Maimonides vs Nahmanides on the Huqqim, Astrology, and the War Against Idolatry
-Stern, Josef. “The Fall and Rise of Myth in Ritual: Maimonides vs Nahmanides on the Huqqim, Astrology, and the War Against Idolatry.” Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 6 (1997): 185-263.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMoses Maimonides
-Goodman, Lenn. “Moses Maimonides.” Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London & New York, 1998. vol. 6: 39-49.
Biography of Moses MaimonidesMaimonides’ Putative Position as Official Head of the Egyptian Jewish Community
-Davidson, Herbert. “Maimonides’ Putative Position as Official Head of the Egyptian Jewish Community.” Hazon Nahum: Studies Presented to Dr Norman Lamm in Honor of His Seventieth Birthday. ed. Yaakov Elman and Jeffrey S. Gurock:115-28.
Biography of Moses MaimonidesMaimonides’ First Commandment, Physics, and Doubt
-Harvey, Warren Ze’ev. “Maimonides’ First Commandment, Physics, and Doubt.” Hazon Nahum: Studies in Jewish Law, Thought, and History Presented to Dr. Norman Lamm on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. ed. Yaakov Elman & Jeffrey S. Gurock: 149-162.
On the Mishneh TorahAbulafia’s Secrets of the Guide: a Linguistic Turn
-Idel, Moshe. “Abulafia’s Secrets of the Guide: a Linguistic Turn.” Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 4 (1998): 495-528.
on The Guide of the PerplexedProblems and Parables of Law: Maimonides and Nahmanides on Reasons for the Commandments (Ta‘amei ha-Mitzvot)
- Stern, Josef. Problems and Parables of Law: Maimonides and Nahmanides on Reasons for the Commandments (Ta‘amei ha-Mitzvot). Albany, N. Y., 1998.on The Guide of the PerplexedTrue Felicity: Paradise in the Thought of Avicenna and Maimonides
-Stroumsa, Sarah. “True Felicity: Paradise in the Thought of Avicenna and Maimonides.” Medieval Encounters 4 (1998): 51-77.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ View of Happiness: Philosophy, Myth, and the Transcendence of History
-Tirosh-Samuelson, Hava. “Maimonides’ View of Happiness: Philosophy, Myth, and the Transcendence of History.” Jewish History and Jewish Memory: Essays in Honor of Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi. ed. John Efron et al.: 189- 213.
on The Guide of the PerplexedThe Medical Legacy of Moses Maimonides
- Rosner, Fred. The Medical Legacy of Moses Maimonides. Hoboken, N. J., 1998.Medical Encyclopedia of Moses Maimonides
- Rosner, Fred. Medical Encyclopedia of Moses Maimonides. Northvale, N. J. 1998.The Status of Islam in Maimonidean Halakhah
- Bildstein, Gerald. “The Status of Islam in Maimonidean Halakhah.” Multiculturalism in a Democratic and Jewish State. ed. Avi Sagi, Menachem Mautner, and Ronen Shamir: 465-476.On the Mishneh TorahHomo Mysticus: a Guide to Maimonides’ Guide for the Perplexed
- Faur, J . Homo Mysticus: a Guide to Maimonides’ Guide for the Perplexed. Syracuse, 1999.on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Political Thought: Studies in Ethics, Law, and the Human Ideal
-Kreisel, Howard. Maimonides’ Political Thought: Studies in Ethics, Law, and the Human Ideal. Albany, N. Y., 1999.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides and Astronomy: Some Further Reflections
-Langermann, Y. Tzvi. “Maimonides and Astronomy: Some Further Reflections.” The Jews and the Sciences in the Middle Ages, IV, 1-26.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonidean Halakhah and Superstition
-Shapiro, Marc. “Maimonidean Halakhah and Superstition.” Maimonidean Studies 4 (2000): 61-108.
on the Commentary on the MishnahReflections on the Place of the Mishneh Torah in the Tradition of the Medieval Encyclopedia
- Kanarfogel, Ephraim. “Reflections on the Place of the Mishneh Torah in the Tradition of the Medieval Encyclopedia.” The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedia of Science and Philosophy. ed. S. Harvey: 123-139.On the Mishneh TorahAspects of Maimonides’ Epistemology: Halakhah and Science
- Twersky, Isadore. “Aspects of Maimonides’ Epistemology: Halakhah and Science.” Maimonides and the Sciences. ed. Robert S. Cohen and Hillel Levine: 227-243.On the Mishneh TorahAn Averroist Solution to a Maimonidean Perplexity
- Feldman, Seymour. “An Averroist Solution to a Maimonidean Perplexity.” Maimondean Studies 4 (2000): 15-30.on The Guide of the PerplexedOn Maimonides’ Allegorical Reading of Scripture
-Harvey, Warren Ze’ev. “On Maimonides’ Allegorical Reading of Scripture.” Interpretation and Allegory: Antiquity to the Modern Period. Ed. John Whitman. Brill, 2000: 181-188.
