McKnight, S. The Religious Foundations of Francis Bacon’s Thought. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, 2005.
Publisher’s Review: “In this important study, Stephen A. McKnight investigates the relation of Francis Bacon’s religious views to his “instauration,” or program for reforming and advancing learning in order to bring “relief to man’s estate.” McKnight provides close textual analyses of eight of Bacon’s texts in order to establish the religious themes and motifs that pervade his writings from 1603 to 1626. Such analysis is necessary because there are so many contradictory interpretations of the same key texts and because prevailing scholarship often ignores Bacon’s religious ideas or dismisses them as part of the cultural images that Bacon supposedly manipulated to conceal or disguise his modern, secular, materialistic, and rationalistic views.
McKnight begins with the New Atlantis because it offers the fullest articulation of Bacon’s vision of instauration and because the principal religious themes in Bacon’s writings are all contained within it. Next, he turns to The Great Instauration and The New Organon to show the centrality of religious concepts in two of Bacon’s major philosophical works. He then examines five of Bacon’s early published and unpublished works, including The Advancement of Learning and Wisdom of the Ancients, to demonstrate that religious imagery and biblical themes permeate Bacon’s program of reform from the outset.