Other Works
Thomas Hobbes’ Translations of Homer: The Iliad and the Odyssey [1673-1676]
- Oxford University Press, 2008 (Eric Nelson, ed.)Hobbes translated the Iliad and the Odyssey in the 1670s; it was his last major undertaking. This volume, edited by Eric Nelson, is extensively annotated, marking places in which Hobbes alters the poems to align more closely with his own views. Nelson… More
Translation of Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War [1629]
- Chicago University Press, 1989 (David Grene, ed.)Hobbes published a translation of Thucydides’s History of the Peloponnesian War in 1628, long before publishing his own work on political philosophy. The translation has long been considered a masterful rendering of the ancient Greek and a work of art in… More
The Correspondence of Thomas Hobbes, Volume 2 (1660-1679)
- Oxford University Press, 1998 (Noel Malcolm, ed.)This volume includes correspondence with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Christiaan Huygens, Cosimo de’Medici, King Charles II, John Aubrey, Anthony Wood, William Crooke, François du Verdus, and Samuel Sorbière. In this edition by Noel Malcolm, the letters… More
The Correspondence of Thomas Hobbes, Volume 1 (1622-1659)
- Oxford University Press, 1994 (Noel Malcom, ed.)This volume includes correspondence with members of the Cavendish family, René Descartes, Marin Mersenne, Sir Kenelm Digby, Henry Stubbe, and Samuel Sorbière. In this edition by Noel Malcolm, the letters are presented in their original languages and… More
Reason of State, Propaganda, and the Thirty Years’ War: An Unknown Translation by Thomas Hobbes
- Oxford University Press, 2010 (Noel Malcolm, ed.)In this volume, Noel Malcolm presents his recent discovery of a manuscript translation, in Hobbes’s handwriting, of a propaganda pamphlet written to support the Habsburgs in the Thirty Years’ War. Malcolm introduces and contextualizes this work with… More
Three Discourses: A Critical Modern Edition of Newly Identified Work of the Young Hobbes
- University of Chicago Press, 1997 (Noel B. Reynolds and Arlene W. Saxonhouse, eds.)Hobbes may have been the author of the three essays printed here (“A Discourse Upon the Beginning of Tacitus,” “A Discourse of Rome,” and “A Discourse of Laws”), which, together with twelve other pieces, were published… More
The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
- Published by J. Bohn, and by Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1839-1845 (11 volumes, Sir William Molesworth, ed.)This is the most comprehensive edition of Hobbes’s English works. It was published over the course of six years in 11 volumes. A comparable edition of Hobbes’s works in Latin, also edited by Sir William Molesworth, is listed below. An updated edition… More