on The Guide of the PerplexedDeus sive Natura —The Metamorphoses of a Dictum from Maimonides to Spinoza
-Idel, Moshe. “Deus sive Natura —The Metamorphoses of a Dictum from Maimonides to Spinoza.” Maimonides and the Sciences. ed. Robert S. Cohen and Hillel Levine: 87-110.
on The Guide of the PerplexedOn Maimonides’ Messianic Posture
-Kraemer, Joel L. “On Maimonides’ Messianic Posture.” Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature. ed. I. Twersky. vol. 2:109-42. (ALSO under Mishneh Torah)
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides and the Spanish Aristotelian School
-Kraemer, Joel L. “Maimonides and the Spanish Aristotelian School.” Christians, Muslims, and Jews in Medieval and Early Modern Spain. ed. M. D. Meyerson and E. D. English: 40-68.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Use of (Aristotelian) Dialectic
- Kraemer, Joel L. “Maimonides’ Use of (Aristotelian) Dialectic.” Maimonides and the Sciences. ed. Robert S. Cohen and Hillel Levine: 111-130.On The Guide of the PerplexedThe ‘Seventh Cause’: On Contradictions in Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed
-Lorberboim, Yair. “The ‘Seventh Cause’: On Contradictions in Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed.” Tarbiz 69 (2000): 211-237
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides on Language and the Science of Language
-Stern, Josef. “Maimonides on Language and the Science of Language.” Maimonides and the Sciences. ed. Robert S. Cohen and Hillel Levine:173- 226.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMoses ibn Maimon’s Responsa
-Benayahu, M. “Moses ibn Maimon’s Responsa.” Studies in Memory of the Rishon Le-Zion R. Yitzhak Nissim. Part 2
Maimonides the Medical Humanist
- Lieber, Elinor. “Maimonides the Medical Humanist.” Maimonidean Studies 4 (2000): 39-60.Medicine versus Religion in the Works of Maimonides
-Lieber, Elinor. “Medicine versus Religion in the Works of Maimonides.” Oriente Moderno 19 (2000): 577-590.
Maimonides and the Sciences
-Maimonides and the Sciences. ed. R. S. Cohen and H. Levine. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000
Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature
-Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature. ed. Isadore Twersky. 3 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1979-2000.
Maimonides’ Empire of Light: Popular Enlightenment in an Age of Belief
-Lerner, Ralph. Maimonides’ Empire of Light: Popular Enlightenment in an Age of Belief. Chicago, 2000.
What Did Maimonides Mean by Madda’?
- Septimus, Bernard. “What Did Maimonides Mean by Madda’?” Me’ah She‘arim: Studies in Medieval Jewish Spiritual Life in Memory of Isadore Twersky. ed. G. Blidstein et al.: 83-110.On the Mishneh TorahMaimonides’ Secret Position on Creation
-Davidson, Herbert. “Maimonides’ Secret Position on Creation.” Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature. ed. Isadore Twersky. vol. 1: 16-40.
on The Guide of the PerplexedThe Authenticity of Works Attributed to Maimonides
-Davidson, Herbert. “The Authenticity of Works Attributed to Maimonides.” Me’ah She‘arim: Studies in Medieval Jewish Sp
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides
-Kraemer, Joel L. “Maimonides.” Judaism in Practice. ed. L. Fine: 413-28.
On The Guide of the PerplexedNaturalism and Universalism in Maimonides’ Political and Religious Thought
- Kraemer, Joel L. “Naturalism and Universalism in Maimonides’ Political and Religious Thought.” Me’ah She‘arim: Studies in Medieval Jewish Spiritual Life in Memory of Isadore Twersky. ed. G. Blidstein et al.: 47-81.On The Guide of the PerplexedProphecy: The History of an Idea in Medieval Jewish Philosophy
-Kreisel, Howard. Prophecy: The History of an Idea in Medieval Jewish Philosophy. Dordrecht, 2001.
