Twersky, Isadore. “Aspects of Maimonides’ Epistemology: Halakhah and Science.” Maimonides and the Sciences. ed. Robert S. Cohen and Hillel Levine: 227-243.
Mishneh Torah
Reflections on the Place of the Mishneh Torah in the Tradition of the Medieval Encyclopedia
Kanarfogel, Ephraim. “Reflections on the Place of the Mishneh Torah in the Tradition of the Medieval Encyclopedia.” The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedia of Science and Philosophy. ed. S. Harvey: 123-139.
The Status of Islam in Maimonidean Halakhah
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Maimonides’ First Commandment, Physics, and Doubt
Harvey, Warren Ze’ev. “Maimonides’ First Commandment, Physics, and Doubt.” Hazon Nahum: Studies in Jewish Law, Thought, and History Presented to Dr. Norman Lamm on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. ed. Yaakov Elman & Jeffrey S. Gurock: 149-162.
Maimonides and Eretz Israel: Halakhic, Philosophic, and Historical Perspectives
Twersky, Isadore. “Maimonides and Eretz Israel: Halakhic, Philosophic, and Historical Perspectives.” Perspectives on Maimonides. ed. Joel L. Kraemer: 257-290.
Medicine in the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides
Rosner, Fred. Medicine in the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides. Northvale, N. J., 1997.
The Basis of Maimonides’ Concept of Halakhah
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Twelfth Century Concepts of Soul and Body: The Maimonidean Controversy in Baghdad
Stroumsa, Sarah. “Twelfth Century Concepts of Soul and Body: The Maimonidean Controversy in Baghdad.” In Self, Soul, and Body in Religious Experience, edited by J Assmann Alfred Baumgarten, G Stroumsa, 313-334.
Bible Interpretation as Exhibited in the First Book of Maimonides’ Code
Greenberg, Moshe. “Bible Interpretation as Exhibited in the First Book of Maimonides’ Code.” Studies in the Bible and Jewish Thought: 421-45.
Maimonides’ Ethics: The Encounter of Philosophic and Religious Morality
Weiss, Raymond L. Maimonides’ Ethics: The Encounter of Philosophic and Religious Morality. Chicago, 1991.