“Thinking Nietzsche Through and Leo Strauss’ Recovery of Classical Political Philosophy”

Baldwin, Christopher.  "Thinking Nietzsche Through and Leo Strauss' Recovery of Classical Political Philosophy."  Klesis-Revue 19 (2011).


“Leo Strauss is best and rightfully known for his recovery and defense of classical

political philosophy. As a young man, however, Strauss was fascinated and persuaded by
the thought of Nietzsche, a trenchant critic of the thought Strauss would come to defend.1
Moreover, as a mature thinker Strauss placed a careful study of Nietzsche‘s Beyond Good
and Evil at the heart of his final work, Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy. Thus we
see a lifelong engagement and confrontation with Nietzsche‘s thought on Strauss‘s part.
What, though, is the nature of this engagement and confrontation? Did the early Strauss, an
admirer of Nietzsche simply become, as the later Strauss, a critic of Nietzsche and defender
of classical political philosophy? Or, as Laurence Lampert has persuasively argued, is the
relationship between Nietzsche and Strauss more complex and subtle?”

Revue Klesis [pdf]