A. On Asthma: Volume 1, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2001
B. On Asthma: Volume 2: Critical Editions of Hebrew and Latin Translations, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos and Michael McVaugh. Provo, Utah, 2008
A. On Asthma: Volume 1, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2001
B. On Asthma: Volume 2: Critical Editions of Hebrew and Latin Translations, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos and Michael McVaugh. Provo, Utah, 2008
Maimonides’ On Sexual Intercourse. Fī al-Jimāʿa. trans. Morris Gorlin. Brooklyn, 1961.
On Hemorrhoids, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos and Michael McVaugh, Provo, Utah, 2012
A. Medical aphorisms: Treatises 1-5, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2004.
B. Medical aphorisms: Treatises 6-9, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2007
C. Medical aphorisms: Treatises 10-15, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2010
D. Medical aphorisms: Treatises 16-21, Arabic text with English translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2013Commentary on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates. English trans. Fred Rosner. Haifa: Maimonides Research Institute, 1987
Art of Cure: Extracts from Galen. ed. and trans. Uriel S. Barzel; Bibliography by Jacob I. Dienstag. Haifa, 1992
Schweid, Eliezer, The Classic Jewish Philosophers: from Saadia through the Renaissance. Trans. L. Levin. Leiden and Boston, Brill Press, 2008.
Sela, Shlomo. “Queries on Astrology Sent from Southern France to Maimonides: Critical Edition of the Hebrew Text, Translation, and Commentary.” Aleph 4 (2004): 89-190.
Stroumsa, Sarah. “‘Ravings’: Maimonides’ Concept of Pseudo-Science.” Aleph 1 (2001): 141-63.
Pessin, Sarah. “Maimonides’ Opposition to Astrology: Critical Survey and Neoplatonic Response.” Al-Masaq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean 13 (2001): 25-41.