On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Limitations of Human Knowledge by Shlomo Pines
-Pines, Shlomo. “The Limitations of Human Knowledge According to Al-Farabi, ibn Bajja, and Maimonides.” Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature. ed. I. Twersky. vol. 1: 82-109. 79
On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Garden of Eden: Spinoza’s Maimonidean Account of the Geneology of Morals and the Origin of Society
-Ravven, Heidi M. “The Garden of Eden: Spinoza’s Maimonidean Account of the Geneology of Morals and the Origin of Society.” Philosophy and Theology 13 (2001): 3-51.
On The Guide of the PerplexedSome Thoughts on What Spinoza Learned from Maimonides about the Prophetic Imagination. Part 1. Maimonides on Prophecy and the Imagination. Part 2: Spinoza’s Maimonideanism
-Ravven, Heidi M. “Some Thoughts on What Spinoza Learned from Maimonides about the Prophetic Imagination. Part 1. Maimonides on Prophecy and the Imagination. Part 2: Spinoza's Maimonideanism.”Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2001): 193-214, 385-406.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Demonstrations: Principles and Practice
-Stern, Josef. “Maimonides’ Demonstrations: Principles and Practice.” Medieval Philosophy and Theology 10 (2001): 47-84.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Opposition to Astrology: Critical Survey and Neoplatonic Response
-Pessin, Sarah. “Maimonides’ Opposition to Astrology: Critical Survey and Neoplatonic Response.” Al-Masaq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean 13 (2001): 25-41.
Ravings’: Maimonides’ Concept of Pseudo-Science
-Stroumsa, Sarah. “‘Ravings’: Maimonides’ Concept of Pseudo-Science.” Aleph 1 (2001): 141-63.
Me’ah She‘arim: Studies in Medieval Jewish Spiritual Life in Memory of Isadore Twersky
- Me’ah She‘arim: Studies in Medieval Jewish Spiritual Life in Memory of Isadore Twersky. ed. G. Blidstein. Jerusalem, Magnes Press, 2001. (Hebrew and English).Maimonides and the Hermeneutics of Concealment
- James Diamond, Maimonides and the Hermeneutics of Concealment: Deciphering Scripture and Midrash in the Guide of the Perplexed , SUNY Press, Albany, N.Y. –Jewish Philosophy Series. February, 2002From the publisher: Maimonides and the Hermeneutics of Concealment demonstrates the type of hermeneutic that the medieval Jewish philosopher Moses Maimonides (1138-1204) engaged in throughout his treatise, The Guide of the Perplexed. By comprehensively… MoreEsoteric Knowledge and the Vulgar: Parallels Between Newton and Maimonides
- Faur, J. “Esoteric Knowledge and the Vulgar: Parallels Between Newton and Maimonides.” Trumah 12 (2002): 183-191.on The Guide of the PerplexedAsceticism in the Thought of R. Bahya Ibn Paquda and Maimonides
-Kreisel, Howard. “Asceticism in the Thought of R. Bahya Ibn Paquda and Maimonides.” Da‘at 21 (2002): 5-22.
On The Guide of the PerplexedCriticism of Authority in the Writings of Moses Maimonides and Fakhr al-Din al-Razi
-Langermann, Y. Tzvi. “Criticism of Authority in the Writings of Moses Maimonides and Fakhr al-Din al-Razi.” Early Science and Medicine 7 (2002): 255-275.
On The Guide of the PerplexedOn Contradictions, Rationality, Dialectics, and Esotericism in Maimonides’s Guide of the Perplexed
-Lorberboim, Yair. “On Contradictions, Rationality, Dialectics, and Esotericism in Maimonides’s Guide of the Perplexed.” Review of Metaphysics 55 (2002): 95-134.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides on Divine Knowledge—Moses of Narbonne’s Averroist Reading
-Manekin, Charles. “Maimonides on Divine Knowledge—Moses of Narbonne's Averroist Reading.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 76 (2002): 51-74.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMatter, Metaphor, and Private Pointing: Maimonides on the Complexity of Human Being
-Pessin, Sarah. “Matter, Metaphor, and Private Pointing: Maimonides on the Complexity of Human Being.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 76 (2002): 75-88.
On The Guide of the PerplexedDivine Attributes as Moral Ideals in Maimonides’ Theology
-Samuelson, Norbert. “Divine Attributes as Moral Ideals in Maimonides’ Theology.” The Thought of Maimonides: Philosophical and Legal Studies: ed. Lawrence Kaplan, Julien Bauer,and Ira Robinson: 69-76.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonidean Scholarship At The End Of The Century
-Samuelson, Norbert. “Maimonidean Scholarship At The End Of The Century.” Association of Jewish Studies Review 26 (2002): 93-107.
