Kant: A Biography

Kuehn, Manfred, Kant: A Biography, Cambridge University Press, 2001.


“Immanuel Kant died  On February 12, 1804, at 11 AM, less than 2 months before his 80th birthday. Though he was still famous, German thinkers were engaged in trying to get “eon” his critical philosophy. He had become almost irrelevant. His last contribution to the philosophical discussion had been made almost 5 years earlier. This was the open “Declaration Regarding Fichte’s Wissencheaftshlehre”   of August 7, 1799. In it, he had stated clearly his conviction that’s all the more recent philosophical developments had little to do with his own critical philosophy, that “Fichte’s Theory of Science  was a totally indefensible system,” and that he was very much “opposed to metaphysics as defined by Fichte.”  urging philosophers not to go “beyond” his critical philosophy, but to take it seriously not only has his own last word, but also as the final word on  metaphysical questions in general, he, in effect, took leave of the philosophical scene. Nothing more, certainly nothing different was to be expected from him. German philosophy, and with it the philosophy of Europe as a whole, was taking a course that he could not appreciate yet these developments had little to do with the dying man. Some said he had outlived his time, but he no longer took any interest in them.”