On The Guide of the PerplexedSanctity and Silence: The Religious Significance of Maimonides’ Negative Theology
-Seeskin, Kenneth. “Sanctity and Silence: The Religious Significance of Maimonides’ Negative Theology.”American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 76 (2002): 7-24
On The Guide of the PerplexedMore on the Arabic Sources of Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed
-Shifman, Yair. “More on the Arabic Sources of Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed.” The Intertwined Worlds of Islam: Essays in Memory of Hava Lazarus-Yafeh: 566-582
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides and the Sciences
-Langermann, Y. Tzvi. “Maimonides and the Sciences.” The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy. ed. Daniel H. Frank and Oliver Leaman: 157-175.
On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy
- The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy. ed. Daniel H. Frank and Oliver Leaman. Cambridge, 2003.The Limits of Orthodox Theology: Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles Reappraised
- Shapiro, Marc. The Limits of Orthodox Theology: Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles Reappraised. Oxford, UK & Portland, Or., 2004.on the Commentary on the MishnahMaimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed and the Kabbalah
-Idel, Moshe. “Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed and the Kabbalah.” Jewish History 18 (2004): 197-226.
on The Guide of the PerplexedThe Place of the Doctrine of Providence according to Maimonides
-Strauss, Leo. “The Place of the Doctrine of Providence according to Maimonides.” Tr. G. Bartlett and S. Minkov. The Review of Metaphysics 57 (2004): 537-549.
on The Guide of the PerplexedQueries on Astrology Sent from Southern France to Maimonides: Critical Edition of the Hebrew Text, Translation, and Commentary
-Sela, Shlomo. “Queries on Astrology Sent from Southern France to Maimonides: Critical Edition of the Hebrew Text, Translation, and Commentary.” Aleph 4 (2004): 89-190.
On Maimonides
- Manekin, Charles. On Maimonides. Belmont, Calif. & London, 2005.On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Influence of Islamic Thought on Maimonides
-Pessin, Sarah. “The Influence of Islamic Thought on Maimonides.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides on the Origin of the World
-Seeskin, Kenneth. Maimonides on the Origin of the World. New York, 2005.
On The Guide of the PerplexedThe Cambridge Companion to Maimonides
-The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides. Ed. Kenneth Seeskin. Cambridge University Press, Illinois, 2005
Maimonides’ God and Spinoza’s Deus sive Natura
- Fraenkel, Carlos. “Maimonides’ God and Spinoza’s Deus sive Natura.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (2006):169–215.on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides’ Confrontation with Mysticism
-Kellner, Menachem. Maimonides’ Confrontation with Mysticism. Oxford & Portland, Or., 2006.
On The Guide of the PerplexedWorship, Corporeality and Human Perfection: a Reading of The Guide of the Perplexed III.5 1–54
- Shatz, David. “Worship, Corporeality and Human Perfection: a Reading of The Guide of the Perplexed III.5 1–54.” The Thought of Moses Maimonides: Philosophical and Legal Studies (Studies in the History of Philosophy, vol. 17). ed. Lawrence Kaplan, Julien Bauer, and Ira Robinson: 77-129.on The Guide of the PerplexedConcealment and Revelation: Esotericism in Jewish Thought and its Philosophical Implications
- Halbertal, M. Concealment and Revelation: Esotericism in Jewish Thought and its Philosophical Implications. trans. Jackie Feldman. Princeton, N. J., 2007.on The Guide of the PerplexedConverts, Heretics and Lepers: Maimonides and the Outsider
- James Diamond, Converts, Heretics and Lepers: Maimonides and the Outsider, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2007From the publisher: James Diamond’s new book consists of a series of studies addressing Moses Maimonides’ (1138–1204) appropriation of marginal figures—lepers, converts, heretics, and others—normally considered on the fringes of society and… MoreThe Classic Jewish Philosophers
- Schweid, Eliezer, The Classic Jewish Philosophers: from Saadia through the Renaissance. Trans. L. Levin. Leiden and Boston, Brill Press, 2008.Maimonides’ critical epistemology and Guide 2:24
-Harvey, Warren Ze’ev “Maimonides' critical epistemology and Guide 2:24” Aleph (2008): 213-235.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides after 800 Years: Essays on Maimonides and His Influence
-Maimonides after 800 Years: Essays on Maimonides and His Influence. ed. Jay M. Harris. Cambridge, Mass. & London. 2008.
Maimonides and His Heritage
-Maimonides and His Heritage. ed. Idit Dobbs-Weinstein, Lenn Goodman, and James Allen Grady, S U N Y press, Series in Jewish Philosophy, 2009
Maimonides: The Life and World of One of Civilization’s Greatest Minds
-Kraemer, Joel. Maimonides: The Life and World of One of Civilization's Greatest Minds. Doubleday, 2008/Random House 2010.
From the publisher: “This authoritative biography of Moses Maimonides, one of the most influential minds in all of human history, illuminates his life as a philosopher, physician, and lawgiver. A biography on a grand scale, it brilliantly explicates one… MoreMoses Maimonides: The Man and His Works
- Davidson, Herbert. Moses Maimonides: The Man and His Works. Oxford, 2010Biography of Moses MaimonidesMaimonides in his World: Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker
-Stroumsa, Sarah. Maimonides in his World: Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011.
Biography on Moses MaimonidesMaimonides the Rationalist
-Davidson, Herbert. Maimonides the Rationalist. Littman Library Of Jewish Civilization, 2011
Biography of Moses MaimonidesMaimonides and the Imagination by Aryeh Motzkin
- Motzkin, Aryeh Leo. “Maimonides and the Imagination.” In Aryeh Leo Motzkin, Philosophy and the Jewish Tradition, ed. Yehuda Halper. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2011: 37-50.On The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides and Spinoza on Good and Evil
- Motzkin, Aryeh Leo. “Maimonides and Spinoza on Good and Evil.” In Aryeh Leo Motzkin, Philosophy and the Jewish Tradition, ed. Yehuda Halper. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2011: 83-104.On The Guide of the PerplexedOn the Interpretation of Maimonides: The Cases of Samuel David Luzzatto and Ahad Ha‘am
- Motzkin, Aryeh Leo. “On the Interpretation of Maimonides: The Cases of Samuel David Luzzatto and Ahad Ha‘am.” In Aryeh Leo Motzkin, Philosophy and the Jewish Tradition, ed. Yehuda Halper. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2011: 125-142.On The Guide of the PerplexedOn the Limitations of Human Knowledge
-Motzkin, Aryeh Leo. “On the Limitations of Human Knowledge.” In Aryeh Leo Motzkin, Philosophy and the Jewish Tradition, ed. Yehuda Halper. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2011: 147-151.
On The Guide of the PerplexedTorah as Political Philosophy
- Edward Halper, “Torah as Political Philosophy: Maimonides and Spinoza on Divine Law,” in Judaic Sources and Western Thought: Jerusalem's Enduring Presence, edited by Jonathan Jacobs, pp. 190-214. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.Shlomo Pines on Maimonides, Spinoza, and Kant
-Harvey, Warren Ze’ev. “Shlomo Pines on Maimonides, Spinoza, and Kant” Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 20 (2012): 173-182.
on The Guide of the PerplexedLeo Strauss on Maimonides
-Strauss, Leo. Leo Strauss on Maimonides: The Complete Writings. Ed. Kenneth Hart Green. Chicago, U Chicago Press, 2013.
Maimonides on Knowledge of Good and Evil: The Guide of the Perplexed 1 2
- Burger, Ronna. "Maimonides on Knowledge of Good and Evil: The Guide of the Perplexed 1 2", ed. Pangle, Thomas and Lomax, Harvey in Political Philosophy Cross-Examined: Perennial Challenges to the Philosophic Life (Recovering Political Philosophy), Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2013.on The Guide of the PerplexedMatter and Form of Maimonides’ Guide
- Stern, Josef. The Matter and Form of Maimonides' Guide. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2013.Leo Strauss and the Rediscovery of Maimonides
-Green, Kenneth Hart. Leo Strauss and the Rediscovery of Maimonides. Chicago, 2013.
on The Guide of the PerplexedMaimonides and the shaping of the Jewish Canon
- Diamond, James, Maimonides and the Shaping of the Jewish Canon, Cambridge, 2014.In this work, James A. Diamond of the University of Waterloo addresses how Maimonides became part of the Jewish “canon.” From the publisher: Jewish thought since the Middle Ages can be regarded as a sustained dialogue with Moses Maimonides,… More
Leo Strauss Lecture on Maimonides
- Taken from the Leo Strauss Center at Univerity of Chicago, also published in "Leo Strauss on Maimonides: the Complete Writings," ed. Kenneth Hart Green.A lecture on Maimonides given by Leo Strauss at the Hillel Foundation at the University of Chicago on February 7, 1960.The Unbinding of Isaac
- "The Unbinding of Isaac," Lecturer: Josef Stern, William H. Colvin, Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Chicago, Shandong University in Jinan, China, 2012Lecture on Maimonides’ notes about Isaac and AbrahamMeasure for Measure: How Rambam Read the Rabbis and How Rabbis Read Rambam, Menahem Kellner